Full of hope and willing to try....

TrinaMaria13 Posts: 2
edited 8:35AM in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

Well, today is my first day on this site and I have some high hopes.............AGAIN! Like many of you, I have tried a million things, including all the crash diets, fads, pills, powders, shakes and well, pretty much anything else that provided me with the slightest sliver of hope of taking a couple of pounds off.... And, I might add, all of the aforementioned unsuccessful for the most part.

At any rate, looking forward to trying something new - actually tracking the food that I am putting into my yap to see what works and what doesn't. Here's hoping this new found excitement lasts...... .ugh

Also, wouldn't mind meeting some friends along the way that would be willing to share some weight -loss tips, tricks and recipes/ Having said that, I have not figured out how to add or request a friend on here yet....

Sending well wishes and positive thoughts for success to all those reading this.



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