My first day. . .

I've tried to start before, but LIFE seems to always be a problem for me. I figure if I can do it now, when I'm working seven days a week and being the only driver in the family (hubby has a phobia) during the school year, then I can do it when things cool off a bit.

Right now, I'm working two jobs, both low paying. One's fast food in the evenings, and the other's a motel night auditor where I have to make the free hot breakfast (waffles, toast, biscuits & gravy). Hubby goes to school in the next town three days a week. Sleep is a real problem, and so is the availability of candy (Blizzard candy) and hamburgers. Addicted to Diet Coke.

So I want to drop the soda for sweet tea. It has less sugar and caffeine than regular soda, and none of the other bad stuff from the diet soda. And I'm going to work out 30 min./day with Wii Fit. I think I might like the running once my calves stop screaming at me. :)

The other problem has been a very tight budget. It's hard to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, and harder to find the time to cook. Still haven't really figured this out.

So, I'm starting today with138 lbs to lose. Wish me luck!


  • Goin4goal
    Goin4goal Posts: 129 Member
    Good luck - I'm starting officially today also. I just recently stopped drinking Coke in January. I was so addicted to it - I know I was pouring tons of sugar into my body. It really wasn't that hard. I think what helped me is to not drink anything while eating. Food digests better without liquids added. I always felt that food tasted better with a Coke. But now I just drink water in between meals and it works. I order water when I go out, just in case I choke on my food. lol Sweet tea has almost as much sugar as a Coke, so if you can, I would try to go for water. Sounds like you have a full plate with your jobs and driving everyone around. Try to take time for yourself, its so important. Hope we can become friends. Not an expert on this site yet, but I'm sure we'll both figure it out. I have about 65 lbs to lose. So here's to new beginnings!!
  • Good luck to you! Today is my second day and I have 150lbs to lose. My problem is mainly junk food, boredom eating, and an inactive lifestyle so I'm trying to change all that. I think we both can do it!
  • sheshappynow
    sheshappynow Posts: 88 Member
    you both can add me if you like. I've been on this site since January 7th and so far have lost 30 pounds. It seems it may be hard at first, but I promise you this... if you stick to a plan and log every day and get in some exercise the weight will come off. best of luck to you both:)
  • Good luck! I know you can do it. I am half way there to where I would like to be. Find something you love to do, it will take you a long ways. feel free to add me if you want. I love watching other people successes, so let me know if I can either of you in way :)
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Good luck! We all have life that gets in the way, we just need to make the concious decision to make our lives better for our loved ones and most of all for ourselves! Before starting, we all think that we don't have the time/money, etc. Commit yourself to it and it will happen. You will figure it out! Start by setting small goals/changes. For example, a big thing for me was to change to drinking mainly just water. Once I got myself into the routine (by tracking on here) I realized the water was helping to keep me full longer. As far as cooking, many of the recipes on are quick meals with ingredients that I normally have in the house. You can also do bulk cooking on a day where you may have a few spare hours or even an hour. If you commit yourself to changing, you will make it happen.
  • Hi! I started MFP yesterday and have at least 60 lbs to lose. I would love to meet new friends to help keep me motivated and encouraged. I would also like to share great recipes- getting bored with eating the same old food is always my downfall. I need more healthy tasty options! :smile:

    If anyone would like to add me, please do! Good to luck to all!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    Y'all can add me as a friend if you like.

    I came back to MFP after an unplanned hiatus, and back to trying to lose weight and get in shape. I need people to kick me in the pants every now and then.
  • lauracorro
    lauracorro Posts: 10 Member
    You can do it! We are all here to support each other this an awesome sight to use! Good Luck!!
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    You got this!! and you can add me as a friend. I started losing weight a year ago on a big time budget and would love to support you along the way to losing your weight. Best wishes!