Those doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution...

For those doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution are you eating more than her suggested plan of 1200 calories? From what I am reading she wants you to eat 1200 calories a day---and workout on top of that but NOT eat exercise calories back. Am I understanding this correctly?

I just started the "kickstart" exercise program yesterday. However, I am within 10 lbs from my goal weight so I am not following the meal plan. I am thinking that 1200 calories is TOO little for me especially if we aren't supposed to eat back exercise calories. I am thinking about starting at 1530 calories and eating back exercise calories. I just am confused:huh: ...

I am 5'1 and currently 121-122 lbs. I am still wondering how many calories I should be consuming a day. I have my settings set to lightly active but wasn't losing at 1380 calories. So I'm wondering if I will be more successful getting rid of these last few lbs by upping my calories a bit to around 1530.


  • I ordered JMBR yesterday, waiting for it to arrive this next week. but im in 4th month P90X. I always lose when I up my caories, 1500 calories one day, then drop to 1200, then up to 1400, then drop. I know I could probably eat 1700 or more, but that freaks
    me out, so I dont do it. low carb, no sugar, no starch, protein, veggies and fat. works for me.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks for your advice:smile: . Bump for anyone else...
  • 1200 is much too low for my bodyweight. I'm aiming for 1400-1700. A couple of days I hit 1800-1900
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    1200 is much too low for my bodyweight. I'm aiming for 1400-1700. A couple of days I hit 1800-1900
    Is that NET calories? Are you eating back your exercise calories too? Just curious---I know that's how MFP is set up, BUT it doesn't look like Jillian wants you to:huh: ...
    I did find this in regards to those of us closer to our goal weight---
    but I don't know what she expects us to do with exercise calories?
  • That's a really good question, and I am going to tweet her and ask. I will report back... here's hoping she doesn't find me and make me do more push ups!!!!
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    That's a really good question, and I am going to tweet her and ask. I will report back... here's hoping she doesn't find me and make me do more push ups!!!!

    Thanks---I appreciate it since I don't have a Twitter account. I am doing the kickstart program and so I did 2 workouts today and I burned 414 calories. If I ate 1700 calories---and I burned 414 calories that's 1286 calories. So if I didn't eat my exercise calories back I still think that would be quite low for me...
  • EPhinn
    EPhinn Posts: 119 Member
    I'm doing 1700 and eating back some of my exercise calories. I workout ON TOP of JMBR, though. I burn maybe 700-1000 calories 6x a week, and leave about a 700-900 calorie deficit at the end of the day. I hope all of that makes sense.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    I ordered JMBR yesterday, waiting for it to arrive this next week. but im in 4th month P90X. I always lose when I up my caories, 1500 calories one day, then drop to 1200, then up to 1400, then drop. I know I could probably eat 1700 or more, but that freaks
    me out, so I dont do it. low carb, no sugar, no starch, protein, veggies and fat. works for me.
    In one of her books, JM said that she does her calories this way. one day 1200, the next 1500, and so on.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I've read that as you get closer to your goal, your calorie deficit should also shrink. Large deficits work better for those with lots of weight to lose.

    I think that as long as you are NETTING 1200 calories, you have room to play around and see what works for you. Based on the twitter comment I think you'll be better off at 1500 like you say and maybe will even have to up it depending on how you feel.

    When you figure it out, let me know because I'll be starting in a month :D I'll let you be my guinea pig, calorie-wise ;)
  • j4vieira
    j4vieira Posts: 3
    I just received the JMBR and started my first workout today. I loved it, it was intense but doable. My current weigh is 139 and I am looking to lose 15 pounds.

    I am not going to follow the diet plan. I think with eating healthy and keeping my calorie intake between 1200-1500 I should be able to lose the weight.

    Has anyone else been doing JMBR without following the diet plan and has seen results?:smile:
  • She hasn't responded. But I was thinking, you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, so depending on your starting weight and activity level you may need to eat more than the 1200 but not quite ALL your exercise calories back.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your input and advice. Yes, Saffyra I will keep you updated on what I am doing. A few days ago I was thinking about eating at my 'goal' maintenance---since my weight loss has stalled. Finally today I decided to try it---so today I switched to my 'goal' maintenance which is 1470 + I am eating back my exercise calories. For those who are curious and don't know what I am talking about when I said I am going to eat at my 'goal' maintenance. Here is the link:

    I am sooo close to my goal---7 lbs away and I am hoping this will help me get there.
  • does anybody know how to find out how many calories you are burning durning a jillian michael's body revolution workout? I just started the program today and am curious to see how many calories I am burning.
  • Meg177
    Meg177 Posts: 215 Member
  • How do you guys log your exercise calories of the Body Revolution programme in MFP? did Cardio 1 this morning and to me it feels like a high intensity interval training, but I don't know how to log that, unfortunately I don't have a heart rate monitor right now :(
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Growtinymusclesgrow Posts: 152 Member
    For those doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution are you eating more than her suggested plan of 1200 calories? From what I am reading she wants you to eat 1200 calories a day---and workout on top of that but NOT eat exercise calories back. Am I understanding this correctly?

    I just started the "kickstart" exercise program yesterday. However, I am within 10 lbs from my goal weight so I am not following the meal plan. I am thinking that 1200 calories is TOO little for me especially if we aren't supposed to eat back exercise calories. I am thinking about starting at 1530 calories and eating back exercise calories. I just am confused:huh: ...

    I am 5'1 and currently 121-122 lbs. I am still wondering how many calories I should be consuming a day. I have my settings set to lightly active but wasn't losing at 1380 calories. So I'm wondering if I will be more successful getting rid of these last few lbs by upping my calories a bit to around 1530.

    During the kick start week, yes eat 1200 calories per day. I am starting it again...great supplement to my workouts! Don't even get me started on this whole "eat your exercise calories back" crap. I suppose it may work for some, but it makes absolutely no sense at all. I think at under 1400 calories and your activity level, you are probably eating to few...that being said, without know more it is hard to tell.
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Growtinymusclesgrow Posts: 152 Member
    does anybody know how to find out how many calories you are burning durning a jillian michael's body revolution workout? I just started the program today and am curious to see how many calories I am burning.

    Get a HRM with a chest strap. I use the Polaris FT4 and it us great.
  • What are the proper portion sizes for the meal plan?? Doing the KICKSTART first, but other book THE FAT BURNING EATING PLAN.
    THE KICKSTART gives the portions, 1/2 c, etc, but other book does not
  • neekos
    neekos Posts: 14
    I am almost finished with the second phase. I needed to lose about 10 lbs (I'm around 5'8, 124 lbs now). The first month I ate at 1200 most of the time and didn't eat anything back but I stalled for 2 weeks. I raised my calories by 100 or 200 a week (I'm at 1900 now and don't eat back exercise cals) and I'm at my goal weight at the end of the second phase. I feel like I could have ate at my TDEE-10% the whole time and it would have been just as effective. I also started either subbing out her cardio for Turbofire in this phase a couple times (it gets too repetitive for me) and adding Turbofire to some of the strength days.