Did I really gain 3lbs?

Man oh man, I put in so much work last week. I went to the gym 4x for 1hr did JM30DS every morning ate 1400-1500 calories everyday and I hop on the scale and it says 2.6+ -____- ??? What the hell?!?!?! I've had weeks when I ate junk and sat on my butt and lost 1-2lbs why this week when I give it my all I gain not 1 but 2.6ls. Please someone tell me something!!! I'm so frustrated here.

Anyone else facing this problem?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't think it means anything. You're probably going to lose it soon. I bet you've lost inches too. The scale lies! Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    I don't think it means anything. You're probably going to lose it soon. I bet you've lost inches too. The scale lies! Just keep doing what you're doing.

    Thanks hun :) I'll measure myself to see If I lost any inches but I must say my suit pants a feeling loose today lol
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    That happened to me one week when I worked extra hard. Someone told me it was water weight that my muscles were retaining from working them so hard. I ended up evening out by the end of the week.
  • arizonaladybug
    arizonaladybug Posts: 91 Member
    when i first started working out alot I gained 5lbs. it came off the next week and now i apear to be on a steady 1lbs a week or .5 Im keeping my fingers crossed becuase the scale is bull ****.!
  • jlaino
    jlaino Posts: 2
    Yes....I have the same problem!
    It's so discouraging:(
    I also am doing everything right and in 5 weeks I only lost 2 lbs.
    2 weeks ago I was up one of my 2 lbs.
    And now Im back where I started ....
    I just dont get it but I am not going to stop what Im doing.....And you should do the same~
    Keep at it.....It has to eventually work!!
    It better work
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    the scale is not really accurate you can gain weight in any given day. sodium intake, time of month, muscle vs fat. mine said I gained a few also but when it does I dismiss it as I probably ate a bit to much sodium and will correct it.
  • kettielynn
    kettielynn Posts: 2 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat! and things are always going to fluctuate. Focus on how you feel and how your clothes fit and keep on working. You're not just losing fat, you're getting buff!
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    the scale is not really accurate you can gain weight in any given day. sodium intake, time of month, muscle vs fat. mine said I gained a few also but when it does I dismiss it as I probably ate a bit to much sodium and will correct it.

    Yeah that might be it, I was on period last week and it just finished yesterday. I have been drinking 2-4 litters of water a day so it could be the water weight. It's just frustrating because I have so much to loose and the time seems to be flying by so fast!
  • Kimaw65
    Kimaw65 Posts: 74 Member
    Also Amanda, keep in mind that I've heard when doing JM's 30DS is you will gain weight but lose inches!! So by all means, take your measurements and I bet you will feel better
  • ilenelynne
    ilenelynne Posts: 36 Member
    the same thing happened to me this week. I did everthing I was suppose to do and I gained 2 pounds. I must have weighed myself 10 times before I ate something because I couldn't believe it. So what did I do - didn't go out or exercise which is something I never do on the weekend and pretty much laid in bed all day depressed.
    The scale stinks........................
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    if you didn't eat 7000 extra calories you didn't gain two pounds of fat. You could have
    - Worn heavier shoes
    - Gained water weight
    - Gotten pregnant
    - Used more hair product
    - Gained more muscle weight
    - Been really congested
    - Started growing an additional arm
    - Needed to pee

    or many, many other things. However, you did not gain fat.
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    the same thing happened to me this week. I did everthing I was suppose to do and I gained 2 pounds. I must have weighed myself 10 times before I ate something because I couldn't believe it. So what did I do - didn't go out or exercise which is something I never do on the weekend and pretty much laid in bed all day depressed.
    The scale stinks........................

    Hahaha yes omg that's what I did to but then I totally regret it afterwards. Now I'm just going to take it out on the gym. I don't want to let it discourage me anymore.
  • ilenelynne
    ilenelynne Posts: 36 Member
    I want to believe you but the stupid scale says something else. I have weighed myself every day since and no change!
    I have gotten over it though - I just am going to keep on trying - what else is my alternative.
  • gapm
    gapm Posts: 48
    There was a thread in the success stories yesterday where the woman was 2 lb heavier in the after picture, but it looked like she had lost weight. It the heavier picture, her body was buffed and toned and her stomach was flat. It was a good illustration of why the scale is not always the best measure of success.

    From my own experience, even if I wear the exact same clothes each time I weigh, what I weigh depends on the time of day (tend to retain a little water by evening), when I last peed and pooped, when I last ate, when I last drank. I can easily vary 5 lb in the course of a day.
  • vinchass9
    vinchass9 Posts: 36
    It was all just a dream...