Hi Everyone! I am real excited about myfitness pal!

I love this website. I will be forever thankful to the creators!:smile:


  • karlbrow
    karlbrow Posts: 8
    I too am just thinking "it's too good to be true" re: this website! I had been doing WW online for 10 months, and it was awesome too but this is free! I'm not really even in the mood to start trying again, but hey with a free tool like this it's hard to have excuses. I had lost 20, gained 10, now gained 2. Would like to lose a few befroe my bday, and buy a cute pair of jeans for summer..... feeling very blobby.
  • Melodrom
    Melodrom Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! Have fun. I only started recently to use myfitness pal again after a long break! I am happy to be back and I am sure my body, too :laugh: