
During the period I put on the most weight (I went from 160 to 224 lbs in a year) I had decided not to go to university, I was unemployed and I stopped going out with friends. I'm not quite sure why, but during this period my favourite hobby was setting out an array of deliciously fattening foods (such as chocolates, sweets, pancakes, pizzas, ice cream etc.) and watching a great movie. I would do this up to 5 times per week and just stopped eating normal food.

When I decided to lose weight last year I cut all of that out and completely changed my lifestyle. I'm taking a computer science degree now and I'm down to 154 lbs at 5"10 which I'm happy with. The only problem now that I'm almost done is that I'm scared to enjoy food again.

I probably overindulged before because I was depressed but I'm enjoying my life much more now. Some days I really want to just order in a pizza, get some ben & jerrys ice cream and watch something on netflix but I stop myself because I don't have that blissful ignorance any more and I know it's going to undo my hard work.

What I'm trying to ask you guys is, how often do you screw your diet and eat whatever you want because it makes you happy without it damaging your health or expanding your waistline?


  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    I was doing that too often, and spoiling the rest of the time. Ive stopped now, or at least I have, so now I just eat.little bit of what I want and so far it seems to be working
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    It doesn't need to be all or nothing. You can have a pizza and ice cream day, but, not every day. One day will not undo all your hard work. Or, as people say... you didn't lose your weight in one meal, you won't gain it either.

    BTW, at quick glance you would have to eat an entire 18" pepperoni pizza to gain 1 lb. I suspect the resulting digestional issues would in turn take care of eat least 3/4 of that lb.
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    to be honest i am hopeless i eat very carefully during the week but most weekend end up going out and getting p8ssed which then means hangover eating day which very often puts all my weight back on. BUT im looking to maintain and eat (in recovery from bulimia) rather than lose so i'm ok with that. I think if you want to lose then you can have the bowl of ben and jerries, but not the tub, and you can't eat cr*p all day... maybe for one meal but not the whole day and make sure you do some excercise before you eat the junk. there have been a few times during the week where i've just been craving those really calorific stuffed pasta cushions and i;ve had them but done a ministry of dance workout dvd first for an hour and actually ended up losing. pretty much as long as you can factor it into your calories then you can have it, so maybe eat a little less one day and treat yourself the next
  • dexter4564
    dexter4564 Posts: 86 Member
    to be honest i am hopeless i eat very carefully during the week but most weekend end up going out and getting p8ssed which then means hangover eating day which very often puts all my weight back on. BUT im looking to maintain and eat (in recovery from bulimia) rather than lose so i'm ok with that. I think if you want to lose then you can have the bowl of ben and jerries, but not the tub, and you can't eat cr*p all day... maybe for one meal but not the whole day and make sure you do some excercise before you eat the junk. there have been a few times during the week where i've just been craving those really calorific stuffed pasta cushions and i;ve had them but done a ministry of dance workout dvd first for an hour and actually ended up losing. pretty much as long as you can factor it into your calories then you can have it, so maybe eat a little less one day and treat yourself the next

    I guess I'm lucky in that department, every sunday my hangover is so bad that I can't keep anything down so I just don't eat at all xD