Warning: Be successful but stay focused

MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
First a confession: I have really screwed up over the last 14 days. I ate pizza, chocolate, cookies, multiple portions, Fried Foods, Alcohol. I’ll just say I kind of let go, a lot. Oh and on top of that I didn’t exercise either.

I know it’s ok to go off every once in a while and have a cheat day. I did really well through memorial day weekend (May 31st for non US members). Memorial day laziness carried into my birthday week. My birthday was on June 8th and then I went out that weekend. It has just all around been a very lazy and unconcerned 14 days and I felt lost unmotivated and really I felt like I was losing control and on the verge of going back to my old ways. Having chronic Shin splints has not helped keep me motivated as I have been isolated to low impact exercise. That has really been eating at my mental game. Yesterday I got realigned and this morning I got back on the wagon with morning exercise. 8 miles on the bike and a 1 mile run to test some new sneakys. I think new shoes may actually be the key to my splints.

So the purpose of this post is to share some insight and knowledge with all of you. I have been going at this since Jan 12th and have been successful. I’m down 52 lbs 4+ jean sizes and numerous other benefits. Memorial day weekend was a big goal weekend for me. I stayed on my diet I exercised away from home and ate healthy while camping out. All huge successes. Additionally I Broke through the 50lbs (halfway) of weight lost that weekend and also realized I was wearing size 38 pants. Goodbye size 40+!! So I had lots of success and reached a lot of goals. I already have my future goals broke down by dates and weights after I achieve the previous goal. I do a minor date adjustment and my goal is set so I came home from Camping memorial day weekend and had lost 2 lbs Woohoo!! I set my new goal and proceeded. Only something was different.

I lost my drive.

I was still eating mostly ok except in the evenings I was overeating and I wasn’t getting exercise. I told myself I was just taking a little break and I deserved it for doing so good. I knew my birthday was coming and knew I was going to cheat then so subconsciously I felt “why try”. A week passed and I was still just kind of coasting and I realized at that point that something was wrong. I was completely out of it. I Literally just didn’t care anymore. I began thinking to myself why have I come this far only to let go and then not be able to recover. I’ve cheated before why was not exercising and a few stray cheats so demoralizing to me this time.

I reached all those goals yet I'm cheating and people are telling me how good I look, how great I’m doing, I'm buying myself new clothes, and I have all these False Highs from the success. Yet when I look I’m still fat and I still have a long way to go. I’m just not doing anything to get there.
By the time Friday rolls around this last week I seriously feel like it’s all over. I’m at one of the lowest points I’ve been in this journey. I feel like I’m all alone. I don’t feel like I’m getting pushed to continue and I don’t have anybody saying "Hey why are you stopping" , "Why did you quit" I feel like I have achieved halfway and hey people are proud of me but I’m disgusted with myself cause I know that I’ve given up. I kind of take the weekend to clear out all my negative thoughts and start fresh Monday. Monday comes, Tuesday, Wednesday night I still have come out of it. I'm not even logging my food during the day.

That’s it I can’t take it. I am not going to throw away 6 months of hard work because of this. I don't care what it takes I’m not happy with my weight yet and I still got work to do. I don’t want to be like this forever. Today I start fresh.

SO my words of advice. Be constantly aware of where you are mentally and don’t let those negative things sneak up on you and get a grip. They will eat you for breakfast and they don’t log it. It’s ok to take a break but stay focused. Set specific dates for when you will get back on track. Sometimes a huge breakthrough or reaching a Major goal or some other success can play games with you mentally and it becomes very easy to get lost in that and become overwhelmed with how far you have come and what you have accomplished. Before you know it you’re wondering how you got to that place. Stay focused on the end goal as your main goal don’t focus so hard on a sub goal. Allow it to be a success but always remember to look to the future and keep that endpoint in sight.

When you get down and feel lost or feel hopeless about ever regaining that drive you had. Look in a mirror and tell yourself you’re in charge and it’s time to get back to work.

Today I recommit, refocus, and recharge. Today is the beginning of the rest of my fit life!


  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Congrats on finding it from within rather than looking for others to keep you going. This is your journey and only you know where you want to go and when you want to get there. You should be proud of yourself for your accomplishments, and for being able to say I still want to do more! Good luck on your journey:flowerforyou:
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    thanks for this post!!! ive been off the wagon too and this is motivating!
  • Thanks for sharing...Remember, its not about how you fall, how many times or for how long...its the getting up, dusting off and doing it again the right way that matters.
    DAKTHREE Posts: 52
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I've been having daily struggles to stay on track and feel my motivation drifting. It really helps to hear how others can turn it around. Your words were uplifting!! Thanks!!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    SO my words of advice. Be constantly aware of where you are mentally and don’t let those negative things sneak up on you and get a grip. They will eat you for breakfast and they don’t log it.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I wish MFP had the Yahoo! IM emoticon "rolling on the floor laughing" b/c that was my reaction!!

    I also have been unmotivated lately, and I haven't really "exercised" (a work out, not just walking where I need to go and whatnot) for over a week now. SO LET'S ALL GET BACK ON THAT WAGON AND GET TO IT!!


    ...Actually, we should get OFF the wagon and walk/jog/run alongside it :smile:
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I know where you are coming from! I actually stopped logging for a few weeks and I was doing ok and still trying to eat right but it is SO hard to keep that drive when everyone around you is telling you that you need to "stop"

    Remember that you love how you feel now more than you love bread and sweets and keep reminding yourself that it is not for them but for you.

    FYI..LOG - I find when I log it helps me keep focus and desire. Even though I was doing OK when I did not log, I did not feel as good about my journey.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    thanks for this!
  • nanmosta1
    nanmosta1 Posts: 55
    must be something in the air. I have been screwing up all over the place, bingeing like crazy. I got back on the wagon yesterday, but even today made some not so greaat choices.
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