
how often should i weight my self do you think ? i been weight every day cause i monitor my weigh on the wii fit but i get upset if i only see one pound or no change ?


  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    Once a week - or if you're lifting, gauge by how your clothes fit, not the number on the scale. If you're not lifting weights, I recommend starting. You'll shed inches faster - at least I did. I stayed the same weight for two months but lost inches/sizes while building muscles. Wish I had started lifting sooner -

    Good luck!
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    typically you should only do it once a week because fluxuations are crazy especially for women. I try only weighing in once a week in the AM on Mondays but when I started food tracking on this site I did daily at first to see if the changes were the right changes and made a difference on the scale. I think I need to hide my scale so I have to dig it out once a week. It can be an obsession.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    dropping body fat i'd say focus on measurements, thighs, waist and neck and weigh once every fortnight or monthly
  • Weigh your self at the same day and time each week ! No point at all doing it every day !
  • csfillmore
    csfillmore Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh myself twice a week Mondays and Thursdays. I find if I way myself daily the small day to day fluctations get annoying.
  • ilonawie
    ilonawie Posts: 72 Member
    Once a week.... do it every week same day same time (I weight myself every Tursday in the morning).
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    first thing you need to realize is that there are going to be fluctuations in your weight. this is totally natural.

    as others have suggested dont go just by the number on the scale but how your clothes feel on your body. i have been hovering at 230 for a month now after dropping a initial 60+ in the first 8 months. my clothes are still feeling looser and looser though
  • Naywifey07
    Naywifey07 Posts: 74 Member
    I became obsessed wih my scale at home.... Then I started to weigh myself at the gym (more accurate), but I haven't weighed myself since almost 2 months. I see a difference through pics and my clothes... But I think it is best to weigh in weekly :)
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I am trying to figure out the workaround for the WiiFit, too, and what I have come up with is this: IGNORE IT.

    I use my WiiFit every day, however, I put zero stock in the scale portion of the program, simply because my weigh in day is usually a Saturday, on the digital bathroom scale, and if I let every fluctuation during the week stress me out, I'd be a basket case.

    For example, the Fit told me Friday, Saturday, and yesterday that I weighed 170.0. This morning I weighed 171.3, which is a 1.3 pound increase. THEN it starts asking why do I think I had that gain? Well, honestly, Mr. Fit, I had salty popcorn last night while watching tv. And????

    I've been on mine for what? Six weeks or so? It IS need to see the little line drop closer and closer to goal, tho, and I wouldn't even stress at all over the daily changes. :flowerforyou:
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    I weigh once a month....otherwise I get too discouraged.
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Normally on a Wednesday but not every Wednesday as I just forget, if you get too hung up on the scales side of it then you will lose your Mojo quite quickly as people above have said your weight goes up and down through out the day so I would ignore what the Wii says TBH and just use a standard set of scales once a week or month till you get in a nice pattern of exercise and eating right.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    Personally I don't see anything wrong with weighing yourself every day. I have except when travelling on business and I can always explain the fluctuations, mainly water retention due to high sodium meal and/or not drinking enough. If I'm away for 5 days, I tend not to drink as much as I do working from home, and eat more high sodium restaurant/hotel meals, so when I get home it takes three days or so to normalise, so I have in theory remained static for a week then lost 3 lbs in 3 days. I consistently eat below my target by the way. Weighing yourself once a week doesn't help as the weighing day may or may not be one of the high water retention days which is quite demotivating. The important thing, however often you weigh is the trend, so if you're up one week and down the next, it doesn't really matter if over a course of weeks you've gone down.
  • juliemouse83 i always put zero for clothing weight as i nver count it , i nver gain any weiight my weight hasnt fluuated upwards at all it just stays the same or i lose a pound :( , but i monitor everything i eat exercise everything
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    can you open your diary to public?
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I'd recommend once per week at the same time of the day. Weighing daily can be very frustrating as weight can fluctuate a lot from day to day, to see true results it's better to just do it periodically.
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    I weigh every few days, but I'm trying to cut back to once per week. I measure once a month.