Calories burned from circuit training

I do circuit training a few days a week. It takes me roughly 30 minutes to get through the 10 or so machines. I do 3 sets and 12 reps. MFP estimates I burn 300 calories but I'm not sure how accurate it is. I don't really trust their estimations anyway. I am thinking about not including the circuit training in my diary. Is that a good or bad idea? Do you think their estimations are close based on the length of my training (30 mins)


  • krhale11
    krhale11 Posts: 8
    You should definitely include in your MFP diary. I would suggest getting a heart rate monitor. I have a new balance one, it was only about $50 but it makes my workouts better. Not only does it really/accurately measure your calories burned, but it also helps you push yourself since exercise is very much mental.

    Just an idea to get accurate numbers, but I'd definitely still record it.