In need of help!



  • maedarrell
    Do you have a support network? parents, husband/ bf anyone?
    Really you need to talk to them. you have a baby, the military is not worth you putting yourself though this stress.
    Get your priorities strait, and talk to someone. I'll help you out.

    #1) you
    #2) your baby and family
    #3) everything else

    Seriously, you need to be talking to someone about this.

    Actually, well, as personal to me as it is, I started seeing a psychologist because of some issues I have. My support system, family is part of my reason for my dr visits to begin with. My husband is on midnight shift, has been since November and won't rotate through 'til next month. I deploy for Cuba in August and I feel like no matter what the number on the scale is, I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS see myself as big...everything about myself.

    But like I said, I have an appt to see a nutritionist next month and I'm hoping they can help.

    I also have degenerative disk disease/snapping hip syndrome and abnormal back posture...(ha?! ) and am back in physical therapy for it since I took time off during pregnancy. I know I can do this! My body is active but my mind is lazy...