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Need to hear from former bingers/food addicts



  • mikeberthold
    mikeberthold Posts: 24 Member
    As opposed to many here, I still indulge, but I track everything and stick to my daily goal as much as possible.

    This means that the 2.5L tub of smarties ice cream (smarties in Canada are like M&Ms but better) I got at Costco at the start of January lasted ten weeks. I just had my last serving two days ago.

    It would have lasted a week, ten days tops before I started MFP. In fact, since my wife and I started we've noticed all sorts of things lasting a lot longer. Some of it even expires and gets thrown out, which is a shame but better than trying to eat it all before it expires. Our food bill has gone down significantly.
  • themanda04
    themanda04 Posts: 60 Member
    i log everything. EVERYthing. even if it's bad, even if i don't want to admit i ate it. i gets put in that darn log. most of my stuff gets pre-logged, which helps me a lot as far as meal planning and knowing where my mouth is going to be all day. :) i typically have the same breakfasts and lunches for convenience sake more than anything else, so it's easy. then i can really think about dinner and what i want to invest in. if i want something 'bad', i eat it. i just manage it so that it falls within my numbers for the day.

    portion size has been a huge issue for me. i had to really learn what a PORTION was, rather than just slapping a bunch of crap on a plate and eating until i was uncomfortable. so if the bag tells me what a portion is, i count it out or measure it out and eat it. if i want more, i do the same thing. usually...i don't want a second serving so it's all good.

    for ice cream and stuff, i buy lower fat versions that are pre-packaged...like skinny cow ice cream sandwiches. that way i don't have to worry about going outside of a typical serving size and i know exactly how many cals i've just used.

    i see very consistent weight loss, and don't deny myself anything. i feel great.
  • soundjunkie
    soundjunkie Posts: 41 Member
    I did this...I was a binger and a food addict. I would drive a 100 miles for a special pizza, burger, food place. It is good to recognize you have a problem. Therapists can help somewhat, but you need a support group such as OA (Overeaters Annonymous to work a program of recovery. I was in the program for over a year and it helped me immensely. Someone in the group recommended myfitnesspal and so here I am! I eat what I plan each day and record everything I eat. I've lost 18 pounds so far! Yippee! Long way to go but heh!
  • saralayne42
    saralayne42 Posts: 27 Member
    Good on ya for recognizing your issues! I'm a former binge eater also. It took a lot of help from family and friends but I've managed to keep the Binge Monster at bay for many months now. I can recognize one coming on and have been able to stop it. (as a matter of fact, I just now had to stare down a plate of cookies and tell it NO)

    I cleaned out the pantry, fridge and freezer. I cannot have things like cookies, ice cream, so on even in the house. I also enlisted a couple of close friends to be my lifeline. When I felt a binge coming on, I could call them and they would either talk me off the ledge or come get me out of the house. We'd go for a walk or something - just so I didn't have to be near the triggers.

    Now that I'm eating more healthfully and exercising more, I notice I don't crave those foods like I used to. And when I do have those foods, I do not like how they make me feel. It's a long, hard road - but you can do it! Please feel free to add me or message me, I've been there.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    For me it was a cooking challenge.

    For every junk I would crave I would research a healthy alternative to cook.

    I want chips...I learned to make pita chips
    want ice cream...make my own frozen yogurt
    craving cookies...make 2 ingredient cookies with oats and banana's
    Craving candy...have fruit

    the only junk I can't find an alternative too is hot chocolate....any ideas?

    you can do it, you just got to keep at it until your body and mind adjust to the change. took me about a month (and I still cheat every now and then and feel like crap)
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    I second, third, fourth the importance of measuring portions and logging everything, ideally before eating it. And I don't make anything off limits. If I want Oreos, I log a serving to make sure it fits in my calories/macros for the day. If so, I eat them. If not, I work out to burn those calories, and then I eat them lol. I have issues with "forbidden fruit". If I make something off limits, it just makes me want it more. I'm losing weight at a slow and healthy pace (about 3/4-1 pound per week). I walk 3 days per week and lift weights 3 days per week. Sometimes I'm over my numbers, sometimes I'm under. I've found it easier to look at the big picture and calculate calories in/out on a weekly basis rather than daily, which allows for some oops days and some awesome days.

    And I'm totally with the previous poster who said they've become a calorie counting addict instead of a food addict...same here!
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Therapy was really helpful for me. My therapist taught me that it was never about the food. I was eating to fill something in my heart that was never going to be filled with ice cream. I highly recommend talking with someone. They can help you develop new coping mechanisms and get to the root of why you binge. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    This. And read books on emotional eating. I truly believe that in order to heal, I need to develop better coping mechanisms than eating. I need to figure out my triggers and how to deal with those without a quart of baskin robbins.
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member

    the only junk I can't find an alternative too is hot chocolate....any ideas?

    One cup of milk, cocoa (like what you'd use for cooking) and then just a tsp of sugar
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    first I enrolled myself in a christian based course which is helping me a lot. one of things someone encouraged me to do is to buy a 3 ring notebook. with paper and dividers.

    section 1 thankful section everytime I am tempted ot binge I write 5 things I am thankful for

    section 2 mind dumping journal this is where I write down everything I am feeling it doesn't matter if it makes any since

    section 3 positive affirmation section everytime you are tempted to binge write down something you like about yourself

    this will get your focus off to something else

    the first step is awareness so kudos to you for recognizing the need to change

    you can do all things through christ who strengthens you.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    First of all I know I am only human and I will still have days where I binge...it is life and it is going to happen. I don't beat myself up over it, I forget it when my head hits the pillow that night and start fresh.

    For me I cannot keep my weaknesses in the house. Late at night when I get bored and lonely is when I binge. If there is nothing to binge on I go to bed! LOL

    When there is temptation I go look in the mirror, look at the changes I have made in my body and ask myself, is it really worth it. Do I want my goals or do I want a couple minutes of satisfaction that leads to upset after. Sometimes I win, sometimes the binge wins.

    I really find eating clean helps a lot. I just get into the mindset that food is fuel not for enjoyment, consume what I need to fuel my body so I can workout hard and go with it!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    It's a long process and there will be a lot of failures. I binged twice last week. After losing 70+ pounds, I have decided to lower my goals to 1 pound per week for the last 40-50 pounds I want to lose. I plan on losing a little more than that per week but at least I know that if I eat max calories then I am at still on track to lose 1lb per week. I believe that this new approach will work because I don't feel depressed and hungry and miserable all the time. I am very excited about it because for a while I was panicking. After many months of success I was suddenly binging again but I've felt so good since eating more, I think I'm back on track. Trust me, I know the urge to binge very well and eating 10,000 calories in a day would not be hard for me to do. Use MFP every day and log everything you eat as accurately as you can. Don't try to lose too much too fast. Weight loss is mostly diet. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. Eat nutritious foods whenever possible but don't be a fanatic about it. Try to eat a balanced diet, don't forget to eat fruits and veggies every day. Frozen veggies are your friend. Find an exercise that you enjoy and stick with it. I did c25k and I am now training for a full marathon. If you screw up and binge, just accept that it happened and move on. The overall calorie surplus from binging does not mean that you have screwed it all up and should quit. Just continue on the next day, eating as you normally would within your calorie limit. Good luck! Ask your doctor before starting any changes to your lifestyle!
  • First, to the person looking for a hot chocolate alternative: Swiss Miss has a diet hot chocolate (25 calories a packet - use water to make of course).

    Second, to the OP. I so know exactly where you're coming from. You asked at one point about cutting out sugar entirely: DON'T DON'T DON'T. Sooner or later, your system will rebel against the abrupt cessation of everything and you will probably find yourself gorging because you feel deprived.

    Clearly I'm not an expert because I'm going slow, but I've found that I can easily work in a treat on a regular basis (Publix Premium Frozen Yogurt: 140 cals/.5 cup). I've discovered the bliss that is Greek Yogurt (Key lime and lemon...MMMMM). I have bad days (yesterday - pizza and cookies...but I only went over my calorie goal by 500, which is a lot better than it would have been in the past, and I'd still lose weight if I went over like that EVERY day, which I don't and won't).

    My problem has never been huge snacking...it was portion control and my "sneak treats" - candy when I'd be out shopping, sugared soda, and the like. But chips...meh. I'm more likely to eat cheese than I am chips. At least that can be sort of healthy.