P90X / weight loss

I am new to this site but hope you all can give me some advice. I am on week 4 of phase 2 of P90X. The workouts are amazing and I can tell a HUGE difference in my strength and how much I have improved on each workout since I have started them. I am 5'6" tall and when I started P90x I weighed 124 pounds. After almost completing phase 2 I have gained 5 pounds, and my pants are tight on my thighs and butt. I have cut out my (really bad) diet mtn. dew habit, and allow myself one a day and drink water the rest of the day. I have started watching my food intake and tried to make healthier food choices. The problem with that is.....it seems like I am ALWAYS hungry and it feels as if my body is constantly craving something. My questions are....is it normal to gain weight and get larger while doing a new workout? Is there a way to eat lean and not be hungry all of the time? (I love food!)


  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    I did P90x twice and am now on P90x2. Like you, the first two times I did not lose any weight but felt myself getting stronger. The real deal is the diet - and that's why I didn't see much progress the first time - I skipped the diet!. Makes sure the calories you eat are within your daily range and make sure to eat plenty of protein. I always make a protein shake after working out and it has helped me to curb cravings and get that much-needed muscle energy. Write down on MFP everything you eat and drink - no skipping a cookie or soda!

    It took me about a full year doing P90x and running in the summer to notice the weight loss so don't give up. Sometimes we can't tell we've lost weight but everyone else notices.

    Good luck!
  • islae2010
    islae2010 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm doing P90x now, starting week 11 tonight. I completely changed my diet, cutting out almost all processed foods during the week with a cheat day on the weekends. I'm 5'7" and started out at 144. I've only lost 5 pounds on the scale but look like I've dropped about 10. My advice is the same as the person above, especially regarding the protein. I eat eggs and turkey bacon almost daily for breakfast and have also eaten so much grilled chicken salad the last few months that I feel like I could morph into a chicken! It's all about diet. If you don't follow closely what you're eating, you won't have the desired outcome. Good luck - I hope you find what works for you!
  • Thank you both for your response. Looks like I need to take a closer look at my diet.
  • CecRR
    CecRR Posts: 9
    You need to make sure you are getting enough calories, but when you are trying to drop the weight, you need to stay in the shredder phase, and go easy on the carbs. I struggle here too. I am vegan, so yes, I get my protein needs, but all the veggies with protein have decent carbs as well. I just try to limit my intake of carbs such as breads, pasta, crackers etc. Tho Im not perfect, and they slip in still. I really havent lost any weight yet, still bouncing between 128-130. The first time I did the program, I noticed the scale goin up, but my pants were getting looser.