Need some buddies!

Hey guys!

I've been on here since January 2013 but only stumbled across the wonders of the community page last week, and since then, many things have changed.
I am actively searching for some MFP buddies who will help motivate me and support me through the various stages I am going through. After going on a low calorie diet for a while, I realized it a) wasn't helping me consume enough nutrients to survive properly, b) I would binge every other weekend and whine for a whole week just trying to get back to where I was by purging, and c) I was unhappy because I was 'skinny-fat', not in shape... so yeah. Now I am working towards reaching TDEE level (week 1 of trying to get there!) and maintaining for about 8-12 weeks before making my cut in calories in a healthier way and work towards a new me.

In return, I hope I can help to motivate and support YOU, and as they say, the more the merrier, right? We can keep each other focused when discouraged and cheer each other on when a new goal has been reached.

Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE cooking and experimenting in the kitchen, so along the way, we can trade healthy and delicious recipes, if you would like.

I look forward to everyone and anyone's requests :)



  • vivalalace
    I would like to be buddies! My biggest problem, I think, is that I really do love food, and I enjoy cooking. I just started attempting to lose weight this week so I'm still trying to get used to everything. I do work out, but I am worried that it won't be enough and that I'll slip up somehow. I've been looking for some healthy, low cal recipes that my husband will still eat so anything you have to share is appreciated!
  • valmegb
    valmegb Posts: 38 Member
    I started on here a week ago and am struggling a bit!

    I'll attempt to motivate you if you do the same for me, please!
  • LizzyAlexandra
    I would like to be buddies! My biggest problem, I think, is that I really do love food, and I enjoy cooking. I just started attempting to lose weight this week so I'm still trying to get used to everything. I do work out, but I am worried that it won't be enough and that I'll slip up somehow. I've been looking for some healthy, low cal recipes that my husband will still eat so anything you have to share is appreciated!

    As long as you eat healthy, exercise and have a balanced lifestyle, you should slip up :) I'll send you some recipes later on today, and hope they will be good.

    Always have a positive mindset, because that is a huge step in the right direction!
    Looking forward to being buddies
  • LizzyAlexandra
    I started on here a week ago and am struggling a bit!

    I'll attempt to motivate you if you do the same for me, please!

    If there are any questions, don't hesitate to message me. It took me some time to adjust as well, and would love to ease your struggles :)
    And of course I will motivate you!
  • vivalalace
    Thank you!
  • dczebiniak
    dczebiniak Posts: 14 Member
    I could use some buddies too!!! Its always good to have a group of people to bounce ideas of exercises and diet off of!!:smile:
  • Lieann22
    Lieann22 Posts: 67 Member
    I am a massive foodie as well. I love trying out new healthy meals.

    I am very up beat and motivated in mind and body. I would like some friends to help and share with along the way.
  • meri002
    meri002 Posts: 3
    I wuld love some buddies also. I've bee using this app for over a year and I just discovered the message boards. A little motivation might help me get back on track with my diet.
  • LizzyAlexandra
    Quite a few posts since I last looked, difficult to quote all.

    Anyways, I am so excited to have so many people on board! Really looking forward to it.
    I have to run for the time being since a friend arrived for a couple of days and we are meeting up to have a chat, but I will get back to everyone regarding some great recipes, and we can do this together :)
  • youareorange
    youareorange Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me! I will try and motivate as much as I can :)
  • carloc
    carloc Posts: 135 Member
    You are welcome to add me. This is a great site and the friends we make a long the way are wonderful. I love cooking too, sharing new ideas is always welcome.
  • Heevenlee83
    any one feel free to add me as well
  • SweetpeaHu
    SweetpeaHu Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me. I just joined 5 days ago.
  • Daveb1355
    Daveb1355 Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me. I love the support on MFP.
  • FettsLady
    FettsLady Posts: 82 Member
    I will send you a friend request. Anyone else, feel free to add me! I get on daily and love the community here. Always good for a bit of encouragement :)
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    feel free to add me anyone and everyone is always welcome to
  • Mindfreak1999
    Add me, love supporting people :smile:
  • amariecruz89
    amariecruz89 Posts: 83 Member
    You're welcome to add me, we can do this!
  • cak2011
    cak2011 Posts: 6 Member
    I need all the buddies I can get as well! I love to track what I eat and exercise. I love to share my food diary as well. I really holds me accountable if I know someone is viewing what I eat on a daily basis. Also love to see what others are eating and snacking on because it gives me ideas. Please feel free to add me. :)
  • LizzyAlexandra
    Hey guys, adding you all :)
    Bear with me as I go through sending requests, need to make sure I haven't missed anyone out!!!