6 Weeks Postpartum Cesarean Section

I'm new to this site, and I need major encouragement. I am currently 6 weeks postpartum from a repeat Cesarean, and I've never felt so bad about my body in all my life. I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday, and I took some pics of myself beforehand. To be honest, after looking at the pics, I almost feel it's hopeless. I'm 169 lbs and would like to be at most 135 lbs. Any other postpartum c-section moms out there with success stories?? Is there hope for me??


  • cathymalem
    Hi! I have been a postpartum mum. My first was a C section and really struggled with my weight and am sure I actually put more on after too, as was not sleeping and it was all a bit much. Took over a year to get back to my original weight and to be honest was the best thing for me. I know everyone says it but there is no reason to rush but it is true, even when we feel worse as we aren't the shape we used to be.
    My second was a normal birth and to be honest was easier to get the weight off. I am now on again as have been slack over the last few months and it is creeping up again, so thought I would get on it now and am trying My Fitness Pal. New to me, but thought I would try it.
    Am from New Zealand and think it may be an American sight from reading the community page comments, but just goes to show no matter where you are in the world you can go through the same things :-)

    Hope you get some good results and feel better, never very encouraging to have to deal with it all and not fitting your old clothes on top!
  • loveyourself11
    loveyourself11 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there!!!

    Good luck with your loss!!! I have similar goals so would be great if we could do this together!!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Has the doctor given you the all clear to do an exercise programme that intensive so soon after a c-section??

    I've had 2 c-sections, after the second one a friend who's a physio helped me get back into exercise safely.... but didn't start as early as 6 weeks, and not with anything as strenuous as 30DS to begin with....

    Seriously you need to let your body recover properly before resuming exercise, c-section is major surgery, it's not the same situation at all as exercising again after natural childbirth (and even that you need to check your abs muscles have gone back together again before resuming exercise, and if there were complications that may mean it's better to delay starting exercising again).

    You can lose weight without exercise to begin with, even if you're breastfeeding, just make sure the deficit is not too big. Don't push yourself into exercising until your body has had a proper chance to heal. (i.e. take the advice of a doctor or physio of when to start exercising again - if you've done that, great :) pls let me know what the doctor said that was different from what my physio friend advised in case I have another baby, because I'd have to have yet another c-section)
  • andyswoman
    andyswoman Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement. :) I know I should try to be patient, but I feel so terrible about myself. I had my postpartum exam with my doctor 2 days shy of five weeks postpartum. I asked her about exercise and she only warned me about exercise impacting my milk supply. She never really said I couldn't due to my surgery. But, honestly, I have no incision pain and no internal pain. I can do the crunches in the dvd with no pain whatsoever. Prior to starting it, I researched and compared myself to other women who also started to exercise at 6 weeks. I do know, also, that every person is different and heals differently. I'm just listening to my body and being careful. :)
  • andyswoman
    andyswoman Posts: 16 Member
    Has the doctor given you the all clear to do an exercise programme that intensive so soon after a c-section??

    I've had 2 c-sections, after the second one a friend who's a physio helped me get back into exercise safely.... but didn't start as early as 6 weeks, and not with anything as strenuous as 30DS to begin with....

    Seriously you need to let your body recover properly before resuming exercise, c-section is major surgery, it's not the same situation at all as exercising again after natural childbirth (and even that you need to check your abs muscles have gone back together again before resuming exercise, and if there were complications that may mean it's better to delay starting exercising again).

    You can lose weight without exercise to begin with, even if you're breastfeeding, just make sure the deficit is not too big. Don't push yourself into exercising until your body has had a proper chance to heal. (i.e. take the advice of a doctor or physio of when to start exercising again - if you've done that, great :) pls let me know what the doctor said that was different from what my physio friend advised in case I have another baby, because I'd have to have yet another c-section)

    Just an fyi, I contacted my doctor and asked her if I was all clear and she said to just listen to my body and I should be able to resume exercise just fine. :) whew!