Had baby Oct 2010 & RNY Jan 2013 - looking for friends

I had a baby in Oct 2010 and was at my highest weight ever. The doctor said that if I didn't lose the weight, I may not have lived to see my daughter grow up.
I live in Canada, so the process for receiving RNY surgury is quite long (22 month wait).
Finally, Jan 2013 I had my surgery.
While waiting I started tracking calories and excercising and lost about 78 lbs.
Since surgery, I have lost an additional 20lbs.
I would really love to have some friends that have had RNY surgery so that we can compare food journals and help with modivation.


  • HungryKoala
    ALLO! and sounds like you've been through a lot! Right on for going through it with a head held high and goals in your mind!
  • staceyhotmama
    staceyhotmama Posts: 98 Member
    Good luck to you on your journey! I had RNY Dec 06.
  • kebbie2012
    kebbie2012 Posts: 5 Member
    I had lapband to rny revision on 12-18-12 and have lost 60lbs

    Best of luck to you!!