Obese to Overweight by the Summer

Well, I've been using MFP for about 6 months now, so I thought I'd better get on here and introduce myself...

In August last year I committed that within a year I would no longer be obese - I would lose enough weight to get into the BMI region for overweight. This wasn't going to be easy as I've been technically obese for the last 20 years with various attempts at losing weight either failing from the start or showing some success and then putting it back on. In August last year I tipped the scales at 325lbs.

I needed to lose 98lbs and with my target date of 4th August 2013, I knew I had to lose just under 2lbs a week, every week, for 50 weeks. Giving myself this target and using a combination of MFP, a new exercise regime tracked with RunKeeper and plenty of support from Friends and Colleagues, I am still ahead of target. 75lbs lost at time of writing... only 23lbs more to go.

As the time comes closer, I'm thinking about my next goal... "The road to normal" . Between August and the following April, if I can lose 1lb per week then I'll be "normal" (what's that like?) for Spring 2014.



  • neenie122
    neenie122 Posts: 10
    Way to go, thanks for sharing your story!!
    I'm also just over the "obese" mark and would love to start moving down the scale to "overweight". I just started MFP yesterday and looking for motivational friends and great recipes!

    I've only ever known what "normal" was like once and I miss that feeling! I have a ruptured disc in my back so I'm very restricted on exercise. BUT, I'm going to TRY. That's all I can do :happy:

    Good luck!