When did push ups become easier?



  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    They get easier the more you do them... though I know that's not a terribly helpful answer. I started out doing push-ups playing video games, believe it or not. While playing NHL 13 on Xbox, we would do push-ups as a penalty for shots against (other team's shots). I would do them in sets if I was not able to complete the full amount. Maybe you could make doing push-ups into a game of some kind to help you get through them. You'll build strength from there and they'll get a lot easier (at least they did for me).

    I am doing an upper body strength program now (that my trainer sent me). You do 80% of max push-ups 10 times throughout the day (next week it's 12 times throughout the day) once a week. Maybe you could do a set of 5 or 10 push-ups every time you get back to your desk at work or something like that. I would recommend starting with small sets but consistently doing them every day or every few days.

    Hope that helps
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    The only way to learn to love something difficult is to master it. Time, patience, and correct form.
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    They haven't gotten easier for me. I do them with my knees down. My trainer says I have good form. They are just hard.
    Crazy thing is I can bang out a dozen sun salutations complete with chaturanga dandasana with no issue at all. Maybe is I think of push ups as a yoga pose it will feel easier.
  • jgollnick
    jgollnick Posts: 73 Member
    i think its important to have your arms in the right place. pushups can work different muscles. i found it was a lot harder for me when I kept my arms close to my body and i was working my triceps instead of my chest. After about a month of doing pushups everyday for 2 months I was off of my knees. Honestly I think they are easier now because I lost 40 lbs.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Ive been doing the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels on the first level for a little over a week now and FINALLY on my 8th try was able to finish all of the pushups---on my knees. Whew! I'm getting tired just thinking of it...but it did start getting easier after a week or so.

    Same here - i really do struggle with them but I'm hoping if they start to feel easier it might mean I'm finally developing some core muscles (I honestly think the only thing keeping me upright is the air in my head!)
  • cjh022
    cjh022 Posts: 88 Member
    I HATE them! HATE! However, I take a class at the gym and the instructor just loves them!:grumble:

    When did they become easier for you guys? After doing them day after day? or after your stamina has been built up in general? Is my technique wrong? I can't figure out why they are so hard for me. I guess my upper body is weak.

    I like to think I am generally fit and active with a pretty good endurance, yet these damn push ups just kill me!

    For me, they haven't become easier... I can do more, but they're still just as hard and I can only do about 10 at the most without taking a few seconds for a break. I did 5 on my toes last week, but can't go down very far. I'm starting to think I'm always going to be horrible and struggle with them. I've improved on many other things, but pushups are still super difficult for me.

    Sounds like we're all in the same boat! While I don't do many pushups overall, last time I tried them I could actually do a few! Just doing some basic strength training helped me get from none to some (regular ones)... now I may be able to start really working on them since I can get through ONE :happy:
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Try the 100 pushup program:


    This really helped me build up my strength and endurance.

    this looks great for me and my partner to do, thanks !
  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member
    i suck at them too!!!! But the more I do them, the better I get at them. Even tho I can still only do girl push ups & not very many.... You'll get there eventually :D