I joined this site about 2 weeks or so ago...

but haven't really been back on to understand it!

I have heard good things about this site and guess i'm just finding my bearings! I just brought some scales and weighed myself...151kgs...OUCH! I am about 5"11 i think as well..i'm pretty tall ish. Anyways, I really wana lose weight! I am 18 and trying to start afresh since i moved out of home, but it's proving difficult as I don't really know what I'm doing! I guess i'm just writing this to get my thought out there and introduce myself this site! Thanks for reading ;):)


  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    Good luck navigating the site! Focus on creating healthy habits rather than weight loss. That helps keep me going when I don't see the scale move! Take care!!