DO NOT beat yourself up!

Fellow Pals, stop beating yourself up! Remember that part of success is failing. Failing is that wake-up call that let's us know that we need to ratchet up our discipline and also lets us know that we are human. If you fall and scrape your knees a bit, get back up, dust yourself off and POWER THROUGH IT!

Tomorrow is a new day, tell yourself that you are worth it, (BECAUSE YOU ARE!!)

You've beaten yourself up enough already haven't you?


Have a great rest of the weekend fellow Pals!



  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    thats cool. cause i just ate 1,151 cals in snacks today! GAH
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Great motivational post!
  • amurr819
    amurr819 Posts: 23 Member
    thanks for the post. I really needed that today. Been a rough day for food - bf wanted to go out for mcd and I gave it. Feel so bad for eating it after I did. Just have to remember to pick up tomorrow and get back on it.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Trying to get there!! Just wish I could believe it!!
  • staceylopriore
    staceylopriore Posts: 18 Member
    thanks. needed that today
  • spicacio
    spicacio Posts: 33
    Trying to get there!! Just wish I could believe it!!

    You can believe it! There are days that will seem like the most impossible mountain climb. Days that seem like you are climbing up a mountain coated in oil. I heard a great quote last night that made me think of fitness goals:

    "You have to be able to take the jello and nail it to the tree"

    Even those of us that are in decent shape have days like that. Not every day will be full of puppies and sunshine. That's OK... However that doesn't mean you quit either. Those are the days that you have to dig your heels in a little deeper and wait out the storm.

    ALL of you ARE worth it! You HAVE to keep telling yourselves that. Do this for YOU first! Get back up, brush yourself off because chances are that tomorrow will bring its challenges also. Face adversity flatfooted and let him know "You know what... Today I don't think I'll let you win"

    Stay strong fellow Pals STAY STRONG!!

  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks.. I needed to see this.. I have been out of control for a week or so now and having a hard time getting my head back into the game.. I start out so well at the beginning of the day and then totally blow it..
  • RichardGaspa
    RichardGaspa Posts: 51 Member
    What a great message to post. You sound like you would be a great motivation pal to have. Thanks for your posting. :happy:
  • gevaisa
    gevaisa Posts: 34 Member
    great timing - i just ate 5 cookies and went way 500 over my calorie count

    pick myself up and dust myself off
  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward.
  • spicacio
    spicacio Posts: 33
    great timing - i just ate 5 cookies and went way 500 over my calorie count

    pick myself up and dust myself off

    We all have moments of insanity. That's OK. You did what you were supposed to do and dusted yourself off. Just like "myOHisFT9" said, even if you stumble, you are still moving forward. TRUST ME, I know. I am the guy that doesn't wat pizza by the slice, I eat it by the box! I have had to make a very conscious effort to watch my diet (NOT STARVE MYSELF) and listen to my body when it tells me that it needs a bit more protein or water, etc...

    I had a moment of weakness that I had to power through this morning, I set my alarm for 4:30am and it went off, I turned it off and held the clock in my hand and said "just 5 more minutes" as I started to doze off, I flung myself out of bed and said "yeah right, just 5 more minutes means you will be late to workout with your troops! NOT GONNA HAPPEN. They are depending on you to get your butt in gear and my fellow Pals here are fighting the same demons!" So I got up, pushed through being sleepy and went about my day.

    Stumble as much as you need to, those stumbles are essential building blocks of our intestinal fortitude. However, here is the disclaimer: We are all adults here so MAKE yourself accountable when you do stumble so that you can recognize your weaknesses, what triggers them so you will be a little more careful not to repeat them in the future. HEALTHY weigh loss is a marathon, NOT a sprint.

    Stay strong guys and gals! YOU CAN DO IT AND YOU ARE SO VERY WORTH IT!

    Have a great rest of your day!

  • spicacio
    spicacio Posts: 33
    "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone"...The ONLY easy day was yesterday!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Thanks for this. I just spent the last 2 days on chocolate. Ugh.
  • alitap
    alitap Posts: 38 Member
    wow. thank you. that really helped :)
  • sdalhall
    sdalhall Posts: 160 Member
    Today wasn't the greatest day and I needed to hear this. Thanks. :smile:
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Beautifully said!