Mum of 2, finding it difficult to shift baby weight :(

malisha313 Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself

I'm Malisha, mum of 2 beautiful children. One is 6yrs old and the other is 4months old.
Since using MFP app on my iphone i've lost 5lbs but my babyfat around my tummy doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
My start weight was 134lbs and my goal is to reach 100lbs, I'm quite a shorty so 100lbs is about right for my height of 4'11"..

I started going to the gym but then I got ill for about 2 weeks and havent been back since, I think its a lack of motivation and also baby does not sleep much - actually he does not sleep at all during the day! so it's hard to get anyone to babysit while i'm at the gym..

I've also just bought the bodysculpt step machine to use at home when I cant get to the gym, so lets see how that goes.


  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Wow - back in the gym with a 4 month old - you are motivated.
    My personal opinion is that that tummy fat is not just tummy fat as such but stretched post pregnancy shape and it takes a while for it to get back to where it belongs. 9 months to stretch it - 9 months to get it back (unless you are a very lucky person!).
    I would start as you have with MFP, watching your food intake and making good choices, it will come off, you can walk so much with a baby, why not try walking a certain amount of time or distance when you've done the school run, gives you time with your baby and fresh air as well as your exercise, I would be very careful in the gym, maybe you being ill was a sign that you're trying to do too much, 4 months is not a very long time post babies to be asking that much of your body.
    Good luck Malisha!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Yeah, I agree 4 months is not much time. It really does take the body a while to readjust after pregnancy, think of the ordeal you just put your body through! It is also important that mommy is getting enough rest. :wink: Weight loss is much harder if your body is not well rested.

    I am 15 months post-partum, gained 50 pounds and am still working on the stubborn last 12. It is a slow process but you will get there!
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I agree with the other two posts. I certainly think that my tummy is suffering from being stretched as well as being fat! My son is 6months old next week and so far I've lost 25lb on MFP and nearly 40lb in total (still a a long way to go - I was fat before I got pregnant). Add me as a friend if you like.
  • I have a little boy who just turned 2, and I am still working on it. I just started MFP, and it seems to be working so far - I think you just have to keep at it and make good choices. I have been such a yoyo dieter over the last 2 years, but am finally starting to take things a little more seriously and focus more on the weight loss. Will the tummy ever truly go away? I hope so! Good luck!
  • Thanks for replying! :)

    I was taking it easy at the gym, walking and jogging on the treadmill and cycling.. I got ill because I'd caught the bug off someone.
    The first few days back at the gym were abit slow paced I was ther for no more than 15-20 mins, I expected that before I got there, as I was going back after such a long time there was no way id be cycling for an hour and burning 300 calories like I did before I got pregnant, that will take a while to get to.

    I'd go for walks with the little one after the school run, but its abit difficult with the weather here in London, one day its hot and sunny and the next day its cold and raining, such a drastic change in weather gets me and baby ill. The walks deffinatly helped shift some pounds and give shape to my legs!

    After using MFP I'm more aware of calories and my intake, where as before I wouldnt bother with checking calories.
    I got my partner using MFP and he's lost a few pounds too!

    Thanks for the advice Beth and Cynthia! : )
  • I have a little boy who just turned 2, and I am still working on it. I just started MFP, and it seems to be working so far - I think you just have to keep at it and make good choices. I have been such a yoyo dieter over the last 2 years, but am finally starting to take things a little more seriously and focus more on the weight loss. Will the tummy ever truly go away? I hope so! Good luck!

    The answer is yes!
    After going back to work after my 1st baby I dropped from a UK size 14 to a size 8 (within 5 months) which was my pre baby size and my tummy was flat!

    Good luck!
  • I agree with the other two posts. I certainly think that my tummy is suffering from being stretched as well as being fat! My son is 6months old next week and so far I've lost 25lb on MFP and nearly 40lb in total (still a a long way to go - I was fat before I got pregnant). Add me as a friend if you like.

    wow! well done! you've lost alot!

    The positive thing about my tummy is I hardly have any strech marks... not bad for having 2 children

    Any tips you could share would be much appreciated : )
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