I need some motivation. Been on MFP for 10 weeks and while I have lost 14 lbs and some inches, I am not seeing as much weight loss as I would like. I know that the slower it comes off, the longer it will stay off and I do feel better. But its getting harder and harder to eat right and excercise when I am not getting results I would like. Any suggestions on either how to see more dramatic results or how to keep on track? I exercise 4x a week with cardio (running and zumba) and started strength training about 3 weeks ago. I need some help...


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    14 pounds in 10 weeks isn't slow. 1lb/week is average and you are already 4lbs up from that average - keep going. It's not a race. Be patient and consistent and keep going!
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    14 pounds in 10 weeks isn't slow. 1lb/week is average and you are already 4lbs up from that average - keep going. It's not a race. Be patient and consistent and keep going!


    Stop having unrealistic expectations. You are doing great.

    There will be times you won't lose weight or even gain. It's part of weight loss.

    If you want to lose faster, you would be increasing the amount of muscle you are losing.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I think you are right on track! I set out to lose 70 pounds and the first 53 OVER TIME were 1.1 per week no matter what. Discouraging at first, but over time weight loss is weight loss. You can also track your inches for more dramatic results. I was a daily weigher and learned what caused weight loss and weight gain with me. For weight loss I cut out sugar, salt, and processed foods and red meat portions had to be really small - like 2 ounces. READ YOUR LABELS! The current salt or sodium recommendation is not more than 1500mg/day. Eating more veggies and fruits will help - especially raw ones. You cannot eat too many raw veggies. They are really good for you, give you plenty of fiber, water, and nutrition. Nutrition is what keeps us satiated. I also made sure that everything had fiber in it. I ended cutting out bread, pasta, and crackers from my daily diet,too. Lots of hidden salt there and tortillas as well.

    Best of luck to you! You are on a good path! 2 pounds a week is a Fairy Tail for many! Keeping up a routine that you can do day in and day out is what matters. Lifestyle change, right?
  • lynn557
    lynn557 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm at the 10 week mark too and feeling the same way but keep reminding myself that any loss is better than none and I know it's going to be slow but in the right direction. Weigh in tomorrow so lets see how happy I am then!
  • sharanoliver
    A pound a week is four and a half stone in a year! Not slow at all:smile:
  • EricaLynn813
    EricaLynn813 Posts: 35 Member
    You are doing awesome try and focus on being healthy and not so much on the numbers for me when I see the numbers not moving or moving to slow I find myself wanting to give up, but I remind myself it's about being healthy. Good luck :)
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    You are doing great! 1 pound a week is a great and healthy weight loss and you are ahead of that! I know it can get frustrating when the first few pounds might fall right off and it feels like you've hit a plateau but remember that it's better to do it slow and steady.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    You're doing fabulous but letting the number rule your emotions...and that's what derails so many. Just keep doing what you're doing, don't worry if the pounds bounce around a bit, if you plateau think of it as your body stabilizing and getting used to the new you until it's ready to release more. Relax and if you can, put the scale away (out of sight, out of mind after a few days) until a certain time (month?) has gone by. Take more notice of how your body feels and how your clothes fit, for that's the best goal.'re doing great. Don't worry so much about the number.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    14 pounds in 10 weeks isn't slow. 1lb/week is average and you are already 4lbs up from that average - keep going. It's not a race. Be patient and consistent and keep going!


    Stop having unrealistic expectations. You are doing great.

    There will be times you won't lose weight or even gain. It's part of weight loss.

    If you want to lose faster, you would be increasing the amount of muscle you are losing.

    ^ This.

    You might want to incorporate strength training into your routine.
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    your doing awesome...i lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks...and i feel proud of myself
  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    I've only lost 9lb since the beginning of January and I work out 5-6 days a week and track religiously. It does get you down a bit when you want a 2lb a week loss or whatever, but I figure that it simply has to come off eventually!
  • prithvish
    prithvish Posts: 15
    hi guys,,,,,,,i need some motivation for work unable to gwet up in the morning and go for a jog....and rest of the day its not possible to do here...plz guide me....
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    Have you measured yourself? If not, I highly recommend you do that today. Compare inches, not just weight. Also, every 8 weeks or so have a photo taken in the same clothes (shorts and a running bra or a swimsuit), same pose. My weight will fluctuate as much as 2 lbs. from day to day. Yeah, they say not to weigh daily, but I do. Just don't get so wrapped up in the numbers on the scale. If you see an overall trend downwards in inches, clothing size, and most importantly, FEEL better and stronger, you are winning. :)
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    If it's any consolation.....

    I have dieted many times and yo-yoed. 10 pounds off, 10 pounds on.

    Until I joined Jenny Craig...With Jenny my average loss was one pound per week. When my store closed I was devastated as I discontinued my membership.

    I did not diet for several weeks, but I tried to apply what I had learned at Jenny. I fully expected to put the weight right back on....but low and behold besides maybe a pound, I did not gain any of it back. It has been 6 months now, and I still have not gained it back. I feel confident that it is because of the slow loss and the new habits I had embraced.

    If it was easy, everyone would do it. Embrace the challenge and run the race. You didn't put the weight on overnight, so don't expect that it will come off overnight!
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I will take slow weight decrease, inches off, and no flabby skin any day over fast and dramatic weight loss and surplus skin.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    hi guys,,,,,,,i need some motivation for work unable to gwet up in the morning and go for a jog....and rest of the day its not possible to do here...plz guide me....
    Make the time.
    Everyone else has had to look at their lifestyle and WANT to make the changes.
    When you are really ready for it, then you'll change your eating patterns/habits, or make the time to get going with being more active... but YOU are the only person who can do that... friends can cheer you on, sure... but no-one but you can make that step to go jogging, or do some other activities.

    It takes time and effort...
  • cclark1203
    cclark1203 Posts: 244 Member
    I will take slow weight decrease, inches off, and no flabby skin any day over fast and dramatic weight loss and surplus skin.

    So this!