Anyone had a Personal Trainer?



  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I have been working out with a trainer for 3 1/2 years now. He is a great motivator and keeps me from getting bored in the gym. I don't want to have to research what to do, I like that he does all that for me. I spend enough time in the gym without spending more time at home looking exercises up. I started my weight loss with him and now, I am still trying to lose some weight, but its more about being strong and healthy now. I go every other week, he gives me a workout that I do a couple more times without him and I do cardio on my own, although he helps me with that too. He also helped me a lot with my diet in the beginning. Could I have done it without him? Yes Do I think it was easier for me with him? Yes. Just make sure your trainer and you are the right fit, not all trainers are for everyone.
  • amandajones1978
    I LOVE my personal trainer! I am about as coordinated as a baby giraffe in strength training, so I NEED someone to tell me what to do and how to do it..and constantly correct my form. I meet with him every other week. Between sessions I will work on the exercises he shows me but he just kicks my butt anyway the next time I see him despite all my hard work to improve. :)

    My trainer is also my nutrition coach so 2 for 1 deal. He helps me to cook and eat healthier, and what food I need to avoid. And he is always following up on my progress, whether its through texting or facebook...that man has eyes everywhere. haha!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I may be wrong but it seems that most people talk about a PT in the gym. Mine is going to help me workout at home and outside. Is this more of a UK thing?
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    I've had a couple of personal trainers, my first one was gym-based and really useful for helping me lift heavy weights. He really pushed me and would spot me (I didn't have any gym buddies so wouldn't have been able to lift as heavy by myself).

    I now have an outdoor based trainer (he's way cheaper!) and he's great for speed, interval and boxing training. I do miss doing weights though.

    What I love most about having a PT is that, although yes, I could do most of the exercises myself, having someone else plan the session, shout encouragement, time your sets etc is fantastic. It means I can completely switch off any 'thinking' part of my brain and solely focus on physically doing the exercises.
  • Jamie571
    Jamie571 Posts: 16 Member
    I have had a personal trainer for the past 18 months and I LOVE him. I probably don't need him now it terms of motivation since he has turned me into a gym rat but he always has something new for me to try. He is great at teaching me things so that I can do them on my own and we have a great working relationship. We meet twice a week and one day a week we do more heavy lifting and on the other days he has these insane workouts that we do for time that usually leave me a sweaty puddle laid out on the gym floor :happy: I will continue to use him as long as he is still at the gym. I can honestly say that he is the best investment that I have made in my health!!
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    I started using weights with a physical therapist after a broken/repaired wrist 3 years ago. I stayed with that guy for over a year, going in about once a month for weights advice and basic wrist therapy before I moved away from the area. I kept up lifting dumbbells on my own for a while.

    I started working with my current trainer this January for kettlebells and heavy lifting. I go once every two weeks, and try to fit in 4-5 sessions on my own between appointments. I was thinking I'd just go a few times to get the basics worked out, but I'm finding I really value the little form corrections and tips.
  • LeslieC1970
    LeslieC1970 Posts: 160
    I have been using a trainer for the past six months and have gotten fantastic results. I see him 4X a week and the changes in my fitness level and body composition have been significant. What has also been key is having someone to push me harder than what I would normally do on my own.
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    I've been seeing a pt for years. Over that time I've had several - all really good. At present I see two. One on Thursday evening - I've been with her for a few years. She's n demand and pretty much works 7 days a week and its difficult to get a regular second slot itch her. So the last month or so I've been doing an early Tuesday session with the trainer at my gym.
    Both do similar things and push me much further than I'd ever push myself.

    For me it's become an essential part of my training, not a luxury
  • marnie1970
    I have had a trainer since January & wish I had started sooner. I had lost a good part of the weight, but my body fat % was far to high for a woman of my size. I started at 36.3% body fat & am currently at 30.5%. I am at the stage that the BF% won't go down unless I build muscle. My trainer would like to see my BF% go to around 25%.

    I train with mine 3 times a week for a half hour & hope at the end of 6 months to have a much better understanding of weight & strength training. I already feel much more comfortable in the "muscle zone" of my gym. She not only taught me the machines, but lots of things like body bridges, dead lifts with weighted bars, various sit ups, russian twists, working with hand weights, many things that will work away from the gym. I am jogging for a half an hour on the treadmill, which I would never have done on my own. I believe the jogging has improved my knee strength & stamina.

    Often times when I'm taught a new skill I am awkward as hell at it, but I practice outside of our sessions to get it right. It is important to work everything your taught with a trainer away from the trainer or you are wasting your money. I find I have come to LOVE the physical & mental challenge this has provided me.

    My trainer also has a background in nutrition, which has helped fine tune my diet. She has offered helpful advice on adding Greek yogurt, smart balance peanut butter, string cheese, kashi bars & cereals. Some are to add protein, while some are less processed & without high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils .

    Overall, my strength has improved & I am able to pick up a 30 pound bag of dog food, which I never could have done before. My goal is to pick up a 50 pound bag. Just today I tried on a form fitting dress that was tight even when I was smaller & now fits even better. I can't wait to try it on in 6 months & show off my arms & shoulders as it is a halter:)

    Hope that helps & good luck????
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Saw my trainer today for an intro chat to see if I wanted to use him. In Saturday we are meeting to do fit tests and measurements and will then start next Thresdat when he will set me a programme. I want to workou myself and use him to monitor me and set/ adjust a programme based on what I enjoy/ need.
  • rencawdor24
    rencawdor24 Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for your help everyone.

    I was thinking of buying 10 sessions with the Personal Trainer and using her every other week That way:
    1) The 10 sessions will last me around 5 months (as the sessions are pretty expensive)
    2) Knowing I have someone to answer to at the end of the 2 weeks will keep on me on the straight and narrow.

    When did you all start using your personal trainer? Did you use one as soon as you decided to tone up/lose weight?

    I want to lose weight and then tone up, but haven't exercised for over a year due to ill health. So I'm wondering if it'd be better for me to start increasing my exercise on my own first? And then use a personal trainer when I'm fitter. Views welcome.

    I am currently nearly 13 stones and my height is 5ft 3.5". I would love to lose 4 stones in total but would be happy with 2.5 stones.

    I had several injuries when I started this process, so I purposely sought out a trainer with that expertise. I found that having a trainer from the beginning really helped me be more motivated (since I was paying), and less overwhelmed by the all the gym had to offer. I meet with my trainer every other week, and sometimes once every third week, depending on my schedule. That works out really well, because I'm motivated to improve in between my sessions, and to improve, I have to consistently go to the gym! Once I feel comfortable with what all the machines do, I will probably spread out my training sessions even farther.

    Thanks for that, that is really helpful to me!
  • sessygail
    sessygail Posts: 44 Member
    My husband and I worked with a personal trainer for almost a year and it was great. BUT...when we stopped we went through what I call PPTP - Post-Personal Trainer Paralysis! It was like I couldn't figure out how to do it on my own. I don't imagine that happens to everyone but it sure happened to me! I still went to the gym and did my cardio and even found a kettlebell class that I did but I couldn't make myself go back into the weight room or do the things that we did when they were under the supervision of the trainer. I am finally emerging from that phase but it cost me some of my fitness level that I now must regain.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you do make sure that person teaches you c ompound lifts - deadlifts, squats, over head press, bench press, chin ups/pull ups, etc...for some reason that trainers at my gym never have their clients squatting or deadlifting which I find strange...
  • kkkhull
    kkkhull Posts: 1
    I'm currently trainning with a PT, and it is going great. More then the motivation is the posture correction and adquate trainning plan that i get.
    I fell fine and pushed to the max. So my advise is go with it at least for a couple of months.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Saw my trainer today for an intro chat to see if I wanted to use him. In Saturday we are meeting to do fit tests and measurements and will then start next Thresdat when he will set me a programme. I want to workou myself and use him to monitor me and set/ adjust a programme based on what I enjoy/ need.

    Disappointed with my PT session today. Maybe I was expecting too much. He gave me some new exercises but i was hoping for a more rigid plan to follow. It was also much too,easy for me. Maybe I'm being unfair but felt disappointed and not fired up afterwards.
  • sessygail
    sessygail Posts: 44 Member
    You know, I felt the same with with my trainer sometimes but then I realized that I was trying to compare him with Bob or Jillian or Dolvett on the Biggest Loser and I don't think that was fair! There were definitely benefits of working with him and they showed up in body fat and measurements and the way I felt.

    You might have to revisit with your PT about what you want/need from him (i.e. a specific plan for the times you are working out without him). We had one trainer who did that for us but then we found out that the gym rules would not allow them to write out plans so she would tell us and we would write it down (something to do with liability I think!)
  • CatMcCheesey
    I have been working out with a personal trainer for one 30 minute session per week for 6 weeks now and I am very happy with him. I'm learning a lot, losing weight (18 pounds since Feb 7th) and getting stronger. He pushes me to do more than I think I can do, and what I've found, is that I CAN do it! Plus, he plans my workouts for the days that I don't train with him, and my workouts are never boring.

    I spent some time watching all the trainers at the gym while they were with their clients, to see who would best suit me. I picked the trainer who seemed the most engaged and who seemed to really love what he does. I'm very happy that I signed on with him.