Soda addiction

FrenchCanuck Posts: 60 Member
edited January 18 in Food and Nutrition
I have a soda addiction. More specifically, Pepsi.

It's so hard to get off the stuff. It's like a strong addictive drug that keeps me hooked. If I don't get one each day, I turn into one of those poor people with drug addiction peoblems in the tv show Intervention on A&E. When I crave a pepsi and have none at home, I start having serious withdrawl symptoms. I get anxious, stressed and my mood changes into a snappy frustrated person. Even if it's 2am, I go out driving around to find a 24h store to get my pepsi fix. It's really really hard to get off the stuff. I tried before, was successful after a few days, but then comes a familly meeting at a restaurant and the sight of pepsi around me makes me crack and i give up so I buy a pepsi and the addiction starts all over again.

Does anyone feel my pain?

Btw, I dont like diet sodas, I dont like the taste of aspertame...


  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I had to give it up cold turkey, I've been clean for 10 months now and can totally identify with the symptoms you had, the good news is if you want to quit you can but that first week is going to suck and you'll still have cravings for a month. After that it gets easy but one drink and you'll be starting all over again.
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    Unfortunately I can't genuinely sympathize with a soda addiction, that sucks, but it is just an object and you are an intelligent, independent individual. You are stronger than a mere can of sugar and water.

    Check out the show Freaky Eaters, it was on A&E or something similar and now it is available on Netflix. They cover specifically food addictions, and they have an episode where they work with a young lady with her soda addiction. It may give you some strategies you can apply at home.

    Good luck!
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    It's the caffeine you are craving. Swap your pepsie out for tea or coffee, and see how you do. Or, you'll have to try to fit it in your macros (which can be hard to do).
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I have a soda addiction. More specifically, Pepsi.

    It's so hard to get off the stuff. It's like a strong addictive drug that keeps me hooked. If I don't get one each day, I turn into one of those poor people with drug addiction peoblems in the tv show Intervention on A&E. When I crave a pepsi and have none at home, I start having serious withdrawl symptoms. I get anxious, stressed and my mood changes into a snappy frustrated person. Even if it's 2am, I go out driving around to find a 24h store to get my pepsi fix. It's really really hard to get off the stuff. I tried before, was successful after a few days, but then comes a familly meeting at a restaurant and the sight of pepsi around me makes me crack and i give up so I buy a pepsi and the addiction starts all over again.

    Does anyone feel my pain?

    Btw, I dont like diet sodas, I dont like the taste of aspertame...

    I too am addicted to pop. Started when I went on a strict diet plan and was able to have as much of it as I wanted. I tried to kick it too. never succeeded. So, I allow myself one a day. And don't BRING ANY to work with me so I am forced to drink water. I do however like diet pepsi, so thats what I drink. Its a tough one!
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    A can of Pepsi is 157 calories. Unless you're diabetic, and presuming you're active, go ahead. But make sure you count it.
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    Not going to lie, I love an ice cold coke! Just go for the small size instead of the biggie. Yes, it's terrible, blah blah blah. But you know what, I'm all about what I really love in moderation. That's just me:)

    I also find having a big cup of ice water helps me. It's the act of picking the cup up and sipping that is the stress relief part when I am working. Or relieving boredom at a stop light. Figure out if it's the soda or the mere act of drinking something :)

    Enjoy the little things,

  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Yes. Fellow addict here. I have somewhat kicked the habit with caffeine pills and baby steps.
    It is HARD! and gong cold turkey is painful physically and mentally.
    What about cutting 1/4 of it for the first few days, then 1/2 for a few days, then 3/4, then all?
  • Karmarie24
    Karmarie24 Posts: 48 Member
    I was horribly addicted to Coke Zero, while it's zero calories I knew the chemicals in it were not the best for me. I went cold turkey because cutting down just wasn't working. I'd drink 6-8 cans easily in a day! The first 3 days were HORRIBLE! I was moody, and anxious, I had headaches, it was really bad. After day 3 it got easier, and after 2 weeks I still wanted one, but the addiction part was gone.

    If it's important to you to quit, I'd try cold turkey too. Know that your first couple days will be rough, but it'll get better. I had huge amounts of coffee and various teas available so that I wasn't kicking caffeine and soda at the same time. I also got carbonated water, it's pretty gross, but it did help the first couple days when I really missed a fizzy drink.

    Good luck!
  • oex0duso
    oex0duso Posts: 27
    I to had an addiction to Pepsi as well. I just recently gave it up about a month ago, having a glass here and there along the way. I went from drinking 1-2 2 liters of it per day. It was bad. When I went off, I had a migrane for about a week. It went away and all is fine with me now only drinking 98% water, the rest, milk and Orange Juice (breakfast).
  • i know its easier said than done but if you can get through the withdrawal, the cravings will be less and less, drink lots of water and cranberry juice.
  • Angeloftheshore
    Angeloftheshore Posts: 227 Member
    I told myself I could only drink diet if I wanted it that bad. But in the end it was like quitting smoking, you are addicted, therefor you will have to suffer the feelings of what an addicts feels when they quit. Use that as a reminder that NOTHING should be in control of you or your body. That is ultimately what worked for me. I now have an occasional diet when I want a carbonated something, but hate what's in i it and hate the taste, so that makes me think of all the chemicals and I end up throwing at least half away lol.
  • thisisgreatsmile
    thisisgreatsmile Posts: 41 Member
    I am right there with you...I am a Pepsi addict myself - I know I have to give it up but I am having a very hard time with it!! :sad:
  • helmsara
    helmsara Posts: 64 Member
    Mine is Dr. Pepper. I tried quitting cold turkey, but I got some MASSIVE headaches, so I've been slowly cutting back over the last month or two. I used to drink 40 oz. or so a day, but I'm down to 20 oz. every couple of days. Plus, I've added in WAY more water.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Cherry coke here. I replaced it with unsweetened iced tea for the caffeine, and slowly stepped down the iced tea once I was over the soda cravings.
  • demorelli
    demorelli Posts: 508 Member
    I definately used to be a soda addict. My favorites were Dr. Pepper and Root Beer, although I like other kinds as well. I went on a 1 month cold turkey challenge with a coworker and after the first week it really wasn't that hard. Now I'll buy a 20 oz occasionally if I really want one and the calories are in my budget and usually I end up leaving the last couple inches in the bottle and get tired of it.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Try switching to pepsi next or pepsi max. Meh I like them. I don't like diet pepsi as they only use aspertame. The way I see it. I am going to drink a coke. Shoot me, whatever, but I'm going to try and not get so many calories for it.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    just stop drinking them.......
  • winterswish
    winterswish Posts: 162
    Soda has been, hands down, the hardest thing for me to let go of. It is an addiction, it is hard and it does feel good to kick it.

    OP, know this is a shared struggle and that you are not alone. Best of luck! You can do it. :)
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I gave it up cold turkey as well for like 3-4 months. By the time I tried having it again, I found it to be way too sweet. If you really want to change your lifestyle, it's not really going to be easy when you first start out.
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    I was the same way with diet coke. I have one or two a week now. I used to have a 12pack or so a day and possibly even more. I drink water and unsweetened black tea these days.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    Yes, I drank a lot of coke for over 30 years. About 3-4 cans a day of regular coke a day. I love the carbonation and the taste. This was in addition to 1 cup of coffee each morning. I kicked the coke habit 6 weeks ago and now can be in the same room as coke and not feel a craving. I did replace it with 0 calorie Sparkling Ice vitamin water which has splenda. I like splenda a whole lot better than aspartame. I drink a glass a day, usually with lunch, and it has certainly helped with kicking the coke habit.
  • Denise048
    Denise048 Posts: 12
    I can TOTALLY relate. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pepsi. It is my favorite drink. I feel the same way you do.
  • lulu150
    lulu150 Posts: 58 Member
    I was just like you except it was Coke for me. At first I just tried to cut down and I got myself down to 1 can a day but then I would creep back up to 3 cans a day. Finally, I ordered some loose leaf tea on line and once I had that I stopped drinking Coke cold turkey. It has now been 7 months since I had a soda and I feel great. The tea I ordered was Boulder Breakfast from the Tea Spot and it has been a great replacement for my soda. I also do not like coffee so my Coke was my only source of caffeine and I knew I had to replace that. I no longer drink anything with sugar or artificial sweeteners of any kind; I just drink different teas and water. My weight loss in the beginning was really fast but now I have slowed down, which is still fine by me.

    I cannot lie, I still miss my soda sometimes but it having a good healthy replacement drink(s) that you like will really help! So I suggest find that drink and then just give up your Pepsi for good. Good luck to you!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    You have a sugar addiction. Soda is just the delivery vehicle.

    Quit cold turkey. It will suck for a few days then get quickly better.
  • y353
    y353 Posts: 50 Member

    I really like Coca-Cola (Coke for americans, right?). I drank almost 2 liters per day sometimes.

    But when I want to get back to my ideal weight, I buy the smallerst of coke recipients, and buy lots of carbonated water (Plain water + bubbles and some sodium).

    When I crave, a drink a can or so (200ml) of coke. But normally I drink like, 500ml of carbonated water (the same amount of coke I would drink).

    When I feel that I reaaaly want Coke, drink lots os water THEN coke. As I would be almost full, I drink less sugarful sodas.
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    I do like to drink Coca Cola. Have a can during lunch and every once in a while I'll have another one at 3 or 4pm. That time of day REALLY is a drag for me and I need something.
  • i completely understand! mine was Mt. Dew or Dr. Pepper. I cut cold turkey, then went to green tea. it was still hard because i loved the "fizz" but now that i don't crave it, as much, it has become so much easier! good luck!!!
  • jagi410
    jagi410 Posts: 97 Member
    Last week I started drinking my Emergen-C vitamin drinks with my lunch instead of the usual Diet Coke. The fizz helps with the carbonation craving, and if I need more caffeine in the afternoon, I'll have green tea with honey instead.

    I also have a SodaStream machine at home, and the diet flavors do not have aspertame! Worth the investment if you're not ready to give it up completely. I usually make a 1 liter of Diet Cola on Saturday and make it last all weekend. A big change from the days when I'd drink 3-4 cans of Dr. Pepper per day!
  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    I can completely relate. I too have a Pepsi problem and seriously have felt like they need to have a rehab for people like me. I am just like you. I try to quit and don't buy it at the store and then later in the day I make up a reason to go to the store so I can sneak one. I'll buy a bottle and know my husband will disapprove, so I will hide it under the vegetables in the veggie drawer of the fridge!! It is totally ridiculous. And then I quit and ended up with a bad flavored latte habit in it's place!

    caffeine + sugar.... yikes!

    I have been able to quit for periods of time. I didn't drink any pop at all when I was pregnant with my kids, and have been able to go months at a time without it.

    The only thing that works for me is cold turkey. People who suggest cutting down and having 1 can a day or whatever are well meaning, but that has not worked for me. Same with switching to diet. The only thing I have found that works is cutting it out entirely and also cutting out processed sugars in foods, and drinking lots of water and decaffeinated teas. Then I don't get cravings for it very often.

    Good luck to you! It is rough stuff. Imagine what it is doing to your body chemistry, brain, body or whatever that it has such a strong hold on you. Scary! (That helps me too) =)
  • I have just posted a topic "six days in" my Achilles heels is Pepsi max. I was like you if I didn't have any I would panic. At Christmas when the shops here are shut for one day I would by 12 litres just in case I ran out. I basically went cold turkey and I have to be honest I am still getting cravings but I will get there and you can to
    Paula x
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