Intermittant fasting

I have read about intermittant fasting, only eat in an 8 hour window. After that only low cal drinks (water). Anybody tried it?


  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    There are a few very recent threads on this.

    I support IF and tend to eat on this schedule. I eat from the time I wake up until 2p. After 2 I try not to eat. During the week this is much easier than the weekend.

    I eat on this schedule because I seem to metabolize food better when I eat it during the day.

    IF can get really involved. Google leangains. Or it can simply be a guidance for food consumption timing.

    Please don't believe the hogwash that your body will go into starvation mode, etc. You are still taking in your caloric goals but are making very specific decisions about when you are going to eat.
  • humidex8
    humidex8 Posts: 24 Member
    I've tried it and I really didn't get on with it.. I love eating in the evening! I'd get up early every morning starving haha! and have to wait for breakfast! In the end I caved and binged!

    But that's just me, and I'm a greedy so and so :P
  • boroko
    boroko Posts: 358 Member
    I've been doing it since the New Year and it's working for me. Various threads and groups going on MFP - look for 5:2. I find it an easy way to incorporate calorie reduction into a normal healthy lifestyle without having to fret about what I eat every day, but am also committed to it for long term maintenance due to the health benefits. If you are interested then I would suggest getting the 'Fast Diet' book by Dr Michael Moseley as this explains all the details.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    I like it. I usually take one, maybe even two hours off in between meals.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    Lots of info on it and even a group for it here.
    To each his own. I lived the IF life most of the year last year. I loved it because I don't care much for breakfast foods and I could eat larger meals. Sadly I learned that it doesn't work for me as I'd end up overeating later (you'd think "how is that possible" given all my calories were freed up to eat later in the day)....but somehow I managed and thus stayed in the same weight range for a whole year. Yay, go me. :/ I'm not done losing though so this was frustrating. For my body, I've learned I have to eat a small breakfast and I'm golden the rest of the day as my appetite stays in check. Hormones and crap. If you have any binge issues - be wary.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member

    Enter the words: Intermittent Fasting
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    I like it. I usually take one, maybe even two hours off in between meals.

  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I had mixed experiences depending on how I did it. I'm a woman, 41 yrs old, still overweight, have PCOS and am insulin resistant. All that stuff does matter, I think, as it seems younger women carrying less body fat and who are not metabolically challenged do better with the longer fasts.

    I started out by trying a very brief eating window--noon or 1pm until 4 or 5 pm. Had weird symptoms--spotting, felt cold, grouchy as hell. So I stopped that and didn't try again for some time. I was doing that about four times weekly, by the way, and gave it about two weeks trial period.

    Went back to eating breakfast, lunch, dinner as before and everything returned to normal.

    Then, some time later, I read about using bulletproof coffee in the morning as a way to IF. It made sense to me that it would be different and a bit less hard on the body, so I tried that for a month or so, and I didn't have the strange symptoms of before. I loved the BP coffee and used it daily before exercise. Then around 1 or 2, I would have lunch, dinner around 7 or 8, and then stop eating. I felt good, but I think ultimately it was too much BP coffee for me, and I wasn't eating enough protein. My weight loss stood still, so I quit with it.

    Now I'm having normal coffee and a scoop of whey protein, then going to the gym. I'm eating lunch following that (around 1pm or so), and then dinner around 7pm. After dinner, I don't usually eat anything unless I'm well under my protein or caloric goal. That seems to work great right now--I feel strong, and am not hungry during those morning workouts, and I'm able to eat enough of the stuff I'm supposed to. I like it because my breakfast is not so filling that it prevents me from feeling good during workouts, but there is a bit of protein involved, albeit liquid form. Actually, that might be why it feels better in my stomach. I also like to have more calorific lunches and dinners, so it works out well. We'll see how it goes over the course of the next month or so.

    Dizzle warned about binge issues--that's something that concerns me about certain types of IF, too.