Insanity Day 5 - up a pound??? Need motivation!

Hey all! New member here. I started so I could track my food while my fiance and I do the Insanity diet and workout videos. They've been really hard, and the diet is intense. I have to eat 5 times a day, and it's supposed to total 1800ish calories. It sounds like a lot, doesn't it? But the workouts are super intense. So I figured I'd just roll with it.

I'm not new to the dieting realm, so I know that often in the first week or so you lose weight really quickly, mostly water weight or whatever. But I weighed myself today and I am actually UP one pound. Whattttt???? I am really discouraged. I know all the platitudes, "muscle weighs more than fat", "weight fluctuates every day"...blah blah blah. But I have to say, I've turned my whole life kind of upside down for this. We bought hundreds of dollars worth of new "healthy" food. I feel like I spend all my time cooking, eating, doing dishes, and working out. My body is so incredibly sore. I expected after 4 days to at least LOSE a pound or something.

And just so you know, I'm not a little skinny mini looking to lose that extra 5 lbs and I don't have a lot to spare. I'm legitimately 40 lbs or so overweight.

I promised my fiance I'd stick with it for at least 2 weeks, but I just feel so freakin' discouraged and FAT right now. Anybody have any words of wisdom? Thanks!


  • thisisme13
    thisisme13 Posts: 150
    Sodium, water retention or hormone changes.

    When you increase your activity or your eating your body retains water. When your hormones change you retain water.

    Relax and look at the overall trends. Weight loss is not linear. And four days is not enough time. Weigh once a week at most.
  • curlygirly80
    A freind of mine just posted this on her newsfeed. Take a look at this link and read it, I am sure it will be an eye opener. I know it is not the same program you are doing but they are both intense programs. HOpe this helps you and motivates you. If you stick with your exercise program and healthy eathing you will see progress. Keep it up and Never give up!
  • dblk19
    dblk19 Posts: 43 Member
    You should really take photos and take measurements....that will certainly help motivate you more than the foolish scale! The same things happens to me, but then I compare measurements and am pleasantly surprised! Keep up the good work....if you are following their diet, it will only be a matter of time before the scale follows.....Good luck!
  • Khriphos
    Khriphos Posts: 4 Member
    Insanity is no easy task, keep it up and you will see results. Don't forget to have a day off, other wise you will get sick of it too quick.

    Most of the people on the DVD have already completed insanity, so you won't be able to keep up with them.. Do your best and push your self, but don't be disappointed that you can't keep up with them..

    as Above post, your weight will fluctuate allot due to water retention because of the activity, but you will be loosing fat. Try working by measurements instead of weight, you may find this better..

    Good luck :)

    I only lasted 5 weeks on Insanity, due to a injury, havn't gone back yet... lol
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    You should really take photos and take measurements....that will certainly help motivate you more than the foolish scale! The same things happens to me, but then I compare measurements and am pleasantly surprised! Keep up the good work....if you are following their diet, it will only be a matter of time before the scale follows.....Good luck!

    ^^THIS.. & also 4 days isn't enough time.. i didn't lose anything for 4 days but by the 5/6th day of insanity i was down 2 lbs. Just keep at it. The weight will come off. You might have to make adjustments to the menu to make sure you are getting right amount of calorie deficit.

    If you are in a deficit everyday then that 1lb is going to be water retention
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    I am getting ready to move on to Month 2 of Insanity. I have heard MANY people say that they don't see the scale go down until month 2. I have only lost 1 lb. but I will say that the inches have come off!! I can tell a major difference between what my body looked like before I started (muffin top, wide hips, flabby arms) and what my body looks like now and I am not even all the way through the program!

    I took "before" photos, but didn't take measurements (kicking myself!). So make sure you take measurements and go by that instead of the scale.

    Edited to add: Make sure you are using a food scale. Don't guess or eyeball your portion sizes. You could very well be overeating and not realize it. If you are off by 100 or so calories several times a day because you are guessing, then that could add up and put you back at maintenance levels for the entire week. FOOD SCALE IS A MUST!!!
  • shortysax
    Thanks everyone. You all have great suggestions. I will do the body measurements and see where I end up. Also, I neglected to add that it is "that time of the month", so I am prone to retain water AND to be upset about silly things. :tongue: Thanks for taking the time to respond, everyone!
  • ZTazlor
    ZTazlor Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Shortysax. Great work on getting on the Insanity bandwagon. It's a fantastic workout!

    Within the first month of doing Insanity I had put on 1kg. I wasn't really sure what to think of this at the time, but having just finished Insanity, I ended up losing 3.5kg.
    This isn't a huge amount of weight lost, but there is heaps more tone and my endurance has gone through the roof!!

    Keep on it and definitely would recommend taking photos and measurements rather than just going by the scale. :smile: