
hd2208 Posts: 33 Member
evening all,
anyone done metafit? Our gms have started it this week, not too bothered about calories burnt as I won't eat them but curious about if the workout is any good.
Thanks for any feedback.
H x


  • I'll let you know at 6.30pm tonight...first class!x
  • Ok....Metafit class Number one complete.

    I'm going back tonight.


    Its really high impact but only lasts 18, 19 or 20 minutes so you know the pain is only temporary. Loved it!x
  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member
    i've been doing metafit classes for a month or so....going later tonight. Last week at the thursday class the trainer announced the workouts would be getting a bit longer 26 minutes or so plus warmup and cooldown - those few minutes extra were a killer!
    Love love love the classes though :)
  • ive been doing them for a few weeks now about 3 times a week - really enjoying them. i love the fact that i work my *kitten* off for 18-26 minutes and i'm done. i know loads of people who go to body attack /body pump or FT fit after but i've not tried the two classes in the one night yet xx
  • charminglochie
    charminglochie Posts: 9 Member
    I did my first class about an hour ago. I am not hugely fit and it was brutal but I found it great!! I was knackered, so red people asked if I was ok and weak as a kitten afterwards but I feel so good for doing it (& I was the biggest person there). Good old fashioned hardcore exercises that make you feel it.
  • i am by far the biggest person at my metafit classes but i'm keeping at it - its made such a difference to me. Doing it 4-5 times a week along with an aqua zumba class and some walking but i've lost 12lb and i dont know how many inches! My only complaint is how early the classes are - 1715 or 1730 then none until 2000 xx
  • Had my first metafit tonight too ....i think i might be dying!!!xx
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I've heard this class mentioned before - since I always like trying new classes would be interested to hear about the structure of the class, is it like circuit training? Is done to music etc.? What kinds of exercises do you do?
  • Hi Daphnemoon

    I LOVE metafit!

    The classes last betweek 18-26 minutes (ecl warm up/cool down). There are various different classes all called a name: La Santa Matrix, Jaws, Perfect Storm, Touch the Wall, A Frame, Pipeline, Hang 10, Olympics.

    The are all a mixture of cardio and strength so for example:

    Perfect Storm is:

    3 Exercises (Cardio, Cardio, Cardio), all together for 20 seconds each then 20 seconds rest. Repeat 3 times.
    Another 3 Exercises (Strength, Strenght, Strength), all together for 20 seconds each then 20 seconds rest. Repeat 3 times.
    Another 3 Exercises(Cardio, Cardio, Cardio), , all together for 20 seconds each then 20 seconds rest. Repeat 3 times.
    Another 3 Exercises(Strength, Strenght, Strength), all together for 20 seconds each then 20 seconds rest. Repeat 3 times.
    Finisher is 4 x 10m (10second) sprints flat out all you can give.

    The exercises are varied but ive listed some below:

    Burpees, In out push ups, planks, plank variations, hot hands, squat kicks, squat thrusts, borrowers squats, wood chops, Explosive Jacks, in out sprints, floor burpees, crab press, crab walks.

    It is designed to increase your metabolic rate apparantly and its making some difference to me!

    Hope this helps xx
  • daisydoo69
    daisydoo69 Posts: 1 Member
    HI All

    I have metafit tonight and have a love/hate relationship with it, I also do kettlecise which I really enjoy, any know the rough calories for each?


  • Hi Folks
    I'm a personal trainer and a Metafit instructor. Glad you all seem to be enjoying the classes. The dogma is - if you go for a nice long 45 minute run you'll probably burn a couple of hundred calories - or more if you push yourself. Your metabolic rate will then return to 'regular' very quickly and you'll continue to burn approx another 100 calories in the next 24 - 48 hours. Because Metafit is a 30 min blast at maximum effort / intensity your metabolic rate increases and your regular resting metabolic rate remains elevated for the next 24 - 48 hours. You'll burn 300 calories in a typical 30 minute session and continue to burn a further 500 calories over the next couple of days.

    Also very time effective for busy schedules.

    Enough patter - good luck eveyone.:smile:
  • gijane69
    gijane69 Posts: 1
    Been doing metadata since January, hate it while I'm doing it (actually get butterflies at the end of the warm-up) lol, but I feel great when it's finished :) it has made such a difference to my fitness levels and body shape :) I would definitely recommend, it's really hard at the start but don't give up your body will become stronger!!
  • I have been doing metafit for 5 weeks now doing it at least 3 times a week, It is fab and addictive I have not lost any weight but have lost inches on my waist, bust and hips! it's not easy but it works.......try it and good luck!:happy: :laugh:
  • Hi, how do I add metafit to my exercise diary on here please?
  • GRDI
    GRDI Posts: 1
    I go to metafit every Friday after a body pump class. Each week I ask if there is space in the class and every week I am disappointed when they say yes. We never have more than six people and I find it really hard going as I get short of breath. However at the end of it I feel good and that's important. I assume it's doing me some good in terms of fitness, health, exercise and weight loss but I have no evidence for that.
  • I've had a lot of good things about Metafit, I've tried it twice and really enjoy it as its over and done with in 30mins!! i have little patience for lots of treadmill work etc! Best of luck people trying it too!! :flowerforyou:
  • Do you log your metafit workouts?
    I've been logging mine as circuit training general as the instructor does a "core workout for about 10 minutes after.

    I've synced my fitness pal with map my run and there's an option on there for insanity - is it the same sort of thing?
    (I know I should invest in a heart rate monitor if i want to log accurately)
  • hazellillie
    hazellillie Posts: 1 Member
    I love METAFIT, doing 4 or 5 classes a week...anyone any idea on average how many calories are burned, I'm 47 and female? ????????????????
  • zoeyhenry
    zoeyhenry Posts: 1
    Ive been doing Metafit classes since March now when shifts allow and love it! Its horrendous while im there and im by far the biggest in the group however I love it! The instructors really push you to work hard and its over in a flash! Ive lost over 2 & 1/2 stone since January, well over 7inches from my tummy.....its addictive and very beneficial! Just wish I knew how to log it as an exercise on this app!!??
  • The_jogging_runner
    The_jogging_runner Posts: 2 Member
    I love metafit and have been doing it since February 2014. I used to go four days a week but now only go twice, mainly because I also do Circuit Training twice a week, Piloxing once a week and Kettlebell class twice a week. Don't wanna go too crazy.
    2015. I use a FitBit to log calories but I think it only logs half what I've burnt. The reviews do say that it's not accurate for things like Crossfit/Metafit type exercises.