losing weight too quickly?

I set up to lose 2 pounds a week. MFP told me to eat 1200 calories a day. That is what I am doing. I am also eating back my excercise calories. Is it bad if I am losing more than 2 pounds a week? I know its not bad to me, but I wanted to lose it the right way through diet and excercise. I went by my doctors office last week and weighed myself and I had lost 10 pounds in 17 days. I weighed myself Sunday and then went and weighed myself today on the same scale and I've lost 2 pounds since then. Is this ok?


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Is it ok? Up to you. You probably set your lifestyle factor to "sedentary" when you're not. So that's giving you a bigger deficit than MFP thinks you have.

    If it's keeping you motivated, you could keep going... but recognize it isn't going to keep up forever. You will stall and need to learn to eat more food anyway. 1200 calories daily isn't much of a way of life for anyone. Furthermore, in my experience, deep deficits ended up costing me almost 25% of my weight loss from lean mass.

    The more muscle you retain, the better you'll look at a higher weight. If you blow through your lean mass with deep deficits, you'll have to keep losing until you're much lighter to get the body composition you're looking for. If you do it more slowly, you'll reach a healthier body composition sooner.

    Putting muscle on is very hard and requires eating at a caloric surplus. It's way easier to go slow with the weight loss and retain what you already have than it is to put it back on afterwards... lesson I'm learning now.
  • MrSiJo
    MrSiJo Posts: 25
    I've wondered the same thing, i've lost 22lbs in the last 40 days so it does make me wonder if that's too much too soon but at the same time i'm just calorie counting and walking 15 miles a week!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    What is your BMR? To find it, click on the Apps tab, scroll down and find it on the right hand side of the screen.

    Your BMR is the number of calories you burn just to stay alive. Put another way, it's the number of calories you would burn if you were in a coma.

    Never eat below your BMR. You may need to adjust your weight loss goal to something more conservative or you can change it manually.