Falling off the wagon...

jbrunkhorst Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
My first 6 weeks with MFP were great. I logged every day, stuck with my goals and I've been pleased with the results. But, this past week excuses have piled up (i.e. I worked 87 hours this week, there's been several socal outings, I'm tired and I caught a bad cold). So, now I find that I've completely fallen off the wagon. I only logged twice this week and when I did I was WAY over my calorie goal. Every morning I've been like "Ok today I'm going to stick to my game plan," but somewhere along the way it falls apart. I did have great discipline, but now it's as if it has disappeared. Any tips for getting back on track?? I don't want to lose everything I've work for thus far.


  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I am in the same boat right now. I would love to hear advice people have. Thank you in advance.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    First, don't beat yourself up. What's done is done. Think about what you need to do now- which is get on track & worry about now.

    If you have time during the weekend (this is generally more free time for me, not a lot of time to cook during the week), I prep myself for the week. I grocery shop, wash all my fruits and veggies, cut them up if needed, put in individual serving sizes and everything is ready to go for the week. No excuses for me and I am prepared. I can get my lunch together for work in about 1 minute by grabbing all the different things I need. It saves a lot of time (and calories!) during the week. It's the only way I make it. Otherwise, it's lunchtime and I have nothing to eat, go out, get sandwich with wayyyy too many cals, etc. Just something that works for me.
  • danifriend
    danifriend Posts: 8 Member
    I started dieting and then quit for about 2 months. The only advice that I have is find a strong motivation for weight loss. Not just a goal of how much to lose but a really strong reason to lose it.

    Mine came in two forms:
    1) I dont have the energy to even take my son to the zoo and walk around with him.
    2) My Endocrinologist recommended gastric bypass. My weight is actually throwing off my cardiac enzymes. And am absolutely terrified of any and all surgery do to a bad family experience last year.

    Suddenly here I am back. Picked myself up, dusted myself off, and looked for anything that would keep me going. And I have found terrific people here to do just that.

    I am still struggling with exercising daily but we can all do it if we support each other. Dont feel guilty. Just shake it off and keep going.
  • Lea10
    Lea10 Posts: 22
    Hi. I think everyone has days when they are naughty and have treats or too much of the wrong foods. Just forget about how bad you have been blame it on working and not being well and just get back on track starting from Monday. I have one day a week which is a Saturday night where I have a drink and a treat i eat well all through the week and exercise two hours a day six times a week and I am doing well the pounds are falling off me. I think when you are too strict with yourself you want junk food all the more so set yourself a treat night once a week it works great for me hope this helps good luck with your weight loss!!!
  • zooblflot
    zooblflot Posts: 131
    I know that feeling all too well. I too have had recent days where you convince yourself that "today is just a one time thing" and "I deserve a treat day". Those are going to happen, but you've just got to focus on what you've accomplished and how you did it. Remember your ultimate goals and how good it would feel to achieve them. I find it really helps (and works) for when you get a particular craving, during a moment of weakness, you just have to say to yourself "not this time, maybe next time, but not this time!" You would be surprised at how easy you can fool yourself into eating healthier. I have confidence that you can do it just as well as I can or anyone can.
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    I completely understand where you are coming from, I have been struggling with the same thing lately. Just keep in mind, every day is fresh and new, don't let past events derail your progress. Remember to make time for you, even if it is just logging on the MFP. The fact that you took the time to write this thread shows that you still want to succeed. Best Wishes. :flowerforyou:
  • Courageous1
    Courageous1 Posts: 1 Member
    I fell of too. I lost 8 lbs and now I have gained it all back. I had excuses for why I haven't returned back to the gym. Then life happened. Money problems, job,kids, etc and I stopped working out and I started to eat. I laid in bed late this morning. Mentally I told myself to go workout but I went to sleep. I came here to this post for some encouragement as well. Maybe we can encourage each other. At least we acknowledged that we have met a minor speed bump. This is the hard part of working out. Yes, we are going to stop, now we just have to get back up again. Once we get back on board we can look back and laugh.

    Michele in California :happy:
  • thatcat61
    thatcat61 Posts: 7
    I just recently joined MFP bu I've been in the process of losing weight since November '09. In fact, I'm at 92 lbs total loss, 8 pounds from 100! That having been said, there were many times over the months where I fell off the wagon. Being sick really kicks you, and add exhaustion to it, and it's a recipe for 'falling off'.

    So many here said just exactly the right thing. Shopping for the week was mentioned and I can testify that this tactic Does work. When it's there and easy to grab, you will. That two hours of prep on the weekend to attack your work week will really make the difference.

    Dani talked about your goal, and I think for me, that is the key factor. I'm not here to actually lose weight. Much as I need it. My goal is to control my diabetes by diet alone so I do not have to take insulin. Sorry, but I've seen the real effects of diabetes. I Do Not want to lose my eyesight, nor my feet, nor do I wish to be wheeled about in a chair while people gaze at me pitifully. POWERFUL motivation factor. *grin*

    I was overweight for years and every time the doctor said, no diabetes, I was so smug. As if I could be one of the lucky fat people.... it can and will catch up with you. If you think dieting normally is hard, try it with diabetes. I eat no bread, no potatoes, no rice, no pasta. And though I can now allow myself an occasional meal with rice or dreamfields pasta it just isn't that worth it to me. So.. I've had to change my life permanently, and drastically.

    So find the thing that is truly your goal. Weight can be controlled and you've already proven that to yourself. You know you can do it. Dani mentioned wanting to walk with her kids and that just harks back to being healthier. Feeling good in your skin. Why in heck should food keep you from doing that? You are the mistress and food is Your slave, not vice versa! :)
  • suzannehmngbrd
    suzannehmngbrd Posts: 10 Member
    I agree, I need to prepare my foods in advance and have them with me at all times. That is my new goal this week. Need to go shopping
  • suzannehmngbrd
    suzannehmngbrd Posts: 10 Member
    excellent weight loss, keep up the good work, how do you keep motivated?
  • thatcat61
    thatcat61 Posts: 7
    For me the weight loss just follows because I control my sugar. As of yesterday my doctor finally gave me the official title of controlled diabetic. The word controlled makes me feel so good.

    The thing is I guess I've had this goal before and then did the ostrich dance, sticking my head in the sand and ignoring the repercussions when I didn't follow the regimen. Perhaps it was the death of my husband who was ten years younger than I and died from a heart attack. All his arteries but one were clear, but the one was 98% blocked and a blood clot caused instant death. He was 38 years old. I had been losing prior to that but the impact of not taking care of your body hit me very hard. I don't think I'll ever lose my focus now on what is important.
  • mm3898
    mm3898 Posts: 138 Member
    For me there are two thoughts that run through my head when I feel the urge to run screaming from the so-called wagon:
    1. If i do treat myself today, that doesn't mean EVERY day will be a treat day. I can control my treat days and limit them, because I am motivated *keep repeating until I actually believe it*
    2. I've done the whole treat day thing before and NEVER, EVER end up feeling good about it. One treat occasionally? I feel fine. But a whole *woo hoo lets go for the onion rings and wine!* day never makes me feel happy. Remember the feeling of when you last "fell off the wagon" and it might help you to hang on to it now for dear life!

    Best of luck!

  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I've had a few of those days this week and only just got it together today. Well done for being focused for 6 weeks, that's a great achievement. Some things that may help.
    - put the past behind you, you can't change it
    - don't 'start tomorrow', 'next week' 'on the 1st' etc, start NOW
    - plan your food the night before and log it into the site. That way when you wake up you already know what you're going to eat and you'll also know that there really is no room for 'extras'
    - plan in a little of something you like each day, (for me it's a weight watchers mini carrot cake slice after dinner as I jave a real sweet tooth!!!)
    - try to cook and pre freeze a few days meals in advance so that when you're hungry the longest you'll have to wait is 3 mins whilst it defrosts in the microwave
    - know that this is a lifestyle change and not something you're doing 'until you lose the weight'

    Hope this helps. Be positive and KNOW that you can do it!!!!!
  • Thanks everyone for the the advice and encouragement! Today was a better day, and I will try to take it one day at a time. Plus now I've got some meals and snack pre-prepared, so I'm ready to attack the week ahead. Thanks again for the support! Hope everyone has a great monday... :smile:
  • This is a great thread. Everyone has really good advise and tips to share. I have been down this road as well and it is not a good feeling. Thanks for the tips everyone :flowerforyou:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    What motivates me is I want to be healthy. I don't think of myself as being on a diet. I just think of it as learning how to eat right and be fit. If one day I don't eat quite within the range I have set up I will tomorrow.

    Working with patients and seeing them so sick and unhealthy is my motivation every time I go to work. Not to end up on that end of the hospital bed. I eat smaller and I eat healthier. I move instead of sit and I know that I will do this tomorrow and the next day and the next. Not just for 30 days or 50 days but for the rest of my life. So for me, that has taken a lot of the pressure off. It really is one day at a time.
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    Practice instant forgiveness. Take each moment as it comes, and make the best choices you can. Don't beat yourself up, just let it roll off your shoulders and keep working. This isn't just a diet--you want this to be lifetime thing, right? So don't worry about a bad week or day or month...just drink lots of water and remember you are worth it!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    My first 6 weeks with MFP were great. I logged every day, stuck with my goals and I've been pleased with the results. But, this past week excuses have piled up (i.e. I worked 87 hours this week, there's been several socal outings, I'm tired and I caught a bad cold). So, now I find that I've completely fallen off the wagon. I only logged twice this week and when I did I was WAY over my calorie goal. Every morning I've been like "Ok today I'm going to stick to my game plan," but somewhere along the way it falls apart. I did have great discipline, but now it's as if it has disappeared. Any tips for getting back on track?? I don't want to lose everything I've work for thus far.

    Exactly, you have worked hard up until the wagon falloff, it would be a hell of a shame to not continue - all that work :frown:

    Do you log on to MFP via your computer or do you have an i-phone or do you have both? Although I log onto MFP via my PC, during the day I use my i-phone to input absolutely everything I eat and drink, that way I am continuously keeping tabs on my calories and what is going on. However, if you don't have an i-phone or continuous access to a PC, it is a bit more difficult.

    Make a conscious decision that as from the morning you will forgive yourself and start afresh. What made you have excellent discipline before? If you can remember clearly you can get that back and some of the inspirational stories on MFP are enough to get anybody going on a good eating and exercise plan. The times I read some of those and each time it gets me even more resolved, I end up like a bloody machine! :laugh:
  • I have days where I fall off. last week was a bad one because I was away on what I was calling a vacaton while my "friend" was calling it something else, which in all seriousness it was, but I had ice cream, onion rings, and never once worked out. I paid the price with a few pounds being added on but I'm down a pound from then within that week so I can't complain.

    The worst for me is when I wake up late and can't make my eggs so then I end up buying a sandwich at work (bagel, egg, cheese, sausage) and it throws my entire day off, but I only blame myself because I didn't wake up in time ect. There's many ways around it and seriously, it takes so little time to scramble eggs and then toss it in a tupperware, it's actually what I did today and then I ate it once I got to work.

    I recently synced my facebook to MFP and I have a number of co-workers on FB. I constantly get asked about the site, what I eat, what i do to stay fit ect. ect. It's a nice motivation to continue on and even if I'm not losing as much at the rate I want, people are taking notice and that helps me get back on track.

    But I also feel that you can't deny yourself everything and a small "treat" is worth it, if you realize that it must be small and not very often.
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