Havent lost any weight in 30+ days

Ive read tons of posts on this but was hoping for something more specific for me personally. Ive lost 75lbs so far, gained muscle and endurance and feel great (thankyou mfp) inspite of the filth I feed myself but havent lost any weight in over a month. I excersice about an hour a day (so that I have more calories remaining so I can eat the crap food I enjoy so much) Is it normal to be stuck like this. If im under my calories shouldnt I be loosing weight? Ive changed my activity level to lightly active, and changed my goal to 1lb a week after reading posts here. Any help would be appreciated.


  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    You have been consistently about 700 to 1,000 calories under your goal for the day for the last week at least (didn't go any further back). The point is to hit the target or get really close. There are loads of threads on this - as you are getting nearer your goal weight, and also when you are working out a lot, you've got to eat enough.

    Don't want to be rude, but you might want to consider something with vegetables in it for your extra 700 calories (:
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I was in the same position (was stuck at 73lbs lost for most of February) and decided to have a weekend off eating whatever I wanted at the beginning of March (we're talking leftover pudding for breakfast here!!) and since then I've lost well in March.

    Make sure you're not eating too little. I'm finding a day over at the weekend is keeping me losing!
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    You have 1,000 calories left almost every day!! Eat em!!! :smile:
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I hadn't checked your diary but being consistently under calorie goal isn't going to help you unless your goal is malnutrition?

    It's time to clean up your diet if you want the health benefits to continue. Fresh food is best!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    You are also regularly over on you sodium which will mean you will be retaining water which won't be helping you seeing the scale move. I agree with the above posters that you need to eat more, I enjoy my junk too but you need a better balance!
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    Firstly, well done for your loss so far! And kudos to your dedication to exercise.

    Secondly, I agree with the others, you are not eating enough, PLUS you are loading your body with sodium and that means water retention.

    I'll bet if you ate well for 1 week doing what you're doing now exercise wise and eating back your calories, you'll start to lose again.

    Try it for the rest of this week. Try staying under your salt allowance too.

    Good luck!
  • rachlat
    rachlat Posts: 23
    If you consistently store calories, your body thinks that you are undereating and goes into starvation mode. It will store what calories it can as fat and the result is that you won't lose any weight. It's as simple as that. You need to eat the calories that you burn because your metabolism is working and will burn off the calories even after the exercise has stopped. Try it for 2 weeks and see the result :happy:
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Knowledge is power my brother, I was where you are now, I lost bunches of weight and was just following MFP guidelines. then i stopped losing so fast, then slower then screetching halt. I read something that showed me why what i was doing was working at the time and why it stopped, Please read this and you will not have to ask the questions because YOU WILL KNOW, how and why your body burns.

    Here is good info:
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
    are you sure your TDEE is 3800Cals thats a lot?

    i really doubt eating more is going to help you lose weight seems kinda of counter productive


    have you been tracking your waist measurements?
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    I've lost 182 pounds in all, and I'm stuck on my last 14 pounds, and have plateaued about 4 times in my weight loss. You have to remember we are creatures of habit, and our bodies are brilliant at working it out and adjusting to it. you have to keep your body working hard at not knowing what your going to give it. Alter your calorie intake so its different, dipping one day of 300 calories, and increasing another day with 400 calories, change and increase your exercise routine.

    BUT, as you get closer to your target weight the crap food as you call it every day will have a bigger impact on you, you have to be extremely careful.... and I'm afraid to say you can't it the same crap as before, only sparingly.

    Its my moto NOT to eat beige food. chips, pizza's, pasta, breads ect...... anything beige or very little of it. Good luck on getting to your goal, I know I'm struggling to get there too, but i just keep looking at the different pictures of me, and i know what I've got to do for this summer.
  • emmalouisebull
    Eat enough,
    Increase your protein - more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn @ rest
    AND take your cm measurements! - Your body shape it probably changing. 2kgs of muscle and 2kg of muscle take up a very different amount of space !
  • RyanShinkle
    Thanks so much for the responses! I know I need to eat better but its difficult for me. Ill work on it. The sodium = water retention thing makes sense. I have bren loosing inches, just not weight.I excercise with 50lbs of bricks in a backpack while im hiking, im deffinitly gaining muscle mass I never put it together that I need to eat my calories back. Just so im clear, I want my remaining calories number to be as close to zero as possible right? Thanks again everyone!
  • amandamae61288
    amandamae61288 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks so much for the responses! I know I need to eat better but its difficult for me. Ill work on it. The sodium = water retention thing makes sense. I have bren loosing inches, just not weight.I excercise with 50lbs of bricks in a backpack while im hiking, im deffinitly gaining muscle mass I never put it together that I need to eat my calories back. Just so im clear, I want my remaining calories number to be as close to zero as possible right? Thanks again everyone!

    I went a good month with no weight loss and then dropped 2-4 lbs in 5 days (I say 2-4 because my weight was fluctuating). I had also just changed up my workout routines. Your body is probably getting used to it. Give it time. Also, be sure you are eating enough.
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    Just so im clear, I want my remaining calories number to be as close to zero as possible right? Thanks again everyone!
    yes, that is right
  • craftykat12
    craftykat12 Posts: 50 Member
    water, water, water, you need to drink water.
  • RyanShinkle
    Alright, so I changed my setting from sedentary to lightly active, and im eating back all my calories keeping my remaining calories number as close to zero as possible, supplementing protein when im under what im supposed to be and drinking TONS of water. (still need to work on not eating filth) After 24 hours of starting to eat more I lost 2 lbs, then nothing for the last two weeks. Getting frusterated! im exercising 75 to 85min a day hiking with a 40lb pack 6 days a week. Is lightly active the correct setting? Im terrified if I make a mistake ill get fat again. Dont wanna go back there!
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    One thin,,,,,I think, it might just be all the sodium. You are probably retaining water.