Stuck, gained weight this week


I need some support. I started MFP at the beginning of march weighing in at 328 pounds at age 27/male. I am getting married in November, and I would like to look nice for that. My big wake up call as being seated at a restaurant, at a very small booth, and not hardly being able to breath. I got up and left without saying anything. It was too embarrassing to ask for a new table.

By last Saturday, I was down to 314 pounds already. Well it was my fiance's birthday on sunday, we went to cheesecake factory with her dad. Her dad loves to splurge, though he is thin and tall. I ate a cuban sandwich, 1 crabcake, and a garden salad instead of fries. I knew the Cuban was bad for me, but I felt I could celebrate. Well that night I was up to 319. I normally just weight in the AM, after i wake up. Monday I was back to 315. Well today is Wednesday and I am 316.7. To watch this come back on is killing my confidence.

I am working on keeping track of my calories, and I rarely go over. My fiance and I do zumba for 45 minutes normally each night. I know I am getting a work out because the sweat is showing big time. My caloric intake on MFP says 2060 calories per day, and have not gone over since Saturday.

What am I doing wrong, and why am I gaining weight instead of losing? I have read of BMR and TDEE, but I'm afraid of eating more.


  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    Don't swear it. My weight goes up and down everyday I weigh. You would have a better measure weighing weekly. Also it you work out daily you can retain water. Losing weight is a long process and an uphill battle.. Give it time that pound you gained back will prolly be gone in a couple days
  • teevalle
    teevalle Posts: 2 Member
    Don't focus on the number....your weight will jump up and down all the have to make sure you weigh yourself the same time ever time...and the day is important too...brush it off and really try not to focus on it...think about you goal....that will keep you motivated...and think about how much you have lost already...good luck!!!
  • LibertyBelle89
    Don't swear it. My weight goes up and down everyday I weigh. You would have a better measure weighing weekly. Also it you work out daily you can retain water. Losing weight is a long process and an uphill battle.. Give it time that pound you gained back will prolly be gone in a couple days

    she's right, dont sweat it.. i weigh myself everyday & mine goes up all the time by 1 to 3 lbs... just give it some time & you'll see the results start to show, it took me about 3 weeks for the scale to really start budging
  • r41pilot
    r41pilot Posts: 3
    thank you all for the support and advice. I really appreciate it!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Stop weighing so often. Water will make you fluctuate several pounds over the course of a couple days. Weigh once a week, in the morning before you eat.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    whenever you eat out, you consume high amounts of sodium.... it's the same, by the way, if you eat anything frozen or prepackaged at home. sodium causes you to retain water.

    try not to obsess about the scale. the body fluctuates for many reasons from day to day. at your size, i would take starting measurements, work my *kitten* off, and then in one month check my progress. you will be amazed. also take pictures! pictures can show your progress so much more than a scale.

    i've lost weight before (only to gain it back), and this time around i'm doing it with weight training as well. i am still about 10lbs heavier now than at my lowest weight before, BUT i am smaller (and healthier) now than i was 10lbs lighter back then.

    it truly is not about that scale. focus on you, your health, and your happiness.

    good luck to you!
  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    Do not weigh so often. Weight changes for a lot of factors. When you are sticking to your calories even when you gain you are not gaining fat. Eating out or changing your exercise routine or eating a lot of processed/canned foods you will gain water weight. Don't sweat it.

    Weigh once a week at most.

    You will get to your goal!