Help with Injury, prob due to Gym

2 daya ago Ive noticed this on my right arm

It looks like trapped blood, cuz of a vessel being damaged

The thing is i study medicine in a foreign country, and im tryna leave visiting a doctor as a last resort.
Can anybody help me, what is this, why did it happen, and is it safe to have a Biceps workout today?


  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    I've had that before and never went to a doctor. Not sure what it is, I just know that mine went away in about a week. As a general rule trying to decide if I should or should not work out with regards to something hurting is the difference between a good hurt and a bad hurt. A good hurt is muscle soreness which doesn't make working out pleasant, but it should not be detrimental to your health. When a bad hurt such as a joint, ligament, etc. happens, then it's time to tone it down and assess what brought it on and maybe see a doctor.
  • SultanAlush
    SultanAlush Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the reply
    And the thing is i dont feel any pain, even when i press it
    Do u think its safe enough to work my biceps out today?

    Much appreciated