My body is rebelling!

After 3 months of daily exercise and calorie counting my body is still refusing to even start giving up the 21lbs of excess weight it is carrying. Now, as an additional rebellion, my knee has swollen up!! No pain (yet!) but a general ache around the back - of course now I have the dilemma of " Do I go for my planned 4 mile walk/run this evening or not?"!!!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    how much exercise do you do, and how many calories do you eat?
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    After 3 months of daily exercise and calorie counting my body is still refusing to even start giving up the 21lbs of excess weight it is carrying. Now, as an additional rebellion, my knee has swollen up!! No pain (yet!) but a general ache around the back - of course now I have the dilemma of " Do I go for my planned 4 mile walk/run this evening or not?"!!!

    Please don't walk or run on a swollen knee!!! That's asking for trouble.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Please be careful when it comes to knees.. I damaged mine few years back..12 weeks in full cast is so not fun. I am still trying to lose the weight from then and have problems with it all the time.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Are you tracking measurements too? Sometimes weight doesn't change when your body is changing. Do your clothes fit better? Do you feel better? Try to look for something positive to keep you motivated.
  • ipiddock
    ipiddock Posts: 97 Member
    Lay off the knee. Don't exercise if it's swollen.

    If you are not loosing weight then you need to take a closer look at your intake versus output, i.e. calories in and calories burned. Work out your BMR/TDEE and consume less. You will loose weight. Make sure you count EVERYTHING, sauces, juices, sweets, etc. Weigh everything to be sure.
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks guys - I have a high pain threshold and just wondered whether, if the knee doesn't hurt but is slightly swollen whether it's still best to rest? I went for a cross country run on Saturday (4.5 miles) and think I could have strained it slipping on the mud!

    As far as why Ive not had a result - no idea. I've tracked everything every day (excluding day before yesterday which was my first night out this year and I couldn't be bothered!) and do a variety of cardio and weight routines. Had blood tests and there's no medical reason so I'll just keep plodding along and enjoy being able to run further than my husband for the firs time ever!

  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    R.I.C.E. = Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

    Go easy on your knee. If it's swollen or bothering you, let it rest so it can heal. I got a knee injury a few years back and the resulting issues limit what exercises I can do. Take care of your knees or you could do real damage!

    As for why you're not losing weight, an open diary would probably be helpful to see.
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks Sooze - knee isn't bothering me at all but def slightly bigger!

    I know I should have paid attention to the hundreds of other posters asking this do I open my diary?
  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
    No the walk/hike today. Your body is communicating with you and you should probably listen to what it is telling you... Besides, better to listen now than be in a cast for 12 weeks like the PP commented.
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    How long have you been 'stalled' for and how do you judge that?
    I'm just wondering if its the case that you may be losing weight but daily water fluctuations are making it hard for you to detect a longer term trend... I users hackers diet online toolset to mitigate that and to not lose faith when the weight goes back up every so often (water)
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    lol at me. I just reread your post and you say you started 3 months ago, and you havent seen any noticeable scale change.
    It could simply be a sign to reassess you caloric needs, and experiment with lowering them slightly. It could be that you were just at maintenance this last 3 month. If you werent starving yourself this is likely the case.
  • jnzema
    jnzema Posts: 24
    After my first eight pounds off my weight and my measurements have stayed the same for the past two months. Despite that my old clothes are slowly starting to fit me well again, and the stuff I've bought recently is now to loose. So even if it's hard to measure progress is there.

    And past that, I can now run down the whole street without feeling to tired to move or winded, and that feels good whether I look the same or not.

    Past that, in October I hurt my foot, and didn't think to much of it at first because I couldn't find a "cause" and it didn't hurt that bad, kept doing my regular workouts, and after a month it completely kicked me in the *kitten*. Now five months later I'm still nursing it. Prevention is soooo much better!
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Thanks Sooze - knee isn't bothering me at all but def slightly bigger!

    I know I should have paid attention to the hundreds of other posters asking this do I open my diary?

    How is a good question, I almost forgot where they put that setting!

    Go to FOOD, then under food, go to SETTINGS, and after Nutrients Tracked and Meal Names, there's DIARY SHARING. Making it public allows anyone to see it so it is not limited to yourself or your friends. :)
  • blobby10
    blobby10 Posts: 357 Member
    Thank you :-) x