how can I stop eating white toast when it's always around?



  • pipsar6
    pipsar6 Posts: 29 Member
    Absolutely you can control - do you do the shopping? If so don't buy the stuff in that makes you unhealthy - look at it as helping them too
    My old teenagers have to go buy their own nice stuff... I have to NOT buy jam(jelly)
    My man will have to go and buy his own peanut butter.
    I know that I use the kids and the family as an excuse to buy in the crap...
    Oh she's home from uni let's buy her some chocolate spread.... it's an excuse and I know it

    Unfortunately it does come down to self control...which I have in short supply too
    I can be great through the day and then the minute everyone goes to bed i turn into a secret eater...
    Other nights I can control myself...

    Try to look at it NOT as though you are denying yourself but that YOU are TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR OWN LIFE...

    Or look at the calories and then burn them off... tell yourself that if you want 200 calories of bread I must earn it through exercise.

    Good luck

    (I should practice what I preach lol)
  • [/quote]
    Strange, I eat tons of white flour tortillas and also eat white bread and white rice when I want and I've never had to be taken to the ER for food poisoning.

    If you balance and pre-plan what you are going to eat then a slice or two of white bread won't kill you. It won't make you stop losing weight. Eating more calories than you need will. So OP if you really like white toast and want to continue eating it the do it, just don't over do it. If you just don't like it anymore then I don't see what the problem is.

    I agree with this comment... I eat two slices of white toast, at least 2-3 mornings a week and I'm doing just fine :smile:
    I'm aware that there are lower calorie & much healthier alternatives, but it's just one of those things that I don't care to sacrifice and as long as I factor it into my calorie count for the day, what's the harm?

    *First two paragraphs were quoted from "MrM27"... not sure what happened to the blue quote box.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Not sure how you can always have toast around.. Surely you have to put it in the toaster and make it yourself unless someone else is constantly making it for you. In any case just stop eating it.

    If you're hungry perhaps try eating something with higher protein/fibre which is likely to satisfy you for longer.

    Or if you're just bored go outside for a walk or something to distract you.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Well, the first thing you could do would be to look at the ingredients. They're pretty much poison :P If not poison, at least unnecessary. You feel hungry after eating them because they spike your blood sugar (if I remember correctly) and then you crash, making you crave the white carbohydrates even more. It's a vicious cycle. Try buying a loaf of whole wheat bread for yourself (be careful- a lot of whole grain breads are rip offs) or try something else (like a few raisins). I usually grab a strawberry when I'm feeling hungry/bored and just want something to eat, and it really works. Also try filling yourself so full of water you don't even want any food.

    PS: If you choose a few raisins, I have a technique : Roll the raisin around in your fingers and soften it before you eat it. If you have even 5 raisins, this rolling and moving around will not only make you forget your craving, but satisfy you more. No, I have no scientific evidence of this, just my own experience! :laugh:

    I've had to overcome my family constantly having cheesey breads, baked goods, flaky pastries, and other food around me all the time. It's hard, and sometimes I still find my fingers straying in for just a taste. But thats the thing : It's a taste. Maybe just have 1 piece of toast around and only allow yourself to snack on it? One bite WILL satisfy you.

    Best of luck!

    Strange, I eat tons of white flour tortillas and also eat white bread and white rice when I want and I've never had to be taken to the ER for food poisoning.

    If you balance and pre-plan what you are going to eat then a slice or two of white bread won't kill you. It won't make you stop losing weight. Eating more calories than you need will. So OP if you really like white toast and want to continue eating it the do it, just don't over do it. If you just don't like it anymore then I don't see what the problem is.

    You're definitely right. I wasn't saying it would kill you or that it would make you gain weight :P I also know people don't go to the ER over white bread, haha. I meant the ingredients were "poison" not that someone would get food poisoning. They aren't REALLY poisons but it's a good way to look at it in comparison to what your body really needs.They CAN be poisons if overused and eaten in excess, however. That being said, balance is the key! But she did say she wanted to stop eating it, so I thought it was a better response to tell her some ways to avoid eating it :P I know if I look at the label a lot of times it deters me from putting it in my mouth. But by all means, have white bread!