Only 500 Calories Today!

WindHauler Posts: 35
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Since I ate so much yesterday I ate an onion for my little breakfast. 63 Calories! UGH! My diary is free to look at if anyone wants it. I went over my carbs a bit yesterday too. I'm ashamed.


  • WindHauler
    WindHauler Posts: 35
    I have a fear now if I eat something that is just about 300 calories I'd get fat. I'm really taking this hard. I got myself to think if I eat 1,000 less then what MFP says too I'd lose weight faster. I need advice, motivation, support, whatever it takes.. thanks! I'm afraid I'll become anorexic if I keep this up. =(
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I only really learned this this week but if you're eating so few calories your body will be or will go into starvation mode and you WON'T lose any weight. Please, please please read my post and the wonderful responses I received and it should help you get through this 'food fear' :smile:
  • WindHauler
    WindHauler Posts: 35
    Aha! Thank you. I need to learn to trust the caculator MUCH more then I am doing now. Thank you so much. I need to get over the act that it just won't happen over night. Thanks again.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Hi. I just glanced at your diary, and I'm a bit confused. It looks like your goal is 1800 calories per day... but yesterday, you earned 370 more from exercise bringing you up to 2100 that you were supposed to eat, and you were UNDER that. The only thing you went over on at all was fat! That being the case, there is no way you need to only eat 500 calories today!

    Just wanted to point this out, in your "breakfast" section for yesterday your ranch dressing was obviously wrong, since it was listed as only calories and no carbs or fat. I see that you have ranch listed as a snack, if that was meant to correct the first ranch, then you forgot to delete the first one, meaning that you ate even LESS calories than you thought- almost 200 less!

    Looking back at your other days, you are barely eating anything. Even if you DID splurge yesterday (even though you didn't!), that could have been added to the day BEFORE to make up for it instead of adding it to today and eating less today!

    I know how it feels that sometimes you are eating too much even if you accounted for it, and even if the site tells you that you are ok. I struggle with that too. Even if I have enough leftover calories and fat to have a piece of toast with real butter, I feel like that is going to kill me. When I eat a big dinner or have something sweet after dinner, I feel like I'm hurting myself, even though I KNOW that I have room for it and it will be ok. That is hard to get over. But there is so much good information and good people on this site who will tell you that it is essential to eat at least 1200 calories a day to be healthy AND to lose weight. Eating less than that isn't ok. And if what you put into the site is to lose weight, you WILL lose. Just give yourself time. You've only just joined this month! =)
  • WindHauler
    WindHauler Posts: 35
    Kuudos to you, you are absolutely right. Thank you a million times! Best of luck to you!
  • Saturday's entry didn't look too bad, to be honest. You stayed under your calorie goal and ate a couple salads. I personally would've picked a different leafy green for the salads and used less salad dressing, but otherwise it looked okay.
  • nikmaack
    nikmaack Posts: 28 Member
    My advice -- trust the system, and keep track of extra exercise you do. It's actually possible to eat a lot, and still lose weight -- so long as you burn more fuel than you use.

    My diary is open, have a look. I actually do a LOT of walking, because I have dogs and refuse to own a car. The result is I end up with a lot of extra calories I can eat.

    Mind you, I'm still trying to make healthy choices, food-wise. One thing to do is to try to make sure you get a lot of protein, so that you lose FAT and not MUSCLE. So, much to my amazement, I'm eating protein bars and shakes -- and I am no gym going muscle head. I just find them convenient.

    You mentioned eating anything more than 300 calories freaks you out. So long as your daily total is under, don't worry too much. Some of the protein bars I eat are over 300 calories, by themselves! ;-)

    Good luck.

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Have you thought about spreading your calories more evenly throughout the day? I eat 5-6 times/day, generally between 250-400 calories at each 'meal,' allowing myself 1900 calories on the day (because I'm generally burning 2600 according to my Bodybugg). I find that eating small, frequent meals prevents those cravings, keeps me fueled thorughout the day, and keeps me more 'honest' to my nutrition.

    Also, I'd really tried to find more natural foods to eat. Those processed 'meals' that come in a box or carton, while easy, are generally loaded with calories, fat and sodium (as well as preservatives) that could be lessened if made au natural.

    While I'm much older than you, so I probably have more control over my kitchen than you do in yours (I'm assuming, forgive me if I'm wrong), I've learned a ton about nutrition and eating over the past year. Feel free to look at my own diary (which included Domino's pizza last night!) for some ideas.
  • nahhan12
    nahhan12 Posts: 79
    I have a fear now if I eat something that is just about 300 calories I'd get fat. I'm really taking this hard. I got myself to think if I eat 1,000 less then what MFP says too I'd lose weight faster. I need advice, motivation, support, whatever it takes.. thanks! I'm afraid I'll become anorexic if I keep this up. =(

    No offense but you sound anorexic already! I struggled with disordered eating and obsessive dieting for years so I now how it can be. It's hard at first to trust the calorie goal that MFP gives you and that eating more calories will actually help you lose weight. But it's true! I used to go on 500 calorie a day diets and I'd lose 5 pounds a week, BUT I'd be a wreck emotionally and mentally. I'd be obsessing over everything and could only keep it up for 2 weeks max. Then I'd eat everything in sight and gain the weight back in days.

    I've been on MFP for 1 month now and have steadily lost 5 pounds and 6 inches and have kept it off. My weight has not jumped around or fluctuated at all like it used to. AND, the best part is, I've been eating 1500-1800 calories a day depending on if I exercised or not. Trust the system. It works. Give it 1 month and stay within 100 calories of the calorie goal MFP set for you, eat most of your exercise calories, and see what the scale and your measurements say.
  • julialee
    julialee Posts: 15 Member
    I recommend you read this post if you haven't already:

    Dropping to such few calories will hurt your body AND mess up your weight loss significantly. I'm not sure which is more important to you--you will have to figure that out, but you can cause significant damage to your body AND your metabolism.

    Due to medical issues which have caused me to never process food and absorb nutrients appropriately, my body functionally acts as if I have been anorexic (or in starvation mode) for my entire life. After a year of treatment, I am finally doing better, but not without permanent damage from lack of nutrients (including chronic joint pain, memory loss, severe fatigue, hair loss, dental issues, heart valve problems, and osteoporosis--and I'm 28). This is not to mention the difficulty I had during childhood development.

    I am finally getting healthy and I'm working on improving my strength and metabolism (when I started getting better--I gained a lot of weight from finally absorbing calories!). I'm currently eating 1200-1500 calories per day, working out 1-3 hours per day, and I CANNOT lose weight. My metabolism is at rock-bottom and it's incredibly difficult to turn it around. I had a relapse earlier this year and was so sick I couldn't really keep any calories down (maybe consuming 100-300 per day). When I started to get better, I was gaining weight by eating 500 calories. This is what you body does when it is starved--it will do whatever it can to keep calories and stay alive!!! I also ended up incredibly weak, because your body burns the muscle first, not the fat.

    I am not looking for sympathy or to talk further about my medical issues, but I am telling you this b/c maybe you can stop doing to yourself what my body did to me. There is NO point in choosing this! Set goals to eat healthy (i.e.--how many fruits and veggies you will eat per day) and exercise. Don't set goals based on weight loss. Research shows that programs based on weight loss can cause people to cheat or cut corners by starving themselves or other unhealthy behaviors.

    Good luck!
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