Just joined :) struggling!!

Hi all, as title states I've just joined myfitnesspal, I don't have much weight to lose, I'd like to lose 10lbs , although need to lose 17lb to get to pre-preg weight, my baby is 7months. I'm 5'6 and 144lb.

My problem is I have no idea what to eat! I had 'issues' when younger and starved a lot and as a result lost weight, Ive never known how to lose weight healthily, that may seem really stupid to some people. I have a bad habit of eating little or nothing all day then from about 6pm I want to eat everything in sight!

Today for example.

9am glass of water
12pm bowl of Cheerios
5pm weight watchers meal

That was me all day until 6pm when I had tea and a biscuit, then another, then another, then thought I might as well have a slice of toast now, why not those packet of crisps and so on!! It's a cycle that I can't break! Please don't tell me it's easy, just eat regularly and quit evening binges as I'm trying but I just have no idea what to eat! I'm a useless cook and have zero imagination!

I'm also on day 4 level 1 of 30 day shred, I'm really unfit and never stick to these DVDs but I'm relly motivated by this one and actually enjoying it despite it kicking my *kitten*!

Tomorrow Is a new day and I'm determined to do this!! I'm in awe of the people go had lost loads and loads of weight and im embarrassed that I'm struggling so much!


  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    you can add me if you want. One thing you should do is open your diary. let us see yours and check out ours. We learn from each other.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    You are struggling because you let yourself get ravenous hardly eating all day except for a few carbs. I eat three meals and at least three snacks, totaling about 1400 calories. I'm at maintenance now (5'1", 102 pounds). Here's a sample of what I have eaten today so far:

    microwaved Granny Smith apple with cinnamon and nutmeg topped with 1/3 cup of my favorite ganola
    Yoplait lite yogurt
    chicken tikki masala (made at home with chicken breast and jarred masala sauce)
    basmati rice 1/2 cup
    string cheese
    sliced strawberries with shredded coconut

    I still plan to eat: sirloin steak stir fry with peppers, onions, carrots, broccoli and sugar snap peas, air-popped popcorn, a glass of wine, and a slice of sugar free banana cream pie that I made yesterday from sugar-free pudding.

    I lost 35 pounds eating this way. It is something I can maintain forever. Don't starve yourself and don't get hungry. That won't work.
  • dixielawgirl
    dixielawgirl Posts: 437 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend on here. I'm very active, and try to encourage my friends as much as possible!
  • Hi feel free to add me I have an open diary and know how much I have learnt from looking at others. I have found that you really do need to take time out to eat properly during the day, by doing this I can now eat dinner and do not (usually) want anything else
  • YUM!!! :smile:
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Welcome! Try to pick healthy foods that aren't processed or at least cut back. For breakfast try an omelette full of veggies & a bit of meat or yogurt with fresh berries in it. Decide if you will do better with 3 meals or meals with little snacks midway between such as:

    8am - omelette
    10am - apple (or something you like hat's healthy)
    12pm - salad or a healthy sandwich made with whole grain bread
    3pm - cheese stick ( same idea as morning snack)
    6pm - healthy dinner

    Depending on how much I eat for breakfast I may or may not have a morning snack. I like to divide my calories so its like 450 calories for the 3 main meals & divide what's left over between the snacks. Obviously the more protein, fiber & water you eat the fuller you will feel. Good luck & check out the other chats that are going on.
  • Thank you all :)
    I'm still figuring out this site so will get round to fining out how to add people and open my diary.

    I Did go shopping tonight and loaded up on veg (which I never eat) salad, baked potatoes, tuna, pita pockets and chicken breasts so I guess thats a start and a step away from all the processed foods I usually eat and not a weight watchers meal in sight!

    Definitely starting fresh tomorrow, I'm enjoying 30ds and don't want my diet to ruin any results.

    Thank you again :)
  • how do you open a diary?
  • Grace4DebraAnn
    Grace4DebraAnn Posts: 124 Member
    Hello Struggling, it will be ok. But one thing you need to do is to start eating throughout the day.
    am snack
    pm snack

    When you eat a little something throughout the day it keeps your body going and your metabolism going. Waiting until late in the day to eat all your calories isn't good for your body. Hope this helps, feel free to add me as a friend if you want ideas I share my diary and log in daily. Good luck and hang in there.

    Debra :smile:
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I enjoy eating and find that I feel my best if I eat pretty frequently----so find lower calorie, higher protein things to eat every few hours and that will also (hopefully) keep you from binging during the evenings.

    Banana or apple and tbs of peanut butter
    Greek yogurt
    piece of whole wheat bread and pb
    slice of turkey/cheese

    stuff like that
  • PiperGabrielle
    PiperGabrielle Posts: 31 Member
    Just try to eat breakfast every day. It really starts up you metabolism. Then you will be hungry at lunch and then hungry at dinner and not starving in the evening.
  • PiperGabrielle
    PiperGabrielle Posts: 31 Member
    how do you open a diary?
    Go to settings at the top of the page, then choose Diary Settings. At the bottom of the page there will be privacy settings. Make it public. This is so your food diary can be seen by everyone, not just yourself or your friends.
  • Protein with breakfast is a key! It takes longer for your body to process. I get the evening "hunger cravings" also. Make that your activity or exercise time. It's when my daughter goes to bed that I start snacking; get active instead. I have lost over forty-five pounds over the last year. My diabetes is gone, and I feel much better. Make yourself a priority!
  • KatjaNZ
    KatjaNZ Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add my if you'd like.
    As mentioned before don't starve through the day and start eating everything in your way at night time.
    My diary is open to friends and I eat regularly and quite healthy.
    Lost 3 kg over 3 month, goal is to lose 8kg.
  • kimmyrn42
    kimmyrn42 Posts: 30
    I find that if I eat a good breakfast then my evening binges completely go away...make a point to eat every 3-4 hours. Plenty of hydration throughout the day. If you have trigger foods try and create a lower fat version. And if you really want a biscuit then eat it! I am a HUGE milk chocolate eater...I am currently almost twenty days from my last piece of any candy...has it been hard? YES...is it worth it? YES...feel free to add me...my diary is open so you can see what works for me, perhaps get some ideas...good luck to you.
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    Welcome!! I can so relate to that pattern. I was a chronic over-restricter, and still have days I struggle with keeping my head in the game.

    First off... 7 month post pregnancy, you are doing GREAT! The whole "bounce back" thing you see with celebs is really not realistic!

    One thing that has really helped me is to ONLY eat when it is planned, and I log my food, put it on a plate, and go sit to enjoy it. NO MORE grabbing a bit of this and a bit of that. If you don't want to see it ALL on a plate (not a portion, then grab another, then another...) and you don't want to log it, you don't eat it. It really helps!!! It will take some practice, but you'll get there.

    And yes, eat regularly! Set a timer... 3 hours. No more! Make it COUNT. Eat till you feel satisfied. Don't have a "tide-me-over" trying to "save" calories! You will feel deprived and cave and then feel miserable!!!

    Good luck! Use the forums. I also have found the eatmore2weighless website really helpful! I didn't have a clue that I was doing soooo much damage to my metabolism. It's awful to try to regroup from that. Don't get there with a restricted diet! Take it slow, eat enough, don't trash your metabolism or you WILL regret it later!!!
  • kae_blah
    kae_blah Posts: 180 Member
    A different approach!

    Try eating the way you were before signing up and start recording that honestly. Then after a couple days or a week start swapping out things for healthier choices.

    You do not need to be hungry to lose weight. You do not even need to give up all of the junk food and eating with family to close weight.

    I have sent a friend request you can accept if you like. My diary is open to friends.
  • Thank you all again. Taken on board all the advice. Today is almost finished and Im amazed at what I've eaten and not been hungry!
    continued with 30ds (day5) and today is the first time I'm really feeling it working!
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    You can add me and check my diary , I eat every 2-3 hours to keep my metabolism fired up, and it is really easy to follow..