Struggling today

I did my daily weigh-in this morning and I was sad & angry to see I put on about a pound since yesterday. I've been doing weight training so I know I may put on a little weight in muscle before I start to burn the fat therefore losing weight, but I was so proud of myself for beginning to lose weight and now this set back. Any words of advice to keep the weight falling off and not giving up?


  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    I get hung up on daily weigh-ins too...remember, our body weight can fluctuate as much as 2 pounds a day, just from the little changes going on in metabolism, our water retention, etc...wait a day or two and weigh in again...I try to limit myself to twice a week, but it's hard to not check daily looking for that progress...hang in there and keep doing what you're doing, and you will see the results, I know I have...
  • drucilla8
    drucilla8 Posts: 15
    Definitely don't weight in everyday. As women our body weight goes up and down on a daily basis, so what you want to do is pick one day out of the week and weight every week on that specific day. Pounds don't really matter as much as inches do. If you start to notice a difference in how you clothes begin to fit and you notice your body changing then that's all that matters. You have a lot of people that weigh more than what they appear.

    Keep up the good work and don't let the scale get you down. Stay motivated and stay focused on your main goal to lose weight and get healthy!!

    Hope this helps have a great weekend!!:smile:
  • kevcar0603
    kevcar0603 Posts: 18 Member
    I only weigh in once a week because that up and down drives me crazy! I do know that I personally have to watch my sodium intake, because I tend to hold onto water weight if it's too high. Don't get're doing great!! :)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Dont get discouraged....You already said it, you have started lifting weights and could be building muscles, so dont be hard on yourself

    I started lifted weights last week, so I took my measurements, and I dont plan to go on the scale until the end of the month.

    I usually weigh every Monday, but decided to give it a break for a couple weeks and give the body time to adjust to the new regime

    Muscle weighs more than fat, and I believe you know this, so stop being so hard on yourself

    If you havent measured before then you should probably do so.

    Keep going strong