

  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    I have both - the chocolate and the regular. I ordered on Amazon -they are the least expensive place to order it.
    I put it on ice cream and in yogurt or sour cream - it's quite good! Great if you've got a peanut butter jones and don't want to ingest the 22 g of fat in a serving ...
  • HurricaneLindsay
    HurricaneLindsay Posts: 39 Member
    There are other brands of powdered peanut butter too, one at Trader Joe's, but I haven't tried them.

    I dont' really like PB2 on it's own as a substitute for peanut butter, but I love it for it's convenience factor in peanut sauce or stir frys ... no microwaving the peanut butter to get it to sorta mix with the other liquids!
  • GymBeast2
    GymBeast2 Posts: 81
    go to www.bellplantation.com and you can order it direct from them

  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I shop at King Soopers (Kroger chain - City Market, Payless are also part of that chain) and they carry it. It has become a staple in my diet as I love peanut butter and it contains much less sugar, fat and calories than your standard Jif or Peter Pan. One serving is 2T of powder, which makes up to about a T of peanut butter. This is just enough to enjoy with an apple or banana or on half an English muffin. You can also cook or bake with it - adding the peanut butter flavor without adding all of the fat, sugar and calories. It is more expensive per serving than regular peanut butter.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    I'm another one that doesn't care for it reconstituted and used as actual peanut butter, but I use it for tons of things to add peanut butter flavor without all the calories and fat: stir fry noodles, protein shakes, yogurt, etc.

    I even made a hot drink with it once, mixed with sugar free hot chocolate, but I don't recommend that on a regular basis. It's not quite as good as it sounds.
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    I found it at my local GNC. I won't be buying it there again because it was WAY overpriced, but it was worth it to try it out. Now that I know I :heart: it, I'll buy it online cause even if I don't find a free shipping offer, I can get more for my money. I paid $6.99 for ONE 6.5oz container at GNC and on Vitacost.com 1LB is $7.99
  • The makers of PB@ have a ton of recipes on their website, I love it for a peanut dipping sauce and definitely add it to my greek yogurt for additional flavor with a little stevia to sweeten the whole thing up. I am not tempted to mix it and eat it by the spoonful like I am regular PB so I find it to be a better option to have in the house since I will use it in a healthier way (to go with chicken as a dip, in greek yogurt for protein etc).

    I got mine from Amazon and will likely order my refill from there as well as I haven't seen it around otherwise.
  • kayjaycee9
    kayjaycee9 Posts: 18 Member
    I LOVE IT!!! I am actually eating it now with my apple. I've also spread it on a rice cake with strawberries and bananas. My husband's trainer had turned him on to it and I have not used regular pb since.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I absolutely love peanut butter, so I don't use PB2 as an ALTERNATIVE to peanut butter, but like other people on here have said, I use it for an enhancer in other bland foods like protein shakes or my morning oats. and it is YUMMY.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    We use it in our smoothies/protein shakes to change the flavor up now and then.

    At HEB, they sell it by the protein shakes in the Health Foods department. Other grocery stores should have it in the same spot or may keep it near the peanut butter.
  • dalehall64
    dalehall64 Posts: 290 Member
    It's part of my morning pre-workout snack. The wife and I both use it everyday.
    She has the regular, I like the chocolate.
    Going to start adding it to my ShakeO now that Ireado about someone doing that.. Thanks!!
    We get ours at Kroger.