clothes getting tighter not looser

I was doing mfp for bout 2 weeks really well, and then lapsed into "old habits" for bout a week, then I came to my senses and been on mfp for a week now but decided to try some of my clothes on that I thought fitted me well before st arting mfp and they are feeling really tight around bum and belly especially my jeans and pants can someone tell me why this is I walk every day and most days ride exercise bike except for the week I had off, most days I come under my calorie intake, please help its bit dissapointing, I know I wouldn't have lost much weight and that its going to take me 6-12 months to hit my ideal weight


  • Thinknight
    Thinknight Posts: 35 Member
    in my experience being consistent is the key with MFP. You say you followed it for two weeks and then fell back into old habits? In the week that you were back to normal did you not perhaps eat a bit more in the whole "man I have missed you lovely chocolate" kind of way? Im just guessing but if I slipped back for a whole week I think i would start eating more as I have missed the food so much!

    I would definitely say stay at it and you will see the results, the bike riding and walking will definitely help you firm up. I myself am more a calorie counting gal but each to their own. I have had a few slips since I started in January but the main point is to try and be better the next day.

    You can do it, just stick to it!:happy:
  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    Well, if your old habit are as bad as mine than you could have easily cancelled out whatever progress you have made earlier. Perhaps, you should try making more gradual changes. If you tend to eat too much, don't reduce your calories to a point when you feel hungry all day. If you don't exercise, don't begin working out like crazy every day of the week. It will take longer to reach your ideal weight this way but might help avoid getting trapped in an endless circle of yo-yo dieting. Begin by making one diet commitment + one exercise commitment per week and than go from there. The key is to change your habits, and not to just power through a couple of months. Permanent weightloss is not possible until you reach a point when forgoing a twinkie (or whatever you "drug" of choice is) is not a sacrifice at all.