Shoulder pain from 30 Day Shred

I'm on day 6 of level 1, only had one day rest, and today I think I pulled something in my shoulder from the strength section of the workout. I have a searing pain in my shoulder (on the top, end of collar bone, called the arcromioclavicular joint, I think), meaning that since I finished this morning, I can't lift my left arm, or move it much at all. Obviously I should stop 30 Day Shred until I have recovered. But was thinking I could replace the sections with arm movements with some other type of strength exercise, perhaps for glutes and thighs. And replace jumping jacks and punches with more jumping rope and butt kicks. Do you think this would be a good alternative? I don't want to stop doing the video and get out of the routine!


  • kmchambers64
    kmchambers64 Posts: 158 Member
    Do you have a chiropractor?
  • RieBerg
    RieBerg Posts: 261 Member
    Yeah, the problem with the 30 day shred is that its the same thing every day with no rest. I would alternate every other day with an excersize that works a different part of your body so your body has some recovery time, but you are still burning calories
  • Firekeeper66
    Firekeeper66 Posts: 116 Member
    You think you have shoulder pain from Level 1? Wait until you get to Level 2!!!
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    You could have popped your arm out of socket which hurts really bad! I see a caripractor for your pain and see what they say. Good luck and i'd just take a couple of days off. Walk or do what you deem possible. :) Good luck!
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    If you have searing pain, and it's not muscle soreness, see a doctor. Not a chiropractor. Shoulder injuries are tricky and can take a long time to heal. I had a labrum tear from 2010 that took forever to rehab. I still get sore sometimes and have to modify my workouts. Take care!
  • profesorakate
    profesorakate Posts: 39 Member
    You think you have shoulder pain from Level 1? Wait until you get to Level 2!!!

    I know the difference between muscular ache/burn and when I've pulled something.
  • profesorakate
    profesorakate Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I'll take some time off til it gets better and avoid using my shoulder.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    I got the same thing. Nothing to do but take time off. Also, sticking to 5lb weights helped me. I know it gets easy and people say you should lift heavy, etc., but I just found out on a thread on MFP that they only use 2.5lb weights on the video.