Hello From New Zealand

Hello All,

my name is Zuber Mohammed. I am a 28 year old Fiji born Indian who has been living in good ol 'God Zone' - New Zealand - for the past 17 years. For a living i work as an Automotive Parts Department which means i do a lot of sitting around (Sadly).

i started using Myfitnesspal in early Jan 2012 when i used to weight 100kg's. (i used to be 110 in 2008 - so in 4 years i lost 10kgs) but thanks to Myfitnesspal i've lost in 1 year and 3 months .... a massive 20 kg's. I am now sitting @ 80kg's and i plan on losing another 5 kgs (get down to 75Kgs) before i am satisfied with my weight.

I used to use Myfitnesspal on a daily basis for the first few months of 2012 but these days i used it weeks apart. It's not that i think any lesser of Myfitnesspal, it is because by using Myfitnesspal for those few months i've trained myself to be able to tell the difference between high calories and low calories food. So a big 'THANK YOU' from the bottom of my heart to the Myfitnesspal team.

I go to the gym 3-4 times a week for 45mins-1 hour max. To be honest i do hardly any cardio (which is my downfall) but i do a lot of weight lifting. once a week i get the 'boost to leg it' and go hard on the treadmill, but even then, its not something i do as often as i should.

I used to eat 3 meals a day, Fried chicken and chips 3-4 times a week when i used to weigh @ 100kgs, and pizza was my meal of choice on a 'healthy day', i used to justify it by eating a vegetarian pizza ha ha. These days i eat 5-6 meals a day, people constantly tell me 'if you keep eating like that you'll turn into humpty dumpty' but funny enough the weight is melting away like an icecream on a hot day.

That is all for now!

Hope to get to know you all a bit better. :)


  • SirZubair
    Now : Quick question.

    How many of you actually consider this program a 'diet'?

    I personally see the word 'diet' as an Insult.

    I like to think that while i used the Myfitnesspal app, i've learned the figure out what is healthy food and what is not, so instead of 'dieting' i make 'healthy decisions'.

    Does anyone else on this forum dislike the word 'diet'?