OMG -- SO embarrasing!!

funfor5 Posts: 41 Member
Okay - so embarrased and not sure how to handle this. Nobody home and don't expect anyone until 4pm. It's 3ish and I decide to take a shower and pop in the bathroom to go potty minus ALL clothing as I'm going to hop in the shower--- except I did not close the door. Now I have 3 teenagers and this is usually something I don't I'm on the potty, down the hall walks my 17 year old daughter's boyfriend.......eye contact........and well, needless to say we are BOTH quite embarrased.....he's like part of the family (but NOT family - oh dear!!)

Well, just had to share as I am quite a fish out of water here........:blushing:

I think I need someone to make me laugh as I'm trying not to cry!


  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    lol .... Sorry. :(
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    hahaha hes probably more embarassed. Laugh it off, your can mention it at their wedding one day ;) Don't worry you will both forget it eventually. hes probably more embarassed then you ;)
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Uh oh! Can't say I have ever had the same situation, but just tell yourself it is one of those things that seems much worse what it happens than it eventually turns out to be. I'm trying to think of something encouraging to say but I just keep chuckling. :laugh: Sorry!
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    HAHA ... that is just a great story one day. Don't feel too bad. :smile: On my first day of work, I had my boss and his 2 sons walk in on me while I was in the bathroom. It was awkward, but they all forgot pretty quickly. I don't get that embarrassed about stuff now. I have learned to just laugh at myself.
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    HAHAHA, i wonder if he thinks u're a m.i.l.f. hehehe :wink:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    OK that is funny and embarrassing!!! When I first looked at our current home, we barged in on the previous owner taking a shower....not a site I wished anyone to see. I put up curtains in the master bedroom to the master bathroom when we moved in!!! LOL
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    hahaha hes probably more embarassed. Laugh it off, your can mention it at their wedding one day ;) Don't worry you will both forget it eventually. hes probably more embarassed then you ;)

    Nope, it will NEVER be forgotten. It's one of those stories that will come up years later while telling horror stories around a campfire. He is probably more mortified than you :-). I have a few stories like this from when I was a teen, and they still haunt me from time to time. He will probably be super polite for a while, though! I don't think I'd be able to keep a straight face around him. Good luck! Thanks for posting the story and making me laugh!
  • TubOlard
    TubOlard Posts: 43 Member
    Don't worry about it. It's nothing that a few years of counseling can't resolve. :laugh:

    Just kidding. I'm sure he's more embarrassed than you are.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Well, I will try to make you laugh. Here's my embarrassing story for the month (hopefully:ohwell: )

    My almost 3yo son is potty training. He had been doing great, so I let him wear is big boy undies when we went to the library. He was working the puzzles, while DD and I were looking at the books. I needed to use the bathroom, so I gathered everybody together and off we went. He is lagging behind, so I turned around to see what was going on. He was walking stiffed legged. When I asked why he was walking like that he said, "My poopy come out." Which I took to mean out of his bottom. When we got into the family bathroom, I pull down his pants to put him on the toilet. Well, he hadn't meant his bottom, he meant it was coming out of his shorts!:noway: I cleaned him up. All 3 of us finished our business, and then I pulled about 8 feet of papertowel out and took it with me when I left. I spent the next 5 minutes following our trail through the library picking up little boy "pellets" ! :embarassed: Thankfully no one had noticed or stepped on them!

    So did it work? Did it take your mind off your troubles? I hope so!:flowerforyou:
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    I think that similar incidents happen quite often. Though embarrassing...its hard to forget that we all have naked bodies under our clothes and that we all have to potty. LOL Something similar happened to me, only it wasn't friends of my teenager son...

    When no one is home I tend to run around naked, especially if I am in a hurry to get in the shower. Well, my kids were off with their father and due home later in the off went the clothes so I could weigh myself, use the bathroom and get in the shower. Now I have 3 dogs who are quite noisy when anyone comes in the house so I'm not usually worried about unexpected visitors. I got in the shower and when I was finished headed to the living room to grab my bottle of lotion that I had forgotten. To my immeasurable surprise my kids father and his GIRLFRIEND, and about 4 or 5 kids were all sitting in the living room. OOPS LOL I just said, "Oh! I didn't realize you were coming this early." I grabbed the lotion and proceeded to walk quickly back to my room. I was incredibly embarrassed, but the worst part about it was that his girlfriend thought I did it on purpose and was trying to steal her boyfriend. It caused the kid's father quite a lot of grief for a while. I will NEVER know why my dogs didn't make a sound and let me know someone was in the house! A few years later, I can laugh about it and not worry.

    I'm sorry you and daughter's BF had to go through it. But we all are just naked under our clothes. :)
    Hope your day gets better
  • 2daughtermom
    I can relate, sort of. I was in the back bedroom getting dressed and my daughter was standing in the hallway talking to me. I had everything on but my shirt. I came walking out of the bedroom holding my shirt in my hands getting ready to pull it over my head still talking to my daughter. All of a sudden her boyfriend walks to the entrance of the hall and we also make eye contact. My daughter yells at him for doing something like that, but I guess he feels like our home is his home. It was over and done with in a few seconds and nothing has ever been said about it. I wouldn't worry about it, I'm sure next time he'll make sure no one is in the bathroom.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    OHH my that would be embarrassing! It will not ever be forgotten, but will always be laughed at. If it makes you feel better I was at Kaiser (Dr. office/hosptial) using a single person bathroom when my daughter opened the bathroom door. The entire waiting room (full) got a clear shot of me hovering over the potty mid stream. I slammed the door and thought OMG now I have to go out there. I held my head high and smiled as I exited. :laugh: It is what it is and isn't anymore. :flowerforyou:
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    Well, I will try to make you laugh. Here's my embarrassing story for the month (hopefully:ohwell: )

    My almost 3yo son is potty training. He had been doing great, so I let him wear is big boy undies when we went to the library. He was working the puzzles, while DD and I were looking at the books. I needed to use the bathroom, so I gathered everybody together and off we went. He is lagging behind, so I turned around to see what was going on. He was walking stiffed legged. When I asked why he was walking like that he said, "My poopy come out." Which I took to mean out of his bottom. When we got into the family bathroom, I pull down his pants to put him on the toilet. Well, he hadn't meant his bottom, he meant it was coming out of his shorts!:noway: I cleaned him up. All 3 of us finished our business, and then I pulled about 8 feet of papertowel out and took it with me when I left. I spent the next 5 minutes following our trail through the library picking up little boy "pellets" ! :embarassed: Thankfully no one had noticed or stepped on them!

    So did it work? Did it take your mind off your troubles? I hope so!:flowerforyou:


    <wiping tears from face>

    <laughin uncontrollably>

    i think that should b ur story 4 at LEAST the yr lol :flowerforyou:
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Well, I will try to make you laugh. Here's my embarrassing story for the month (hopefully:ohwell: )

    My almost 3yo son is potty training. He had been doing great, so I let him wear is big boy undies when we went to the library. He was working the puzzles, while DD and I were looking at the books. I needed to use the bathroom, so I gathered everybody together and off we went. He is lagging behind, so I turned around to see what was going on. He was walking stiffed legged. When I asked why he was walking like that he said, "My poopy come out." Which I took to mean out of his bottom. When we got into the family bathroom, I pull down his pants to put him on the toilet. Well, he hadn't meant his bottom, he meant it was coming out of his shorts!:noway: I cleaned him up. All 3 of us finished our business, and then I pulled about 8 feet of papertowel out and took it with me when I left. I spent the next 5 minutes following our trail through the library picking up little boy "pellets" ! :embarassed: Thankfully no one had noticed or stepped on them!

    So did it work? Did it take your mind off your troubles? I hope so!:flowerforyou:

    lmao! OMG that totally had me busting my gut! Thanks! :)
  • 2daughtermom
    Got another story. My then 4 yo daughter (she's 28 now), was in the bathroom with me. I was sitting on the toilet and the phone rang. I asked her if she would answer it. She did, by saying my mommy can't come to the phone right now, she's stinkying. I think that's how you spell it, but I'm sure you get the idea. Luckily it was just my babysitter, she thought that was the funniest thing.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Don't feel too bad. There's been a couple times in my life when I was in bed with a boyfriend and we got caught by family members. The first time was me and my ex-boyfriend/daughter's father/boyfriend again and I got caught as I ran to the bedroom door naked to lock it before one of the grandkids (who had been at the park with my son) came in. My oldest grandson opened the bedroom door just as I was about to lock it. He took one look at his grandma and said, "OH, ICK!" and went back into the living room with the other kids. I think I was more traumatized than he was at the time but I'm cracking up right now as I type this. I don't even want to know if he remembers it or not. :laugh: :laugh:

    Another time was with a different boyfriend years later. We were in his trailer, in bed but not yet naked, when his daughter (she's grown up with kids of her own) walks in and catches us. She had come over to get something. I was so embarrassed and my boyfriend wanted me to get up and get her whatever it was she came over for. I was so embarrassed! I don't think it even bothered her. She just laughed a little and asked her dad why I was blushing. :blushing:

    So believe me, years from now you won't be so traumatized over this. Most likely, you'll even laugh about it.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I understand and sympathize with you AND with your daughter. My mom met my first love (ew) with no pants on (she was sitting at the kitchen table in her Jockey for Hers) and on the first day she met my husband, she let a seam-ripper of a fart that we could hear literally on the opposite side of the house. I think she thought we were outside...

    But I still think little boy pellets win the day :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • km1540
    km1540 Posts: 22
    Hahahahah OMG your stories are funny.

    Don't worry to much about it, he may never forget it but just brush it off. lol.. although.. he may think your a M.I.L.F.
  • funfor5
    funfor5 Posts: 41 Member
    WOW!!! Thanks EVERYONE for your support and GREAT, FUNNY stories!! You all made me feel less alone and my experience seem less traumatic! Thanks for sharing and making me LAUGH ALOT !!!!!!

    Life sure is a crazy journey - sometimes all we can do is laugh!