Breastfeeding mom, looking to lose weight and keep it off

Hello, I am new to the site and since I had my second child back in late July I have lost 35 pounds. I am feeling good and healthier than ever! I went from 170 pounds right after I had her to 135 currently. I would like to be 120 pounds. I am 5'7' and used to be about 115 back in high school.

I am breastfeeding, so I am very careful to eat enough calories and lose about 2-3 pounds a week.

I would love to meet other younger moms (20-30 yr olds) with the same backgrounds to share recipes, stories and weight loss milestones.


  • Welcome, new here too! Can't wait to get to know everyone.

    Congrats on the second baby! How exciting. I'm a single mom of one with a 10 month old so busy would be an understatement... Definitely in the same boat looking for recipes and easy snacks/meal plan ideas!

    Lucky you breastfeeding!! That is an automatic calorie burner :)
  • Yes, breastfeeding is helping a lot! I had no idea I would lose weight so quick. I stopped breastfeeding my first baby after just a few months but with my second child it has been 8 months and we both love it!
  • cherieannjohnson
    cherieannjohnson Posts: 7 Member
    I am a new mom (again) too :)...My eldest is 3, and the newest addition is 6 weeks old. I too am breastfeeding and trying to lose the pregnancy pounds ;)
  • feb25
    feb25 Posts: 1
    Hello! I joined a while back but never did anything about it:( But now I am READY to lose weight.
    I just had my 2nd baby. I am 5'2'' and weigh 142lbs. I would love to be 115-120lb. I am also breastfeeding.
    I am unsure how to cut calories/try to lose weight without dropping my milk supply either.
    I would love any support or tips along the way:)
  • Hi! I am also a breastfeeding mom who is trying to lose that baby weight! I had my son on 8/13/12 (7.5 months ago), and by 8 weeks post partum I had lost 23 lbs and then my weight loss completely stopped at 145 lbs. Of course, I wasn't really trying to lose the weight either. By end of January I got fed up with it when I realized I was wearing a size 12 when only 4 years ago I was a size 2, at 108 lb & im 5'3". Plus I'm getting married this coming August & want to lose this weight by then. I've got less than 5 months to lose 25 lbs. the good thing is that since the end of January I have gone from 145 to 138 so I have lost 8 lbs. I think that is pretty good for 7 weeks.

    I'd love to connect with other nursing moms who are trying to she'd those pounds.
  • allisontaylor84
    allisontaylor84 Posts: 7 Member
    I just had my first child February 5, 2013 and since giving birth I've lost 26 lbs. Before I became pregnant, I was 189 and trying to lose weight. Now I am at 197 and trying to get down to 165. I have been exclusively breastfeeding and don't really feel like breastfeeding is helping me shed pounds as quickly as people with other stories I've read. Last week, I started exercising (walking & wii zumba) daily, and counting calories to get more active in getting this weight off! It seems breastfeeding does have me hungry all the time, so any tips on choosing foods that will fill me up but are still within a healthy calorie range will be greatly appreciated!

    Also, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • lcast89
    lcast89 Posts: 43 Member
    Hello. I just had my son in January and am also breastfeeding.I signed up about a month ago but haven't really motivated myself to start.Tired of the extra pounds! Going to try my best to lose the extra weight while breastfeeding. Glad to know I'm not alone!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My daughter is 15 months and still breastfeeding. I'd love to give support to other breastfeeding mommas! I also have an almost 6 year old son who is constantly moving. It's hard to sit still with these two tornadoes. =)
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby, I plan to breastfeed this one. I'm due in August. Feel free to add! I'm gonna have no clue what I'm doing with this lol.
  • ashleyelwell23
    ashleyelwell23 Posts: 1 Member
    I had my second child back on August 10, 2012. I am still breastfeeding but now that he is almost 8 months old it doesn't seem like it helps my weight loss at all. I lost 20lbs after I had him and that brought me down to 220. I think most of that weight was fluids. I was really swollen at the end of my pregnancy. These last 4 weeks I have lost about eight pounds by watching my calories and exercising. I'm trying to get down to 150 and it seems like its such a slow process. I have tried losing weight before and never had much luck. Back in the summer of 07 I was right around 150 and I was happy with that. I still have the clothes from then and would love to wear them again. So any tips anyone has would be great. I'm going on vacation in June and would love to be under 200 pounds by then. Oh and im 5'6.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I am not a mom but your goal weight is borderline under weight. Just the amount of lean body mass you would probably have to lose would not be very effective for your goal. I am not saying it isn't possible but have you considered concentrating on cutting body fat while maintain your lean body mass. This will be more effective at making you have a leaner and tighter body. Something to consider.
  • AcesMomma
    AcesMomma Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! Breastfeeding mom here to my just turned 9 months today. Since I've had my son, back in August 2012, I've lost 54 lbs. A lot of it was water weight, I think, because I shrunk so fast. But these last 5 lbs to get to prepregnancy weight is so hard to lose! I started using this app a fees months ago but have been using it religiously this last week or so. So far it's working and very happy. I'm just wondering since I'm bf, do I need more than the 1800 calories I'm limited to. I don't want to effect my bf relationship with my son.