Will it ever come?

Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Been on this weight loss journey for 2 years now. Lost 60 before joining MFP. Gained 10 back, now I've lost that 10, and have been trying to get 20 off to meet my under 200lb goal. Will that day ever come? I feel like I keep climbing and climbing, and don't get anywhere. What a struggle! :(


  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    I feel the same! I have been trying to get out of the 190s for the LONGEST time!
  • 40nflirty
    40nflirty Posts: 1
    Forget about the numbers. Exercise knowing you're fighting diabetes, heart disease & possibly cancer.
    Keep your chin up. Remember to take care of yourself...would you be that hard on a friend? Be nice to yourself.
    You can do this! You've lost 60 lbs! You're amazing!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....

    Yea it totally sucks when our body doesn't do what we WANT it to do but if you're doing all the RIGHT things, eventually it has no choice :)
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    You can do it, girl. Seriously. You have already lost 60, and it's ridiculously hard to fight what our bodies are sort of built to do. A lot of this battle is psychological. Maybe try meditating to clear your mind, turn off the chatter and the "i can't do it, I can't do it!" You can and you are and you will. It takes time. But remember, every moment that ever is 'now,' well, it's already happened. The time will pass and you'll get there. :-)
  • I can't see your diary. Let me say this. You are gorgeous. You've lost 60lbs! That's amazing.
    Now for the hard part: Wanting to lose and doing the things necessary to lose are two very different things. I know when I get stuck at a weight for awhile, it's because I haven't been putting in the work. It's hard to be honest with ourselves, but in order for this to work we have to be. Take a step back, make sure you are eating enough. If you work out, make sure to eat at least half of those calories. You're body might think it's starving. Even when you're down, do everything to keep it moving! Once every few weeks have a binge day, then get right back on track. The more u change it up the more your body will try to drop the pounds. Sometimes every day is a struggle, and sometimes it feels so easy I wonder why I didn't do it before now. If I have a bad day, I dust off and get back to it the next day. DON'T BACK DOWN. DON'T FEEL BAD. FINISH THIS! You can do it!
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    Just keep trying, it will. You've done great so far.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Just keep going.. I don't know how much you are exercising or your meal plan, but if you are being honest with yourself and your diary then it will come.. It's taken me 11 months to get where I'm at.. The more you lose the harder you push too.. I've worked my way from low-impact aerobics to the Biggest Loser Cardio Max and now I'm running.. You have to keep upping what you do.. We're talking about your health and pushing your body and getting your heart rate up.. Eating whole foods, limiting processed foods.. And counting all your cals.. That mini tootsie roll candy has 16 cals (*kitten*, I ate 4!).. See what I'm sayin...

    If you want it bad enough.. it will come.. I've got 8 lbs til my goal and I'm thinking about changing my goal now! I feel like anything is possible! lol And I was always the "chubby" twin.. Not any more!
  • STRESS!!! is a factor of weight just sitting still and fluctuating....if you stop focusing on the loss and focus on the fact that you are getting healthier by eating better and exercising, you will see more results...Dont stress over what is NOT happening, be thankful for what it and be thankful that it could be worse.....

    I know its frustrating...I have a long ways to go and feel its not getting anywhere fast but I'm feeling better because i'm taking care of myself now....
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Could you make your diary public? I could gain a lot of insight, seeing what you eat and how you exercise & may be able to offer some assistance! :)
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    There... it's public now....
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