I can't help but to be concerned...

And it may be nothing, but lately- especially this week, I have been worried about my weigh in. I usually work out 7 days a week, and I missed one week. I also went over my fat and sodium once this week as well. My weigh in is Saturday, and I really want to be positive and see a great loss this week. I feel like I'm getting to the point of obsessiveness. Like yesterday, i posted about my inlaws taking us to Benihana's and I'm having a huge anxiety about that too.... how can I do this without being so paranoid that I'm going to fail?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Worse case you have a bad week, there is always next week and another chance to get back on track
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    if you've stayed on track with your calories, your weight loss may not be what you want but the scale should have budged but I don't want to guarantee that... and like jrich1 said, worst case scenario, you pick up where you left off from before and get back on track.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Although it is important to be diligent to get to your personal goals . . . you have to live to . . . to still be able to go out with family and friends and enjoy yourself. You can do all of those things, just ask for no salt, omit any bread or bun, have salad on the side with the dressing on the side, drink only water . . . there are a lot of things you can do to minimize the caloric and sodium intake.
    It sounds like you are a lot like me . . . way too hard on yourself! Give yourself permission to go out and enjoy yourself on occassion. it actually helps to motivate you the remainder of the week to work that much harder.

    My brother in law is in town for a few days and we have plans with him tonight. I asked my husband if he could come here to share our dinner of chicken breasts and steamed broccoli but as soon as I heard myself I started to laugh. We haven't seen him for a while since he lives quite far away I could certainly bend my rule and go out for dinner for a change because I know what to ask for, and what to ask be omitted from my dinner. it won't be as low in calories as my home cooked meal, but I can certainly minimize the damage as much as possible and drink a gallon of water too!

    I've worked hard over the last number of weeks so darn it . . . I deserve a nice night out with someone else doing the cooking for a change!

    You have already lost 10 lbs . . . sounds to me like that is the oposite of failing!
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    Its ok girl don't sweat it, haha. You will do fine and if you don't then next week is another. Just drink lots of water when you take more sodium than usual and you should be ok :wink:
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Aww, I know it can be kind of overpowering sometimes! But try not to let it get to you. Keep in mind that every day is just a step on the journey. If you overindulge at your favorite restaurant or eat too much sodium or plateau for a while or WHATEVER, it doesn't mean you're back to square one. Beginning each day with commitment to the big picture in your heart GUARANTEES you will not fail!

    Be kind and understanding with yourself :flowerforyou: -
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    You aren't getting anywhere by worrying about it :) Choose to just let it (the obsessive thinking) go.

    I had a week that I felt was really off - eating out everyday, no time for exercise, but on weigh in day, I found I had lost 3 pounds. I was shocked. I think my body needed a little bit of a break, and it let go of some pounds.

    If that doesn't happen this week, that's ok. There is always next week.
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Oh bless your heart! It is something that I think we all are going through in one form or another! Try not to even consider failure. This is a jouney or an adventure however you want to look at it. I had an epiphany this morning. There is an old country song that pops in my head ALL the time and I have no idea why but it is about a mom singing to her daughter about changes. It says life's all about change and nothing ever stays the same. I started thinking about all the things that have happened in my life that has caused changes, some life altering, some minor, some major and I have adapted to each of them whether I wanted to or not. So this (lifestyle change)is the same thing only it is all about ME! No kids, no husband, no job but me! What started this thought process was how I miss my night time HOT showers. I've taken showers at night my whole life then I started thinking about how each time I had a child I had to adapt, certain parts of my job, kids starting a new babysitter or new school (adapt), new job (adapt), new husband (BIG ADAPT), loss of mother (ANOTHER BIG ADAAPT) so consider all this. You are adapting your life to help YOU, as long as you stay focused (not obsessive) you won't fail. (may have some bad days, may even have weeks where the scales go up a bit but it will come back off as long as you stick to it) I have confidence in you! You can do it! Don't stress yourself out, that isn't what this adventure is all about! Here's to a GREAT DAY!
  • badrianne
    badrianne Posts: 101
    I am having this same problem. Waiting to hear other's responses. I don't have much to lose and after one month in, I think I have hit a plateau.
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I do feel like I am hard on myself... but sometimes I need to be... thanks for ur comments! I'll keep them all in mind! And I do stay under my cals each day... My weigh in is tomorrow morning... so I'll let ya know! :)
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Worse case you have a bad week, there is always next week and another chance to get back on track

    I agree with this! I understand where you are coming from too though. I'd have to say that quite a few of us are in the same situation, myself included. It's just that we work so hard that we don't want to "give in" and "mess up" the work we've done....BUT as stated before me....you have to live! Don't be so hard on yourself. You do need breaks sometimes (I have to remind myself of that too!!) and lots of times...they actually help! The worrying is just as bad as not eating right. So let it go. It is what it is, but it's not the end! Keep going....you'll be fine!
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    Cut yourself a little bit of slack :) We can't all be Mr/Ms perfect all the time you'll be fine! Relax.
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I do feel like I am hard on myself... but sometimes I need to be... thanks for ur comments! I'll keep them all in mind! And I do stay under my cals each day... My weigh in is tomorrow morning... so I'll let ya know! :)
    Good luck on the weigh-in!
  • apples2apples
    One bad week/day is not the end of the world. We've all been there. Make sure to eat healthy the rest of the week and try to work out; but if you slip up, no big deal! Hang in there.
  • jeniam
    jeniam Posts: 13
    Just remember this weight-loss, get healthy thing is a Marathon, not Sprint! Regardless of the bumps in the road along the way, you just have to keep running. The main goal is to make it to the finish line, not how pretty or graceful we looked while running!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Maybe redefining what success and failure for you are would help. Is failure not losing weight every week? That might be a hard goal--and to be honest, it's a little out of your control--your body will trick you sometimes. Make measurable goals--"I will drink this much water a day. I will spend this many minutes exercising. I will enjoy myself at dinner but will push the bread basket away. " Then, regardless of whether the weight goes down that week, you can feel good about haveing still met you goals, and the weight will come off as it does. I know it's frusterating when you want to see the weight drop and it doesn't--or eeek! even creeps up a little! A long-term solution needs to be flexible enough to work in your everyday life--which includes going out to restaurants, etc. Plan ahead for times that are "stressful" around making good food choices, and remember, that this is a journey...one day, one week does not ruin it. If it did--we'd all be failures!