Lose weight w/o exercise & just lowering calories?

I work a full-time job, and 2-3 part time jobs so my only routine is I have no routine. I'm also kind of banged up at the moment, waiting for a torn meniscus surgery in June (2nd one, first one due to hitting P90X too hard), and also have a wrist injury that will require a July surgery to remove a bone. Sometimes I work a 6 day work week and only work about 52-56 hours, but lately, I've been working 7 days a week and averaging 70-80 hours. Exercise does just not seem to fit into my schedule, and working a couple different jobs causes me to eat the quick, on the go meals, which usually aren't the healthiest around.

Need motivation, advice, suggestions, I'm trying to shape up a bit for my 1st daughter's wedding in September, and an anniversary cruise in November, lost 7 pounds on MFP, but have found it so easy to give in to the junk food so easily.


  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    First of all, great pic! My husband would approve. Fishing's his passion.

    Second of all, how are you eating now? I'm not sure what advice to give you without knowing what your typical day looks like food-wise.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    yes you will lose weight simply by eating less.
  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    Don't just cut out food. If you eat less than your body needs, you'll pack on the pounds instead because your body will go into starvation mode! It will hang on to anything and everything to ensure you don't die! Survival mode! The only way to get into shape is diet and exercise. If it were as easy as cutting calories, no one would have to work for it. Weight loss and getting into shape is 80% diet 20% exercise. If you eat clean and well, you should get into shape. So yes, you can get by on not working out if you eat properly. Lean meats lots of veggies and fruit and whole grains! I know it's easy to give into the convenience of fast food and junk, but even with working out you can out exercise a bad diet. Try to eat properly and the rest will follow. Good luck!
  • Deano0530
    Deano0530 Posts: 8 Member
    most mornings start fine, 2 boiled eggs or a cup of oatmeal, couple cups of coffee, lunches aren't too bad, subway 300 - 400 calorie range lunch, snacks aren't bad either, apples, bananas, 110 calorie bar, but late afternoons and dinners are the killer, especially when I leave one job to the next, burgers and fries, chicken tenders, popcorn, nachos (second job is at an event facility and I usually eat what the sell), then sometimes I work so late, I feel hungry again around midnight and it's the same food as above that I eat late

    been trying to end most nights with a bowl of Special K with berries and 2% milk, but 3-4 nights a week I'm getting home past midnight and I just go to bed - not sure if lack of sleep hurts me either, but I average about 5 -6 hours a night max

    that's about it
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    Lossing by just lowering cals isn't ideal, but it's possible.
    Just make sure you're still getting ENOUGH calories & GOOD calories (low fat / fresh items & high protein) - I'd personally suggest a moderate amt of carbs, if you're not outputting a LOT of activity... but if you are wokring 7 days a wk, you could be burning some calories there (not sure what your job consists of)...

    Make wise decisions, take stairs when you can, walk instead of driving short distances (when possible) etc, And when you do finally get a chance to get in a workout or two, hit it as hard as possible.

    Also, try adding in things that don't take much time, xx amt of crunches / push ups before bed or when you wake up..., mini challenges to yourself that you can do thru out the day to keep your heart rate up - xxx amt of bw squats/lunges, etc in a day (i have a desk job so i try to get these in on bathroom breaks :) )...

    **Diet is key tho (as stated above) - you'll get no where if you are eating less calories but crap calories... find healthy choices to use as snacks in the event you wanna cave...

    some of my ideas.
  • Deano0530
    Deano0530 Posts: 8 Member
    I do a bit of walking on one of the extra jobs, so I know that helps some, just hard to keep track of, but I appreciate the suggestions on carb amounts, I just thought calories are calories, thanks
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    You can achieve healthy weight loss through diet alone, yes.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    You're in a tough spot!

    Do you have time in the mornings to whip together something like a sandwich or something similar? My idea would be to pack that, put it in the fridge at your first job, then eat it when you're in the car on the way to the next one, instead of stopping at the drive-through.

    Another good, healthy, fast option could be a protein shake, again in the fridge and ready when you need it. Something like a good protein powder with yogurt, some water or milk, chia seeds, a packet of stevia, and fruit- I stick it all in the blender and then in a to-go cup. Fast, easy, HEALTHY, and will keep you full and energized! And the nice thing about these is you can vary the ingredients so you don't get bored with them.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Reducing calories is definitely the way to lose weight. It is much more important than exercise is. The primary benefit of exercise is physical fitness.
  • donaleeb23
    Ive seen several post that say they are on the MFP diet. What is that exactly? Thanks for any input.
  • donaleeb23
    ohhh nevre mind, I figured it out, my fitness pal!!!!!> Sorry newcomer is a little slow!!!!!
  • Deano0530
    Deano0530 Posts: 8 Member
    it's not really a "MFP" diet, it's this website, so how long have you been signed up on MyFitnessPal?
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Since I embrace the belief that it's a simple matter of calories in versus calories out, there is no such thing as "junk food" for me. I simply track calories and stay at or below MFP recommendations. So far I am on track. 10 weeks....10 pounds lost. There are plenty of folks on this plan that don't exercise regularly and lose weight. I do get cardio exercise on a regular basis but almost always eat back the calories I earned via exercise.

    I love MFP because it's sooo easy for me to track my calories.

    Good luck.
  • Guillotined
    Guillotined Posts: 115
    To answer your question, yes of course you will lose weight simply by eating less. But this needs to be expanded on. "Eating less" may mean to you that you will simply eat less than you are now, which in most cases will be wrong. You need to be eating an amount which puts you at a calorie deficit. This can be figured out, to a basic level, by using online calculators or MFP. What above poster said was wrong. Your body won't go into "starvation mode" unless you cut your calories by too much. Stick to a 200-500 calorie deficit and you will be good to go. I'd also recommend trying a fiber supplement, drinking more water, and avoid too much sodium.