Hello there - MFP Newbie

hello lovelies. i'm new to this today but am pretty impressed with it already!

i'm 24 and have always been a bigger girl. i've tried every fad diet going and nothing ever works.
over the past couple of weeks i have played around with the Slim Fast plan and lost 9lbs in the first week.
However, the shakes were making me be sick and i couldnt put up with it any longer. so i'm still following the principles of the slim fast plan but am substituting the shakes for healthy options upto the calories i'm allowed. actually after joining this i'll be eating slightly less than you do on the slim fast plan only around 100 or so as MFP tells me my daily allowance should be 1200 cals per day.

anyways. i love meeting and getting to know new people so come and say hi and any tips would be much appreciated :)



  • marazzi4
    marazzi4 Posts: 3
    i am on exactly the same diet.. ive been doin the slimfast plan for 12 days now..i find the strawberry shakes are fine, i cant stand the rest of them tho lol.. please add me if u would like to chat x
  • gcgrl788
    gcgrl788 Posts: 30
    What do you do for the slimfast plan?
  • tjadk23
    tjadk23 Posts: 13
    I am currently on the Slim Fast plan as well. I love the chocolate and vanilla shakes!! I workied great for me the first time I did it. I lost 25lbs, but then I found out I was pregnant and had to start packing on the calories. Anyhow, that was four years ago, and I am getting ready to go to Vegas to celebrate my stepdaughter's 21st birthday in August, so I started the Slim Fast plan to jumpstart my weight loss. Slim Fast is definitely not a long term thing, but it does get you counting calories so that you can make healthier choices when it comes to eating. Plus on the Slim Fast website, they have some very yummy recipes.
  • melissa987
    I have also done the slim fast and pretty much any other fad diet out there. Slim fast is a great way to jump start a diet. I usually have a shake for breakfast and a small lunch/dinner. I find it hard to have the shake for lunch...
  • gcgrl788
    gcgrl788 Posts: 30
    which shakes are the best? I'm a college student and rarely get time to eat breakfast (unless it's a poptart on the go).. maybe I could substitute that poptart for a slim fast shake and start my day off on the right foot.
  • dolliemixture
    awww i found the shakes sooo difficult to keep down. gave up in the end and have substituted them out. had a couple of bad days but am back following the plan religiously again from today. if anyone wants to add me please do. always up for a chat :)
  • dolliemixture
    i got the chocolate and the banana - the banana ones are nice blended with some ice <3 . the chocolate ones were making me sick. although they didnt taste too bad. so i'm not sure what was going on there lol.
  • F4play
    F4play Posts: 21
    Slim fast works because it forces u to eat at a drastic reduction in calorie terms most of the shakes contain 18-20g of sugar u could actually organise a diet far better eat more food and not feel as****ty if you made your own shkaes using real food just replace when it tells you to have a shake with somethjing homemade banana/yoghurt/protein powder mix etc

    Good luck with it
