I need some help for this weekend!!! please.

Okay so here a bit of my story. My mom is getting married (june 19th.....so this weekend) now back in january I decided I wanted to lose 50lbs before her big day (that is just my mini goal) I have still 100+ lbs to go.

Here I am I did weigh in today and I lost 54.4 lbs!!! and I have 2 days to spare.....maybe I can shave off a bonus lb??? LOL

anyway I eat well almost all of the time now , this week though I actually had 2 bad dinners (I'm talking 2000 calories meals and all due to the wedding....like out to long/late doing shopping, planning etc) and it BOOSTED my weight loss....crazy but I know that won't happen all the time.

With the wedding this weekend I do want to let loose, I don't want to calculate calories, sodium, sugar, carbs, NOTHING. I want to have a guilt free day. But there is the rehearsal and dinner on friday and of course the gift opening on sunday.

I could cheat all 3 days......or I could bring my own stuff for friday for sure, follow the mfp program up till the wedding starts at 4pm on saturday.....and play sunday by ear.

What tips do you have for me. Remember I do want to drink and I do want to eat desserts and all the food and not have to think about every bite I take.

What tips/tricks do you have and do you think I should just try and eat poorly only on the sat and not all on friday and sunday or moderation on friday/sunday?



  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    My goal going into the weekend is to try and burn as many extra calories as possible in the next two days through exercise, and to make sure my calorie count is at or under my allotment. As you know, desserts and drinks (especially) add up quick! I know you want to let loose, but perhaps stay partly conscious of what are your lowest calorie options. For instance, drinking a cocktail with diet soda is much better than one with lots of sugary mixers. Good luck!
  • KPaden1221
    KPaden1221 Posts: 433
    You've lost 4 extra pounds than you wanted for your mini goal.. so you deserve to go and have fun... have a guilt free weekend!! just watch your portions... and i your body will tell you when you've had enough... you will do great!!!
  • veggieheadie
    I may get my head chewed off for saying this, but in my opinion just have a good time. Get back on track on Monday and all will be well. I know when I stress over the days that eating should be fun, I end up binging on days that I shouldn't just to make myself feel better about missing the "fun food days" with family. Just enjoy it, and get back on the wagon as soon as possible.
  • p90xokc
    p90xokc Posts: 66
    Look I'm new to this and had to tweak a few things. But the only reason i've lasted so long on this diet is because I don't worry about anything I eat from Friday dinner to sunday breakfast. If it's going to bother you, I would bring my own stuff to eat on Friday. Once Saturday hits, I wouldn't give 1/2 a thought to anything I ate until the following Monday. Come on, you're doing great...over 50 lbs!!!...I started this year at 235 lbs. and am down to 221. (yes I'm a male...lol) I think you'll also notice that you will have a renewed vigor to get back on the horse on Monday at hit your diet running. I honestly think cheat days are what keep a diet going. My current diet is the only one I've been able to stick to for more than 3 weeks and that's because I take scheduled breaks from it. I promise you that you will be fine....Go nuts!!!
  • anderson8480
    I would say stick to the plan on Friday... not worry about saturday for the most part, I think the advice of drinks with diet mixers are a good idea... then play sunday by ear.... and if possible get some exercise in maybe sunday afternoon.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I agree with kcollins & veggieheadie. You've exceeded your goal and it's only the weekend. Worst case scenario: so you gain a couple pounds. You'll have that off in no time and you're STILL ahead of where you wanted to be by now. Don't sweat it, girl! Drink LOTS of water to compensate for sodium and don't be surprised when you gain if you drink a lot of alcohol (or anything high in volume - champagne, hard liquor, whatever).
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I agree, it's a celebration so have fun! You can always get back on track Monday. But just be careful you don't go overboard too much--you don't want to make yourself sick! As I found out, I can't eat or drink like I used to.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    My goal going into the weekend is to try and burn as many extra calories as possible in the next two days through exercise, and to make sure my calorie count is at or under my allotment. As you know, desserts and drinks (especially) add up quick! I know you want to let loose, but perhaps stay partly conscious of what are your lowest calorie options. For instance, drinking a cocktail with diet soda is much better than one with lots of sugary mixers. Good luck!

    thanks.....I am def, going to try and drink the lightest drinks I can (no ceasars or paralyzers for me!!) I'll just have to wait and see what they have to offer. I am also going to only have a tiny bit of dessert but I wanna taste them all!! LOL
  • Kudzu
    Kudzu Posts: 87 Member
    Just enjoy your weekend! Practice portion control and stop worrying about it! You will not gain all your weight back in 3 days!

    Have FUN!!! :bigsmile:
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    Yes, definitely remember that alcohol (and caffeine) tolerance scales with weight--I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago and all of a sudden half a beer or half a cup of coffee got me buzzed/jittery!

    I agree with the other posters here--relax and enjoy yourself. If you get a chance to get a little exercise, do it, but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't happen. You might find it's exactly what you need--when I got married the only thing that kept me sane on the day was taking a couple of quick walks! :-)

    If it were me, I would try to eat sensibly most of Friday, but then relax and have fun at the rehearsal and on the actual day. On Sunday, I'd be a little more conscious of what I was eating, but I still wouldn't count anything or anything like that.

    Definitely drink plenty of water!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    First of all .... congratulations on reaching your goal!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Just enjoy yourself and have fun! I let myself have a guily free long weekend last week for my anniversary trip. I ate WAY too much, but I only ended up gaining one pound. I've only been back from the trip 4 days and the pound is already off. As long as you don't make a habit of weekends like that I see no problem with it.
  • cynditoney
    cynditoney Posts: 90
    Celebrate! This is a happy weekend, but make your choices before you get there. Are you going to have cake? Choose healthier choices for drinks and appetizers. I went to a birthday party last weekend, first celebration that I have gone to since I began losing. I made choices about my food before I got there. I drank water in a glass, garnished with lime- no one questioned what I was drinking and skipped the appetizers. It was a wonderful day and I felt good about my choices when it was all over. However, if you choose to just "let loose", Monday is another day. You are ahead of where you wanted to be and where you started. Whichever you decide, do not let the guilt monster get you- enjoy the celebration!:flowerforyou:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I would say stick to the plan on Friday... not worry about saturday for the most part, I think the advice of drinks with diet mixers are a good idea... then play sunday by ear.... and if possible get some exercise in maybe sunday afternoon.

    I'm thinking there is no reason to cheat on friday really, so with some exercize and packing my own snacks I should be on track. Sat I eat breakfast at home, lunch out (but that will be something quick like sushi or subway) with the addition of orangejuice and champagne while gettting ready but once the wedding starts, nothing will hold me back.

    sunday I should be able to do my workout, I am supposed to do week 2 day 3 of the C25K so hopefully do that and decide if I'm gonna bring my own food or eat there at that time.

    I know I will have no problem getting back on track monday I just don't wanna completely sabatage myself over one special occasion.
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Have fun and just give yourself a week when you get back for your weight to regulate back to normal. Dont be shocked by a big gain on monday
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I agree, it's a celebration so have fun! You can always get back on track Monday. But just be careful you don't go overboard too much--you don't want to make yourself sick! As I found out, I can't eat or drink like I used to.

    I know I can't eat and drink like I used to. I tried to have a cheat day a few weeks back (I was having a bad day) and I just could not eat all that I thought I would/could.

    Just last weekend, I had 6 drinks and I was done (not slobbering drunk or anything) but I didn't want any more. Back in the day it wouldn't be unusual for me to consume 20 drinks in a night.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Since your goal was 50 I'd say with all the bad food the you could afford to give yourself 4 pounds. Force yourself to do some type of exercise in the morning to start your day, that way you'll be less prone to "waste" all that work AND you'll have gotten a head start on potentially letting some of your progress go to waste.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Congrats on the loss, that is awesome!!!

    My advice would be to sample the non diet things you love and then load up on still tasty, but less guilty things! This way you'll feel very full, and still stay on track! For instance, taste that high calorie side, but pile on the boneless skinless chicken breast, or try a little piece of cake, but enjoy lots of pineapple (or any other fruit available).

    If you can get through this one event without going nuts, it will make you feel so empowered, and affirm that you are truly changing you habits forever! You've already done so well, stay with that momentum, mama :) Trust me, I'm all about having everything in moderation, and remaining focused at the same time! It is events, family gatherings, and parties like these that test you and put your new lifestyle to work! So make it work for you, girl! Enjoy it!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Congrats on the loss, that is awesome!!!

    My advice would be to sample the non diet things you love and then load up on still tasty, but less guilty things! This way you'll feel very full, and still stay on track! For instance, taste that high calorie side, but pile on the boneless skinless chicken breast, or try a little piece of cake, but enjoy lots of pineapple (or any other fruit available).

    If you can get through this one event without going nuts, it will make you feel so empowered, and affirm that you are truly changing you habits forever! You've already done so well, stay with that momentum, mama :) Trust me, I'm all about having everything in moderation, and remaining focused at the same time! It is events, family gatherings, and parties like these that test you and put your new lifestyle to work! So make it work for you, girl! Enjoy it!

    I really appreciate all you had to say. thanks!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Thanks everyone.....I appreciate your input!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    just wanted to give a mini update ...... I did not cheat at all last night, so thats one day down. I also weighed in today just so I could see exactly what I weighed for my moms big day.....AND I DID LOSE ANOTHER 1.6 LBS SOOOOOO 56 TOTAL!!!! but I am not recording it since some if it may reappear after I have too much fun tonight!! LOL

    That's all......hope everyone has a happy weekend!!