I could use some mutual support friends!

Hey all! I'm Sonja! I'm 28 almost 29 years old...

I have lost 51lbs so far and still need to loose about 38lbs. The first 51 lbs where in 2009-2010. Then I had a hard personal thing going on and was glad to manage my weight!

Apart from loosing I am also trying to get into shape! I run 3 times a week now and doing kung fu 2 times a week. I also skate, sail and snowboard every now and then..

But now I wish to finish what I started! I am really looking for some mutual support! I find getting into it again rather hard and I have no one in my life that believes I can manage getting those last pound off...So I am looking elsewhere for those hard moments!

I'm a gal that also like to motivate others :D We can all do this right :D!



  • IAS22
    IAS22 Posts: 8 Member
    Nobody :(?
  • maddykins70
    maddykins70 Posts: 46 Member
    hey how much left do you have to lose 17 lb left to lose to get to healthy goal weight for my height. have lost 38lbsin about 2 years just by cutting down and exercising more and kept it off. now wear uk size 10 clothes. need to lose the rest though am struggling as i eat healthy now . would love some mutual support . where you from?
  • samzybird84
    samzybird84 Posts: 5 Member
    hi, feel free to add me i also lack motivation and would like to help too,my problem is i am completely addicted to takeaways and used to order them twice a week :/ but know one thinks i can give them up :) i need to lose the weight i have put on through eating the takeaways and get into shape and tone up, this is my 2nd fitness pal account as i failed repeatedly and i had to keep starting again so thought i would wipe the slate clean and create a new profile. i want to keep it up this time but i find it hard too :)
  • IAS22
    IAS22 Posts: 8 Member
    hey how much left do you have to lose 17 lb left to lose to get to healthy goal weight for my height. have lost 38lbsin about 2 years just by cutting down and exercising more and kept it off. now wear uk size 10 clothes. need to lose the rest though am struggling as i eat healthy now . would love some mutual support . where you from?

    I'm from Rotterdam, Holland/The Netherlands, Europe

    I am also struggling getting back at it.. I just want to have a great look and be fit by this summer! I've set proper goals.. Going for it now.
  • IAS22
    IAS22 Posts: 8 Member
    hi, feel free to add me i also lack motivation and would like to help too,my problem is i am completely addicted to takeaways and used to order them twice a week :/ but know one thinks i can give them up :) i need to lose the weight i have put on through eating the takeaways and get into shape and tone up, this is my 2nd fitness pal account as i failed repeatedly and i had to keep starting again so thought i would wipe the slate clean and create a new profile. i want to keep it up this time but i find it hard too :)

    Takeaways! Yum Yum! I order them every now and then. With the long term bf. Maybe like once a month... I don;t want to cut down on everything nice.. It also learns me to deal with real life eating after my weightloss! My mondays are the days where I can eat what I want and not go above 2250 kcals (avg kcals I burn on a day by just being alive). Other days I do as healthy as possible and then once a month is takeaway night..
  • Hi! fell free to add me too :), I am in Ireland so we are more or less on the same time
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    You can add me! I'm in the same boat! I lost most of my 60lbs in 2009-2011. I like to say I took 2012 off after my dad passed but I used it as an excuse to eat. Now i'm using that as motivation to bet back on track and losing weight.

    I don't track my food on here but only my exercise. I'm a member of Weight Watchers.
  • IAS22
    IAS22 Posts: 8 Member
    Added the both of you! :D

    I started out with weight watchers.. well unofficially.. A friend of mine was a member and she explained the whole thing to me and got me started.. But she moved away and we didn't keep in touch :( But the whole method is pretty cool! I count kcals now!... So this here is perfect..