Fit by Summer group! Join me(:(:



  • rockchalk956
    rockchalk956 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm so in! I'm doing The Color Run 5K on July 1st and want to be in amazing shape for that, preferably before so I can have a nice bikini bod for summer. ;)

    Height: 6'
    Starting weight: 230
    Current weight: 219
    Goal weight: 150-160
  • kbrook90
    kbrook90 Posts: 1
    Just starting! Today is my first day for this. I want to lose weight and get in shape for my wedding! Oh, and I want to look good in my bikini on our honeymoon :)

    I'm 5'2".

    Starting/Current Weight: 152

    Goal Weight: 135 (by August 26 - my first dress fitting)

    Final Goal Weight: 125 (by October 6 - our Wedding!)
  • count me in !

    height. 5"7'

    start weight. 192
    current weight: 181
    goal weight:145

    Feel free to add me anyone =)
  • smallaffair
    smallaffair Posts: 42 Member
    I'm down! I could use some accountability. I'm going to Europe this summer and I def need to stop slacking.

    SW: 220
    CW: 192
    GW: 165

    And I'm 5'7".
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 99 Member
    Sounds good just search and join the official group!
  • KimH313
    KimH313 Posts: 162
    I'm in!



    Ultimate goal weight -128

    I would be so happy to get to 135 by june 21st!!!
  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
    SW 182
    CW 173.8
    Goal 140 by mid july...currently im at a plateau scale has not moved in 9 days.
  • shoyrob
    shoyrob Posts: 25
    Yes, ma'am I'm in!!!!!

    Starting weight-150 lbs
    Current weight-143 lbs
    Goal weight- 120 lbs

    Good luck to all......

    P.S. Looking for friends who stay focus and keep my just as focused..... :)
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 118 Member
    Ohhh count me in!! I am 5'5... my SW was 286 I'm currently 260 and I'd like to be 235 by that time in June. How can we check in every Sunday? Are you going to start a group on here? :-)
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 118 Member
    Oppps nvmd I saw your above post and found the group :-) Thanks for the idea!! I can use something extra to keep me motivated!
  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 99 Member
    Ohhh count me in!! I am 5'5... my SW was 286 I'm currently 260 and I'd like to be 235 by that time in June. How can we check in every Sunday? Are you going to start a group on here? :-)

    yepp for everyone who commented this morning, I do have a group for this so search it and join it: Fit By Summer Official(:
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 267 Member

    Height- 5'4"
    SW- 206.6
    CW- 195.6
    GW- 135

    Goal weight for the summer- at least 150
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    My goal is by june 1st anyways so I would love to join!

    height ~ 5'6

    sw ~ 167
    cw ~ 140
    gw ~125
  • spinderlla
    spinderlla Posts: 1 Member
    Would love to be a part of it

    SW 204
    CW 193.8
    GW 140
  • tawanda25
    tawanda25 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in. Don't know how to get you guys added to my MFP list.

    Start weight 193

    Current weight 176

    Goal weight 155 by Summer
  • nettie23
    nettie23 Posts: 42 Member
    Got me in, 5'5

    SW 202
    CW: 190
  • Specialkayrina
    Specialkayrina Posts: 242 Member
    Count me in!

    Height: 5'7"

    Start weight: 210

    Current weight: 181.6

    Goal weight: 160
  • cjgsmg
    cjgsmg Posts: 131 Member
    I'm in!

    Start Weight: 165 lbs
    Current Weight: 156.2 lbs
    Goal Weight: 145 lbs
  • I wanna join in with ya please! But I dont know how. Please help! :)
  • Leo_729
    Leo_729 Posts: 5
    I want to join! :)

    Start Weight: 240
    current weight: 187
    goal weight: 265

    Doubt I will get there by summer, it took me a year to lose the first bit but another 10-15 off would be sweet.