Lump in my calf

Don't know where to put this!:ohwell: I have a lump in my calf muscle that hurts. My calf does not feel sore or achy like I've worked it, but that area hurts to the touch and when I press/ massage it. I don't know what to think. :huh: I'm scheduled a 6mile run tomorrow and I'm wondering if I should call it off. IDK any words of wisdom as to what it could be? TIA :smooched:


  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    can you 'move' it... as it does it feel like part of the calf muscle or is it separate? If it is separate I'd worry about a blood clot.

    Might want to take an aspirin... won't hurt ya and might help. :)
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    can you 'move' it... as it does it feel like part of the calf muscle or is it separate? If it is separate I'd worry about a blood clot.

    I completely agree with this! So scary! Let us know if you find out anything and I would definetly call of the run tomorrow since you don't know what it is. If it is a blood clot you could knock it loose. Put ice on it!
  • allonthego
    I would have it checked out right away, it could be a blood clot and you dont want to take a chance of waiting and seeing if it goes away. I wouldn't run tomorrow. Good luck
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Let us all know, it is a worry.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    WOW really? That scares me! I can't tell if I can move it or if it's the muscle that moves. It doesn't feeI hot or anything. I put some Tiger Balm on it so I'm hoping it's better tomorrow. I guess I'll heed your advice and not run.:frown: geeze now I'm really worried. :sick: Thanks for the advice!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I seriously doubt that it is a blood clot, but it might be a muscle tear. If you start off on a run and soon feel a "knot" forming, that would be my first guess. If you feel that "knot", you need to stop immediately and ice it down. After that, you just have to rest it and let it heal. Even too-aggressive stretching can make the injury worse. Once the tenderness starts to resolve, you can try some G-E-N-T-L-E stretching and some heel-raise exercises. You can also try some exercise, but I would recommend something like a modified stairclimber step or bike to minimize the eccentric loading.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'd call your doc to be on the safe side.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I seriously doubt that it is a blood clot, but it might be a muscle tear. If you start off on a run and soon feel a "knot" forming, that would be my first guess. If you feel that "knot", you need to stop immediately and ice it down. After that, you just have to rest it and let it heal. Even too-aggressive stretching can make the injury worse. Once the tenderness starts to resolve, you can try some G-E-N-T-L-E stretching and some heel-raise exercises. You can also try some exercise, but I would recommend something like a modified stairclimber step or bike to minimize the eccentric loading.

    ohh goodie. I was thinking (hoping) along these lines as well. I will skip my run today and work on upper body. I have a race in a month there is no way I want to risk a long term injury. :frown: I can't figure out what I did to cause it. I wonder if walking around in flip flops for 5 hours at an amusement park did it? :huh: We have a full day at Great America planned tomorrow (another amusement park like Six Flags) so I guess I'll commit the big fashion faux pas and wear tennies with shorts! :embarassed: :laugh: Thanks for the advice everyone!
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    No disrespect to any posters on here but if I found an abnormal "lump" on ANY part of my body my first stop would be at a doctors. That's not something to mess around with.
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    Where is the lump? Right above your ankle/achilles on the back of your leg? If so, then yes, those flip flops probably caused the lump. I'm no doctor, but I get this lump occasionally (usually when ramping up my running miles too quickly). If you are wearing shoes with no support (and flip flops are terrible! Keep them for the beach/pool!!) then it stresses the muscles/tendons back there. The advice on stretching and ice are good. I also would massage the area. If it's a muscle knot, then that will help work it out and get blood flowing. Usually, it goes away after a few days and I'm good to run on it by then.

    Good luck! Don't over do things. You might want to make sure you're wearing the proper running shoes. Get to a "real" running shoe shop (like Fleet Feet) and get it checked out!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Where is the lump? Right above your ankle/achilles on the back of your leg? If so, then yes, those flip flops probably caused the lump. I'm no doctor, but I get this lump occasionally (usually when ramping up my running miles too quickly). If you are wearing shoes with no support (and flip flops are terrible! Keep them for the beach/pool!!) then it stresses the muscles/tendons back there. The advice on stretching and ice are good. I also would massage the area. If it's a muscle knot, then that will help work it out and get blood flowing. Usually, it goes away after a few days and I'm good to run on it by then.

    Good luck! Don't over do things. You might want to make sure you're wearing the proper running shoes. Get to a "real" running shoe shop (like Fleet Feet) and get it checked out!

    It's about an inch to the left of my ankle, but about three inches below the knee. It is tender to the touch for about a 2inch diameter. I know better. I know flip flops are terrible :embarassed: My Dr. lectured me about that when I had my stress fracture years ago :smile: what can I say? I'm naughty. :laugh: Seriously though great advice on the shoes. I am very particular about my running shoes, I don't want another year long injury. This just came out of no where. Ok, so now I need to get my hubby to start massaging :wink:

    @ BR1986FB, you are 100% right lumps are nothing to mess around with, :smile: however it's the weekend and unless it's serious I'm not going to the ER or weekend office. If it has not made an improvement by Monday I will, for sure,call the Dr. :flowerforyou:
  • nobaddays
    nobaddays Posts: 1
    I'm curious if you ever got this diagnosed. I'm in the exact same boat as you were. :) I have a doctor appt Thursday, but blood clot keeps running through my mind and its freaking me out :)
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I'm curious if you ever got this diagnosed. I'm in the exact same boat as you were. :) I have a doctor appt Thursday, but blood clot keeps running through my mind and its freaking me out :)

    Sorry, I am just now seeing this! I guess you have probably already been to the Dr., but for me it was feeling better by Monday and fully healed by Wed. I guess it was something muscular. I hope you have the same conclusion!:flowerforyou:
  • jcperk03
    I'm curious if you ever got this diagnosed. I'm in the exact same boat as you were. :) I have a doctor appt Thursday, but blood clot keeps running through my mind and its freaking me out :)

    nobaddays did you ever find out what it is? This same thing has come up in my right leg over the weekend; 1 day after doing a serious"battle" of lunges. :mad: (I hate those btw) I have heard of compartment syndrome in runners, but I am not there yet due to a knee injury a few years back... I'm terrified of a re-injury... I will go to the Dr. if I must, but our deductible is so high & they all require payment up front until it is met, blah, blah, blah. Also, I do have a bad habbit of wearing flip-flops (dressy and casuals) when I'm not wearing my tennis shoes.